lundi 1 novembre 2021

Pyrrhus war, River Dance: Rome Camille(II-10) - Syracuse (II-9)

 1) Aermies Compositions:

a) Rome: Général Cv, Equite Cv, levées 2xPs, Hasatis 2x4Bd, Princeptes 2xSp (red), Triani 2x Sp (yellow), Italiens 2x4Ax.

b) Syracuse: Général Cv/Sp Rd6=3: Sp, 6x Sp, Sp/Wb Rd6=4: Sp, Ax/Cv Rd6=1: Cv, Art/ Ax Rd6=1: Art , Lh, Ps.

2) Initiative: Rome 3+3; Syracuse: 2+5 -> Rome defender.

3) Terrain: arable. 2 Plugs (in 4 and 1), forest in 4 a gentil Hill in 2 a river (1->3) and a road (4->1).I know that it is one terrain  too much but since the river has to be ...

4) Déploiement.

a)Syracuse: start on side 1-2

b) Rome: from top to botton: Cv- Général, 2x 4Bd, Sp2x Ps in forest and othr side of road 2x 4Ax, the 3 Sp are around camp as reserve.

c) Syracuse:from top to botton: Lh and Cv , Art plus 2xSp behind, 3x Sp + Général and Ps. on road 2xSp. 

.Bound 1.

 a)Rome Pips=4 -> plug are good going terrain. Cv+ Géné croos the river Rd6= 2 so the river has no effect.  Cv+ Géné continue to advance on the hill, the 2x 4Bd+Sp advance also in the river (2BW) one Sp in reserve behind advance 2BW.

b) Syracuse Pips=4:  Cv contact Cv(r) and Lh go to align on left side to bring débord to Cv; Sp behind Art shift left and advance 1BW; Sp line (right to Art) advance 2BW.
Art vs Géné(r): 4+3 vs 4+1 Cv recoil
Cv vs Cv: 3+5 vs 3-1+3 -> Cv(r) recoil.

. Bound 2.
a) Rome Pips= 6. Cv contact Cv, Général recoil 1/2 BW- shifht 2BW left and advance 1Bw to contact Lh; 2x Ps go out forest and advance 3BW in river; the Bd-Sp line advance to align wit Ps, Sp behind continue to advance.
Cv vs Cv: 3+5 vs 3+1 -> Cv(s) dead
Géné vs Lh: 4+5 vs 2-1+6 -> Lh recoil.

Rome 1. - Syracuse 0.

b) Syracuse Pips=2. Géné Sp align with Lh  and put géné(r) in TZ, Sp behind Art go direction Hill. no shoting.

. Bound 3.
a) Rome Pips=6.  Cv+ Géné contact Lh+géné, one 4Bd advance on hill to protect the flank of the géné second 4Bd+ Sp+1ps go to align with the 4Bd, Sp behind advance behind Ps.
Géné vs Lh: 4+5 vs 2+6 -> Lh recoil
Cv vs généSp: 3+5 vs 5-1+3 -> Sp recoil

b) Syracuse Pips= 5.  2xSp on road advance for 0Pips 2BW, Sp contact Ps vor the forest and Ps come to bring a débord, other Sp contact the second Ps and one Sp bring a débord; on the Hill Lh align with Géné.
Art vs 4Bd: 4+6 vs 4+2 -> 4Bd recoil
 Sp vs Ps: 4+2 vs 2-1+2 -> Ps flee in forest
Sp vs Ps: 4-1+5 vs 2-1+4 -> Ps recoil.

. Bound 4.
a) Rome Pips= 6. Géné+Cv contact Lh+géné; 4Bd to Sp and second 4Bd as débord and Sp (red) to  Sp (align with 4Bd)  one Sp near camp advance 2BW. Ps for Sp recoil other side of river
Géné vs Lh: 4+2 vs 2+1 -> Lh dead
4Bd vs Sp: 5+4 vs 4+1+6 -> 4Bd recoil
Cv vs Géné Sp: 3+6 vs 5-1+5 -> Cv recoil

Rome 2. - Syracuse 0.

.Bound 4b.

Syracuse Pips=1. one Sp cloose the door of Sp.
Sp vs Sp; 4+2 vs 4-1+1+3 -> Sp (s) recoil.

.Bound 5.
a) Rome Pips= 5: Cv to géné and Géné close the door; 4Bd to Sp , 4bd to Art. Combat
4Bd vs Sp: 5+6 vs 4+1+5 -> Sp recoil
Cv vs gén´: 3+4 vs 5-2+5 -> Cv recoil
4Bd vsArt: 5+5+ vs 4+3 Art dead.

Rome 3. - Syracuse 0.

. Bound 5b+6.
syracuse Pips= 4. Sp tp Sp(red) other Sp close the door, 2xSp contact Sp (red) in  river
Sp vs 4Bd: 4+4 vs 5-1+3 ->4Bd recoil
Sp vs Sp: 4+6 vs 4-1+2 -> Sp(r) dead
Sp vs Sp(in river): 4+1+6 vs 4-1+4 -> Sp(r) recoil.

Rome 3. - Syracuse 1.

.Bound 6. a) rome pips=2. Cv to géné and Géné close the door
Cv vs Sp géné: 3+3 vs 5-2+2 Géné dead.

Rome 5. - Syracuse 1. victory for Rome.

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Serie 3 colision course - B6: ES vs Mendes

 1) army composition. a) Es: Ax/Ps -> Ps, b) Mende: Sp/4Bw->Sp, Cv/ Lh/Ax->Ax. 2)Initiative. a) ES=2+2, M =2+4 -> ES defender. 3...