mardi 30 novembre 2021

Pyrrhus War, Collision Course; Rome Camille(II-10) - Syrause(II-9)

 Battle Nr 9.

!) Armies Composition

a)Rome : Général Cv, Cv, 2yPs, 2x 4Bd, 2x2xSp, 2x 4Ax.

b) Syracuse: Général Sp/Cv Rd6=6 Cv, 6x Sp, Sp/Wb Rd6=2 -> Sp, Ax/Cv Rd6=2 ->Cv, Art/3Ax Rd8=3 -> 3Ax, Lh, Ps.

2) Initiative: Rome 3+6 vs Syracuse 2+2 -> Syracuse defender.

3) Terrain: Litoral -> WW, dificult Hill forest and marsh.

4) Déploiement.

WW in 1-2, hill in 1, forest in 2 and Marsh in 1
a) Rome arrive by side 1-4 in order to gain the hill.

b) Syracuse in 1-4 (in top of picture). Col 1: Ps, Cv, Géné. 3Ax; Col2: 4xSp, Bg; col3: Lh,3xSp.

c) Rome. Col1: 2xPs, Cv, Géné; Col2: 2x4Ax, 2xSp, Bg; col 3: 2x4Bd, 2xp.

.Bound 1.

a) Syracuse Pips= 5.
Ps advance 3BW in forest, Cv and Géné align with Ps, 3Ax advance in direction of forest. Col 2 advance 2BW.

b) Rome Pips= 4.2xPs advance 3BW on hill, colm 2 advance 2BW , Cv+Géné align after 3BW.

. Bound 2.
a) Syracuse Pips=6.
col 2 advance 2BW, then 4 pips for entrance of col3 2BW and 3Ax advance of other side of forest.

b) Rome Pips= 5.
2x Ps  go on the edge of other side of hill (2Pips), 2x4Ax of col 2 advance in direction of hill, 2xSp+Bg advance 2BW, Cv advance to protect Ps. 

. Bound 3.
a) Syracuse Pips= 6
3Ax contact one Ps(r) Ps contact second Ps(r), Cv+genéné contact Cv, col 2 advance 2BW and col3 advance also 2BW
Ax Vs Ps: 3+5 vs 2+1+1 -> Ps dead,
Ps vs Ps: 2+2 vs 2+1+5 -> Ps(s) dead
Cv vs Cv: 3+1 vs 3-1+6 -> Cv(s) dead.

Rome 2. - Syracuse 1.
b ) Rome Pips=1
Géné contact the Géné  -> 4+6 vs 4-1+6 -> Géné (s) recoil.

. Bound 4 and 5.
a) Syracuse Pips= 6.
Géné recoil 4BW, 3Ax contact Ps, col 2: 2nd Sp align left with 1st, 3rd Sp align right with 1st, Lh advance 4BW rest 3col advance 2BW. Ax vs Ps: 3+3 vs 2+1+6 Ax(s) recoil.
b) Rome Pips=4.Ps contct Ax and Cv close the door of Ax, 2xAx advance 2BW, and 2xSp+Bg advance 2BW.
Psvs Ax:2+1+5vs 3-1+1 -> Ax dead.
Rome 3. - Syracuse 1.
Bound 5. Syracuse Pips=2. Line Sp whell, Sp of col 3 advance 2BW.
b) Rome Pips=1.  Cv advance in other side of forest (stay in RC.)

. Bound 6.
a) Syracuse Pips=2.
Sp line rewhell
b) Rome Pips=2.  Géné recoil 4Wb and secon Ax align with 1st

. Bound 7.
a) Syracuse Pips= 1 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sp behind advance to protect the right flank of the line.

b)Rome Pip=2 !!!!! not better.
Ps go in forest and put Sp in TZ, Géné shift right 4BW.

. Bund 8.
a) Syracuse Pips=4
2xSp of col 3 advance 2BW las Sp go in direction Géné

b) Rome Pips=5.
4Pips for col 3 , géné advance on the right flank of the line.

. bound 9.
a)Syracuse pips= 6. 
Sp line advance 1.5 BW, 1Sp go to align with the line, other Sp advance in direction géné(r) and Lh align with the Sp, last Sp behind continue to go around the forest.

b) Rome Pips=5.
2x4Bd advance 2BW,and 2x Sp advance too. Cv return and contact Sp near the forest and the ps close the door of this Sp
Cv vs Sp: 3+3 vs 4-1+1 -> Cv dead.

Rome 4. - Syracuse 1.  Victory for Rome

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Serie 3 colision course - B6: ES vs Mendes

 1) army composition. a) Es: Ax/Ps -> Ps, b) Mende: Sp/4Bw->Sp, Cv/ Lh/Ax->Ax. 2)Initiative. a) ES=2+2, M =2+4 -> ES defender. 3...