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Affichage des articles dont le libellé est Syracuse II-9. Afficher tous les articles

jeudi 16 septembre 2021

Pyrrhus War, river Dance: Gaule - Early Carthage.

 4th battle in this serie. Gaule - early Carrthage.

1) Armies composition.

a) Gaule: Général Lch, 2x Lch, Cv/Wb Rd6=1: 2x3Wb,6x4Wb,Ps.

b) Carthage: Général Cv/Sp/Hch Rd6=5: Hch, Hch, Cv, Lh/4Ax Rd6= : 4Ax, 2x2 SpSp/4Ax Rd6=2: 4Ax, 3Ax, Ps.

2) Initiative: Gaule 3+1; Carthage3+3 -> Gaule defender.

3) Terrain: Arable: ZB= village (in 3), 2 forest (in 1 and 2) and the river (3->4)

4 Depoiement.

a) Carthage take side 1-4 ( bottomof the bild)
b) Gaule:  Ps, 2x3Wb in forest and 2x4Wb behind,  Géné  and  Lchbetween river and forst and lch other side of forest  in  2x2 4Wb  in the village. 
c) Carthage: in forest Ps and 2x4Ax in the forest,Cv stay behind, the général and 1SP between forest and river; 2x Sp, Hch , 3Axthe  and 1x Sp    reserve.

. Bound 1.

a) Gaule Pips= 4: 1Ps+ 2x 3Wb advance out of the forest. lch go behind.

b) Carthage Pips= 5: right flank: n3Ax shift right and advance 2BW Sp behind Hch go align with Hch on the right; left flank: Genéral+Sp advance 2BW, Cv turn arond the forest by left

. Bound 2.

a) Gaule Pips=3: line Ps +2x3Wb advance 3BW and Lch advance 4BW to align with this line; General+Lch advance 4BW put Gene in TZ.

b) Carthage Pips= 6: right flank: Sp-Hch-Sp go to align with 3Ax, Sp behind advance also 2BW.
left flank: Sp behind Géné shift left and align with Géné.
            . Bound 3.

a) Gaule Pips=6: 
Ps to Ps, 3Wb to Ps and 3Wb to 4Ax, Général to général and Lch to Sp the 2x4Wb behind advance 2BW. Combats: 2 Ps recoil and 3Wb-4Ax :deuce;  and Lch + Général recoil.

b) Carthage Pips=4: right flank: the line advance 2BW and left flank: Sp to lch + gèné ; one Ax cloose the door to 3BW
Ps vs 3BW: 2-1+3 vs 3+6: Ps flee (not dead as in bild) 4Ax vs §bw. 3+2 VS 3-1+5. 4Ax recoil.

. Bound 4.
a) Gaule Pips=3: Ps to Ps, Wb go to 4Ax, other 3Wb between Ps and 4Ax (double debord); in village one 4Wb in second line  align in first line.
Ps vs PS: 2+5 vs2-1+6: deuce
3Wb vs 4Ax: 3+4 vs 3-1+1 : 4Ax dead
 Géné vs géné:4+6 vs 5+6 : Géné Lch recoil.

b) Carthage Pips=1: ? Sp to Lch.
Sp vs Lch: 4+5 vsv 3-1+4: Lch recoil
Géné vs géné: 5-1+4 vsv 4+4: deuce.

. Bound 5.
a) Gaule Pips= 5: 3Wb cloose the door to Ps other 3Wb contact 4Ax (2 time 2 pips because in forest)
 2x 4Wb advave 2BW and align with Lch.
Ps vs Ps: 2+5vs 2-1+6 deuce
3Wb vs 4Ax: 3+2 vs 3+5 : 3Wb recoil
Géné vs géné: 4+5 vs5-1+4: hch recoil.

b) Carthage pips=6 the 3Ax voor the village shiht right and advance in order to be able to close the dooer next round, line Sp-Hch-Sp advance in border of the village. in left flank Cv contact Lch.
Ps vs Ps: 2-1+1 vs 2+5: Ps(c) dead
Cv vs Lch: 3+2 vs 3+5: Cv recoil.

. Bound 6.
a) Gaule Pips=2 Lch to Cv plus Ps close the door
lch vs Cv :3+4 vs 3-1+4: Cv dead.

 I sstop the Partie at this time with 3 to 0 because I had calculate the <ps flee in bound3 as dead.

Victory Gaule 3- 0.

dimanche 18 juillet 2021

Pyrrus war first serie; Camille Romain (II-10) - Syracuse (II-9)

 1) Armies Composition:

a) Romain Camille: Général Cv, Cv, levées 2xPs, Hasati 2x4Bd, Principes 2xSp, triani 2x Sp, 2x4Ax.

b) Syracuse: Général Sp/Cv Rd6=3 -> Sp, 6xSp, Sp/Wb Rd6=3 -> Sp, Ax/Cv Rd6=2 ->Cv, Art/3Ax Rd6=5 -> 3Ax, Lh, Ps.

2) Iniotiative: Rome 3+4; Syracuse: 2+6 -> Rome defender.

3) Terrain: Arable:  2 plug, small forest, gentil hill and a road.

-> Plug in 4 and 3, forest in 3 hill in 1 (Rd6=5) road in 2 to 1.

4) déploiement.

a) Syracuse take the side 1-4 Left on the picture

b) Rome: on the right side. from bottom to top: Ps, Cv, 

Sp+4Bd behind, 3x Sp, 4Bd, 2x4Ax, Ps

-> Controle of the gentil hill.

c) Syracuse. from bottom to top: Lh, Cv, Général + Sp behind, 3x Sp,  Sp, 3Ax and ps in forest last Sp blok behind the forest.

-> attack on the right flank and the gentil hill.

. Bound 1.

  a) Rome Pips=5:Cv+Ps advance on the hill 3BW  , voor the hill a Sp shift to left 1BW and advance 1BW, the 4BD  come to align with him. The the line Sp- Ps ( on other flank) advance 1BW to be aligned with the SP-4Bd  , the last Ps make a second mouvement of 3BW.

b) Syracuse Pips= 4: Cv+Lh contact Cv+Ps, Général +2x Sp advance 2BW, 2x 1Sp advance 1BW ( begin in woods).


Lh vs Ps: 2+6 vs 2+2 -> Ps dead

Cv vs Cv: 3+4 vs 3-1+4 -> Cv(r) recoil.

Rome 0 . Syracuse 1.

. Bound 2.

a) ERome Pips= 5: Sp behind Cv shift tohis left and advance 1BW, Cv contact Cv the line 4Bd- 4Ax advance 2BW, Ps advance in direction forest and put the 3Ax and Sp in TZ.

Combat: Cv vs Cv: 3-1+3 vs 3-1+2 -> Cv(s) recoil.

b) Syracuse Pips=4: 2pips  (out of RC) 3Ax contact ps and Ps closse the door..

Combat: 3Ax vs Ps: 3+2 vs 2-1+6 ->3Ax+Ps recoil.

. Bound 3.

a) Rome Pips= 5. in botom: Sp contact the Lh, Cv -> Cv, the line 4Bd- 4Ax advance to contact the Sp. the last 4Ax advance in dirction of Ps , the Général advance 2BW. Combat:
Sp vs Lh: 4+6 vs 2-1+3 -> Lh flee
Cv vs Cv: 3+1+3 vs 3-1+4 -> Cv (s) recoil.
4Bd vs Géné Sp: 5+1+4 vs 5+1+3 -> Géné recoil 4Dd advance
Sp vs Sp: 4+1+2 vs 4+1-1+3 -> deuce
Sp vs Sp: 4+1+1 vs 4+1-1+1 -> Sp(s) recoil

b) Syracuse pips= 4: the 2 Sp in forest advance to be aligned with the line, Lh return and 3Ax contact Ps
Général vs 4Bd: 5+6 vs 5-2+2 .> 4Bd is killed
Sp vs Sp: 4+1-1+1 vs 4+1+1 -> Sp (s) recoil
3Ax vs ps: 3+4 vs 2+6 -> 3Ax recoil.

Rome 0 . Syracuse 2.

. Bound 4.

a) Rome Pips= 4: line advance to contact tzhe Sp line, général align right to Cv and Sp to left on other flank the 4Ax contact Ps. Combat the 4Bd + Sp recoil from 2xSp Sp vs Sp (on the road ->Sp(s) recoil
Sp vs Sp (near hill) -> Sp(s) recoil.
4Ax vs Ps: 3+4 vs 2+5 -> deuce.

b) Syracusepips= 2 the 2 recoil Sp return in combat
Sp vs Sp(near hill): 4+1+4 vs 4+1-1+2 -> Sp (r) recoil
Sp vs Sp (on the road ): 4+1+4 vs 4-2+2 -> Sp dead
Ps vs 4Ax: 2+2 vs 3+5 -> Ps dead.

Rome 1 . Syracuse 3.

. Bound 5.

a) Rome Pips= 2: line Géné-Sp contact Géné-Lh and the Sp right to Géné contact the Sp.
Sp vs Lh: 4+5 vs 2+6 -> Lh recoil
Cv vs Cv: 3+1+5 vs 3-1+1 -> Cv(s) is killed
Géné vs géné: 4+1+3 vs 5-1+5 -> Géné (r) recoil
Sp vs Sp: 4-2+3 vs 4+1+5 -> Sp(r) dead.

Rome 2 . Syracuse 4.  Ende.

vendredi 9 juillet 2021

Pyrrhus war, first serie: Syracuse - Gaule

1) Armies composition.

a) Syracuse Army (II-9b): Général SP/Cv: RD6=1:Sp, 6x Sp, 4Wb/Sp: Rd&=5: Sp, 4Ay/CvRd6=2: Cv, Art/3Ax Rd6=2: Art, Lh, Ps.

b) Gaulois (II-11): Général Lch, 2xLch,Cv/Wb: Rd6=2: 2x3Wb, 6x4Wb, Ps.

2) Initiative: Syracuse: 2+6, Gaule 3+3 -> Gaule defend.

3) Terrain: Arable: village (ZB)  in 3 +  2x forest in 2 and 4 and a road between 4 and 1.

4) Deploiement. syracuse take the side 1-2 the left side

a) Gaule , on the right side. a small group in Nord with 2x3Wb in the village and a Lch behind, in the center: 2x2x 4Wb with the genéral near the road and in South behind a forest 2x 4Wb + Ps and a Lch behind and left.

Idee is to take the forest than wait an see and in north they have to block or delay the Syracuse.

b) Syracuse army: in north on other side of a forest CV and 2xSp, one Ps in forest. 2xSp, Général behind, Art, 3 Sp and Lh.

. Bound 1. no photos
a) Gaule Pips=3: Lch go around the village by north, a second Lch go around the forest by south and the Ps go in the forest.
b) Syracuse Pips=5: the 2 Sp in norht advance 2BW and the Cv go to align with both, Ps go to the edge of the forest and the line Sp-Art-SP-Lh advance1BW.

.Bound 2.
a) Gaule Pips=4: the both 4WB in the forest advance 2BW in the forest, the Général advance on the limit of the forest then the Lch in south (in CR) continue around the forest and put the Lh in TZ. the 2x3Wb advance 3BW.

b) Syracuse Pips= 2: Lh face the Lch and the complete line advace 2BW.

no combat.

. Bound 3.
a) gaule Pips=5:  Lch contact the Lh (2 pips because out of comand radius) and the Ps come to bring a débord, 2x2x4Wb in center advance 2BW, the 2x3WB contact the Ps in the forest. Combat:
Lch vs Lh: 3+1 vs 2-1+2 -> Lh recoil
3Wb vs Ps: 23+6 vs 2+1 -> Ps flee.

b) Syracuse Pips=4: the last Sp rotate and contact the Ps in north the 2xSp rotate and advancein drection of the 3Wb, Ps return. combat: Sp vs Ps: 4+5 vs 2+4 -> Ps recoil.

. Bound 4.

a) Gaule Pips=3: 2x3Wb shift left and contact Sp, 2x 4Wb go out of forest.

combat: 3Wb vs Sp: 3+1-1+5 vs 4+3 -> Sp is killed

 Gaule 1 - Syracuse 0.

b) Syracuse Pips= 5: Sp contact 3Wb, the Ps go to bring a debord on 3Wb,  2x Sp contact the 2x4Wbbvor the forest and in the south sp attack Ps and lh go to Lch. 

Art vs 4Wb in center: 4+1 vs 3+1 -> 4Wb recoil


Lh vs Lch: 2+2 vs 3-1+5 ->lh recoil

Sp vs Ps: 4+4-1 vs 2+5 -> deuce

Sp vs 4Wb: 4+1+6 vs 3+5 -> 4Wb recoil

Sp vs 4Wb: 4+1+6 vs 3-1+6 -> 4Wb recoil

Sp vs 3Wb: 4+2 vs 3+1-2+1 -> 3Wb dead

Gaule 1 - Syracuse 1.

. Bound 5.

a) Gaule Pips= 5: the 2x 4Wb again the 2xSp, 2x4Wb on the road advance in direction of Art, the 2 other 4Wb advance in direction of the 2xSp on the flank

Ps vs Sp: 2+2 vs 4-1+5 -> Ps flee
4Wb vs Sp: 3+5 vs 4+1+2 -> Sp is killed
4Wb vs Sp: 3+2 vs 4-1+2 -> deuce

Gaule 2- Syracuse 1.

bound 5.
 b) Syracuse Pips=1 ??????
the Ps in forest turn in direction of the 3Wb ( no contact)
Sp vs 4Wb: 4-1+3 vs 3+6 -> Sp is dead

Gaule 3 - Syracuse 1.

. Bound 6.

a) gaule pips= 2:  one 4Wb contact the Art and the second 4Wb make a débord.
4Wb vs Art: 3+2 vs 4-2+1 -> Art is killed

end of battle
Gaule 4 - Syracuse 1.

mardi 29 juin 2021

Pyrrhus war; fisrt serie: Pyrrhus - Syracuse.

 1) Armies Composition: A) Pyrrhus: Général Kn/Cv: RD6=4 .>Kn, Cv, Lh, El, 4x4Pk, Sp/4Pk RD6=5 -> 2x4Pk, 4Ax/3Ax RD6=2 -> 3Ax.

B) Syracuse: Général Sp/Cv RD&=6 -> Cv,6xSp, Sp/4Wb RD6=1 -> 4Wb, Cv/4Ax: RD6=1 -> Cv, Art/ 3Ax: RD6= 3 -> Art.

2) Initiative: Pyrrhus: 4+6, Syracuse: 2+2 -> Syracuse defender.

3) Terrain: Litoral -> WW ( in 2 and 3) 2 Marsh in  2 and 4, a Gentil hill in 4.

4) Deploiement:

a) Pyrrhus take the edge 3 and 4 to come ( on the right on Photos).

b) Syracuse (on the left) 3 Sp are in reserve as landing force; from top to botom: Cv (between ww and the marsh), 4Wb in the marsh dab Art, 3x Sp, Général, Ps and Lh.

c) Phyrrus: from top to botom: 2x2Pk and Cv facing a potential landing force, then: 2x4Pk, Général, El, 3Ax, Ps in Marsh and Lh behind the Marsh.

. Bound 1. 
a) Syracuse
the landing force (LF) is placed almost on the right side of the WW in parallele with the 2x2x4Pk
Pips= 2: LF advance 2BW to Pk, the Cvgo with 4BW in the same direction.

b) Pyrrhus Pips=2: Géné - EL- 3Ax advance on the hill with 3BW, the Cv go to align with the Pk. 

. Bound 2.
a) Syracuse Pips=4: Ps move in direction El, Lh align with the Ps, the 4Wb get out the Marsh and the Cv align with the LF. Art out of range.
Syracuse 0 - Pyrrhus 1

b) Pyrrhus Pips=6:
El recoil He make place for Kn, Kn attack Ps, 3Ax attack Lh and the Lh go around the marsh. one Pk go align with CV-Pk.
Combat: Géné vs Ps: 4+1 vs 2+1 -> Ps is killed
3Ax vs Lh: 3+3 vs 2-1+5 -> deuce.

. Bound 3.

a) Syracuse Pips= 3: the line art- général advance 2BW the 4Wb advance between the line and the LF.
combat: Lh vs 3Ax: 2-1+4 vs 3+4 -> Lh recoil

b) Pyrrhus Pips= 4: on the top of picture the line 2x4Pk-Cv-2x4Pk attack the LF -Cv,
El advance on the hill and the last 4Pk come to support him.
Combat: Pk vs Cv: 4+4 vs 3+3 -> Cv recoil
Cv vs Sp: 3+6 vs 4-1+6 -> deuce
2x4Pk vs Sp: 3+3+6 vs 4+1+4 -> Sp recoil
2x4Pk vs Sp: 3+3+4 vs 4-1+5 -> Sp recoil

. Bound 4.

a) Syracuse pips= 4: 4Wb align with Cv, Lh on the bottom align with général.
Art vs Pk: 4+1 vs 3+5 -> no effect
Sp vs 2x4Pk: 4+1+5 vs 3+3+3 -> Pk recoil
Sp vs 2x4Pk: 4+1+1 vs 3+3-2+3 -> Sp recoil
Sp vs Cv: 4-2+1 vs 3+5 -> Sp dead
Syracuse 0 - Pyrrhus 2.

.b) Pyrrhus Pips=6.
the 2x4Pk retourn in contact with Sp
El contact Sp  and the Pk align to EL for débord
Général +3Ax attack the général+Lh the Lh align with 3Ax Combat: 
2xPk vs Sp: 3+3-1+2 vs 4+3 -> Deuce
2Pk vs Sp: 3+3+6 vs 4-1+6 -> Sp recoil

3Ax vs Lh: 3+5 vs 2+2 -> Lh flee
Géné vs Géné: 5+1 (hill) +4 vs 4-1+5 -> géné(s) recoil; El vs Sp: 4+1+5 vs 4-1+1 -> Sp dead
Pk vs Sp: 3-1+2 vs 4+1-1+3 -> Pk recoil

Syracuse 0 - Pyrrhus 3.

. Bound 5.

a) Syracuse Pips=5: Cv contct Pk and 4Wb closse the door
Sp attack pk and an other Sp close the door. 
no cible for Art.
combat: Sp vs 2xPk: 4+1+4 vs 3+3+6 -> Sp recoil
Sp vs Pk: 4-1+6 vs 3+3+6 -> Sp recoil
Sp (+ CD) vs Pk: 4+6 vs 3-1+4 -> Pk is dead
Général vs Général: 4-1+4 vs 5+2 -> deuce.

Syracuse 1- Pyrrhus 3.

.b) Pyrrhus Pips= 5: 
El close the door to Général and the 3Ax brind a débord on other side
Général vs général: 5+5 vs 4-2+3-> général (s) is killed
2x4Pk vs Sp: 3+3+4 vs 4+1+3 -> Sp recoil
2x4Pk vs Sp: 3+3+4 vs 4-1+2 -> Sp dead

Syracuse 1 - Pyrrhus 6. 

jeudi 3 juin 2021

Pyrrhus war first serie: Early Carthage - Syracuse.

Second battle of this serie.

1) Armies's Composition.

a)Syracuse: Général (Sp/Cv) RD6=5 ->Cv , 7x Sp (WB/Sp RD6=3), Ax/Cv RD6=3 ->Cv, Art/ax RD6=4 -> Art, Lh, Ps.

b) Carthage: Général (Cv/Sp/ Hch) RD6=1 -> Cv, Hch, Lh, 2x2xSp, Ax/Sp RD&=3 -> Sp, Wb/ Ax RD6=2 -> Wb, 2xPs.

2) Initiative: Syracuse : 2+1 ; Carthage: 3+3 -> Syracuse defender.

3) Terrain: Litoral -> WW in sector 1-2, plus marsh in 2 and dune in 3

4) Deploiement:

the WW is on the left; 
a) Carthage take the sector 2-3 (on the top)

first line from left to right: Hch, 4Wb, 4xSp, 2xPs

second line: Sp behind the Wb, Général, Cv and Lh

b) Rome on the bottom  from left to right: 2Sp in colum, 3Sp, Art, 2x Sp, Ps and Lh

in second line in reserve the Cv in left (not in bild) abd the Général.

. Bound1.

a) Syracuse Pips=4:  all the line move forward 2WB (LB in french); ps move at maximum to be of the top of the Dune; the Lh block the fright flank on the right of dune the Général go little bit on his right.

b) Carthage Pips= 2: Lh fight with lh and the Ps come to bring a débord.
2+5 vs 2-1+3 -> Lh(s) recoil.

. Bound 2.

a) Syracuse Pips=2: The Ps go to block the Ps from Carthage; second pips is loss. Art shooting -> no effect

b) Carthage Pips=5: one ps gon in contact with the ps and an other Ps closse the door. the colum WB+Sp in Marsh move of 1 BW, the Hch move 2BW on the right of the marsh and finaly the line of Sp advance of 2BW.
Ps vs Ps: 2+4 vs 2-1+5: dude

. Bound 3.

a) Syracuse Pips=6: the Sp on the left move 1WB forward and one in left, the second Sp come to aline with him the 3 othe Sp go also to align the Ps attack the Ps(c). 3 pips to munch.
Art versus Sp (blue) 4+6 vs 4+4 -> Sp recoil
Ps vs Ps: 2+6 vs 2+3 -> Ps(c) recoil

b) Carthage Pips =5: the Ps go back to fight and a second closse again the door; the Wb move faster (2BW) to be out the Marsh but the Sp can only advance 1BW finaly the Cv advance behind the last Sp. Ps vs Ps: 2+6 vs 2-1+1 -> Ps(s) dead.
Syracuse 0 - Carthage 1.

. Bound 4.
a) Syracuse Pips =3: le Cv  go little bit more right in order to be align with the Wb, the Lh recoil of 4BW.
Art vs Sp: 4+2 vs 4+3 no effect. no combat.

b) Carthage Pips= 4: Hch fight with Sp,Wb go to othe Sp the Sp behind take position align with the next Sp the line of 4xSp advance to be in contact with Sp.
Hch vs Sp: 3+6 vs 4+3 -> Sp dead
Wb vs Sp: 3+5-1 vs 4-1+1+4 -> Wb recoil
Sp vs Sp: 4+1-1+4 vs 4+1-1+1 -> Sp(s) recoil
Sp vs Sp: 4+1+4 vs 4+1-2+2 -> Sp8s) recoil
Syracuse 0 - Carthage 2.

. Bound 5.
a) Syracuse Pips=2:
the 2 Sp on the right of Art go to contact with one Sp(c); 
 Art vs Sp: 4+5 vs 4+3 Sp recoil
on the right Sp vs Sp: 4+1+2 vs 4+1-1+1-> Sp (c) recoil on the left of Art; 4+1+3 vs 4+1+3 -> dude Sp vs Sp: 4+1+2 vs 4+1-1+1 Sp (c) recoil.

. Bound 5. b) Cathage Pips = 5
3 pips for the Wb + 2Sp to go in combat on the right flank, one Sp(bue one) go backwards and on his left (behind other Sp) the Cv combat the Art.
from after Cv to the left (of the picture)
Sp vs Sp:4+1+4 vs 4+1-1+6 -> Sp(c) recoil
Sp vs Sp: 4+1-1+3 vs 4+1+1 -> Sp(s) recoil
Sp vs Sp: 4+1+3 vs 4+1-1+4 -> dude
Wb vs Sp: 3+3 vs 4+1-1+4 -> Wb recoil
Cv vs Art: 3-2+2 vs 4+1 -> Cv recoil.

Syracuse 0 - Carthage 2.

. Bound 6.
a) Syracuse Pips= 2:
on the right flank one Sp go between the 2 other Sp
on the left flank the 2 Sp contact the Sp (green).
 art vs Cv 4+5 vs 3+5 -> Cv recoil
combat from left to right (on Photos)
Sp vs Sp: 5+4 vs5-1+1 -> Sp(c) recoil, SP vs Sp: 5+6 vs 4-2+5 ->Sp(c) recoil, 5+2 vs 4-1+3 -> Sp(c) recoil.

b) Carthge Pips= 6: the line Wb +3xSp go back to Combat, Cv combat Art on the left flank the 2 Sp attack the Sp and the Ps come to make a débord.
Général advance 3BW.
Combat: from right to left: 5+6 vs5-1+5 -> Sp(s) recoil, 5+6 vs 4-2+5 -> Sp(s) recoil. 
from left to right:  Wb vs Sp: 3+1 vs 5-1+6 -> Wb dead, 5-1+5 vs 5+4 -> dude,5+3vs 5+2 -> Sp(s) recoil, 5+6 vs 4-2+3 -> Sp(s) dead, Cv vs Art: 3-1+5 vs 4+5 -> Cv recoil
Syracuse 1 - Carthage 3.

                                                                                    . Bound 7. a) Syracuse pips= 4

Général attack the ps lh give a debord and the 2 Sp on the left of Général contact the 2 Sp(c)
on other flank  cv attack the Hch
Art vs Cv: 4+5 vs3+1 -< Cv dead
combat:Géné vs Ps: 4+5 vs 2-2+2 -<y <<<<ps dead; right flank: sp vs sp: 5+2 vs5+6 -<y Sp(s) recoil, 4-1+3 vs5+3 -> Sp (s) recoil
on left flank: Sp vs Sp: 5-1+2 vs5-1+3 ->Sp(s) recoil cv vs Hch: 3+1 vs 4-1+1 -> dude.

Syracuse 3 - Carthage 3.

. Bound 7. b) Carthage Pips=2.

on the left flank (right on the photos) 2x Sp contact the 2x SP and the Général attack the Art.
Sp vs Sp: 5+5 vs 5-1+5 -<y Sp(s) recoil; 5+4 vs 4-1+6 -> dude, géné vs Art: 4+4 vs 4+6 -> -géné recoil, Hch vs cv: 4-1+6 vs 3+4 -> Cv recoil.

. Bound 8.

a) Syracuse Pips= 4:  général go little bit on the left make place for Lh on the right Sp contact the Sp and the lh close the door
 Art vs Général: 4+6 vs 4+1 -> Général dead
 Sp vs Sp( door closed): 5+3 vs 5-1+3 -> Sp(c) dead, Cv vs Hch: 3+4 vs 4+2 -> Hch recoil

Syracse 6 - Carthage 3.
  Victory for syracuse great Job of Art.

vendredi 30 avril 2021

CC2 Rome Polybien (II-33) versus Syracuse (II9a)

 Troisième bataille de cette serie

1) composition des Armées.

a) Rome: 4Bd/Ax: RD6=1 -> 2x4Ax;  Général Cv, Cv, 2xPs, 4x4Bd, 2xSp, 2x4Ax

b) Syracuse: Général RD&=5 -> Cv, Ax/Cv: RD6=4 -> Cv; Wb/Sp: RD6=6 -> Sp; 3Ax/Art: RD6=6 -> Art;   Général Cv Cv, Lh, Ps, Art, 7x SP.

2) Initiative: Rome: 3+1=4 vs Syracuse: 2+5=7 -> Rome défend.

3) Terrain: Arable: 2x Labour ( en 1 et 1) + foret en 4; brousaille en 3 et une route entre 4 et 3

4) Déploiement: Syracuse prendn le coté des carré 2 et 3 .

a)Romain ( en bas de la photos): colonne 1: 2Ps, 2 4Ax; colonne 2: Général, Cv, 2 4Bd, bagage; colonne 3: 2 4Bd, 2 SP.

b) Syracuse: Colonne 1:Art,Général, Cv, Sp; colonne 2: 4 Sp, Bagages; colonne 3: Ps, Lh, 2Sp.

. Round 1. Pas de Photos faute d action

a) Rome Pips=1. Les Labours restent. la colonne 2 avance de 2LB.

b) Syracuse Pips= 2 (à peine mieux). les colonnes 1 et 2 avancent de 2LB.

.Round 2.

a) Rome Pips= 4: les Ps avancent de 3LB dans la foret, les 4Ax suivent avec 2LB, la colonne 2 se déplace vers la gauche ( contournement des labours.

b) Syracuse Pips= 2: dans la colonne 1 un Sp se décale et s'aligne sur la droite de l'Art, la colonne 2 avance de 2LB.

. Round 3.
a) Rome Pips=3: Général et Cv continuent le contournement des labours, les 2 4Bd avancent vers les labours; les 2 Ps sortent de la foret et se dirigent vers les brousailles.

b) Syracuse Pips=5: 2pips pour Cv et Général qui s'alignent sur leur droite. 2 pips pour aligner les Sp de la colonne 2 le dernier se décale sur sa gauche.

. Round 4.
a) Rome Pips= 4: 2pip pour Cv et géné qui s'aligne en bordure des labours, les 2 4Bd s'avancent dans le Labour ( attention il y a une erreur, les BD se sont déplacer de 2LB alors qu ils ne devaient bouger que de 1LB mais cette errur n a pas d incidence et peut etre corigé plus tard) l Ps traverse les brousaille et met les Sp en ZM.

b) Syracuse pips=4: le Sp a cotzé de l'Art passe devant et l'Art  pivote vers la cavalerie romaine, la ligne Sp avance dans la brousaille au contact du Ps: 4+3 vs 2+5 -> égalité

. Round 5.
a) Rome Pips=  6: 4pips pour faire entrer la colonne 3, 1 4Bd (labour) s'aligne avec l'autre, le deuxième Ps rejoint le premierqui recule dans son combat.

b)Syracuse Pips=2: le Sp a l'arrière vient s'aligner
le gén´+ Cv s'avancent vers les romains.
tir Art sur général: 4+6 vs 4+6: égalité.

. Round 6.

a) Rome Pips=6:  les 2 4Bd s'avancent vers le Sp et l'Art, les 4Ax traversent la foret vers la route, la colonne 3 s'avance entre le labour et la foret.

b) Syracuse Pips= 1: le derniers Sp s aligne avec la ligne.
tir Art sur Général: 4+3 vs 4+6 sans effets.

. Round 7.
a) Rome Pips=1: les 2 4Bd continuent leur avance sur le Sp.

b) Syracuse Pips=5: dans la brousaille 2Sp au contact des Ps et 2 Sp en soutient
le Général attaque le Cv avec un soutient du Cv
Tir Art sur Général romain: 4+6 vs 4+5 Général romain recule
Sp vs Ps: égalité.
Général vs Cv: 4+4 vs 3-1+6: égalité.

. Round 8.
a) Rome Pips= 3: Général prend le Général Syracusien de flanc
Cv vs Général(S): 3-1+5 vs 4-1+4 -> égalité
Ps vs Sp: 2-1+3 vs4+3 -> Ps recule
ps vs Sp: 2-1+3 vs 4+6 -> Ps fuite.

b) Syracuse Pips=6: 4 pip pour la colonne 3
2 Sp se realigne avec les autres, cv prend le cv de flanc.
tir Art sur général: 4+1 vs 4+4 sans effets
général vs Cv: 4-1+5 vs 3-1+5 -> Cv Romains est éliminé ( pas sur la photo).

. Round 9.
a) Rome Pips=5: colonne 3 avance de 2LB, les Ax avance de 2LB, le Ps en fuite revient sur ses pasl autre Ps recule et le Général attaque l'art: 4+2 vs 4+5 le général recule.

b) Syracuse Pips= 6: la colonne 3 avance de 2LB, la ligne de Sp avance de 1LBle Général attaque le général(r) de dos avec le soutient du Cv (le général(r) se retourne avant combat
tir Art sur Général: 4+4 vs 4+3-> le général est éliminé car il ne peut reculer.
Rome 0. Syracuse 3.

. Round 10.
a) rome Pips=5: 2pip: 2x 4Bd attaquent les Sp, 2x 4Bd de la col 3 avancent vers les Sp
Bd vs Sp: 5+2 vs 4+1+5 -> bd recule
Bd vs Sp: 5+6-1 vs 4+1+5 ->égalité

b) Syracuse Pips=1: les Sp hors combat avancent un peu pour contacter le 4Bd et sortir de la brousaille mais sans contacter les Ps.
Sp vs 4Bd: 4+3 vs 5-1+4 -> Sp recule
Sp vs Bd: 4+1-1+3 vs 5-1+1 -> Bd recule.

. Round 11.
Rome Pips= 6: 2pip pour 1x4Bd contact Sp (à la limite des labour) 2 pips pour les 4Ax qui viennent supporter les ps

de   droite a Gauche
4Bd vs Sp: 5+4-1 vs 4+1-1+2 -> Sp recule                 ( erreure le Bd devrait poursuite)
4Bd vs Sp: 5-1+5 vs 4+1+6 -> Bd recule.

. Round 11 tour Syracusien
Pips=5: les 2 Sp retournent aux combat, le général donne un support, Ps de col 3 arrive en bordure de brousaille avec les Lh sur la route.

Sp vs 4Bd: 4+1+6 vs 5-1+1 -> Bd est éliminé
Sp vs 4Bd: 4+1+4 vs 5-1+6 -> Sp recule

Rome 0 - Syracuse 4.
 Victoire de Syracuse.

Serie 3 colision course - B3: Mendes vs NA

 1)composition des armee. a)NA: Pas doption., b) M: Lh/Cv/Ax -: Lh, 4Bw /Sp-: 4Bw. 2) Initiative . NA:4&4, M: 2%5 -: Mendes defenseur. 3...