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Affichage des articles dont le libellé est Pyrrhus (II-27b). Afficher tous les articles

jeudi 21 octobre 2021

Pyrrhus War, River dance: Early Carthage (I-61b) - Pyrrhus (II-27b)

 Battle nr 8.

1) Armies Compositions.

a)Carthage: Général Sp/Cv/Hch Rd6=2: Sp, Hch, Cv, Lh/4Ax Rd6=5: Lh, 2x2Sp, Sp/4Ax Rd6=2: 4Ax, Wb/3Ax Rd6=6: 3Ax, 2xPs.

b) Pyrrhus: Général Kn/Cv Rd6=5: Cv, Cv, Lh, El, 4x4pk, Sp/Pk Rd6=2: 2xSp, 3/4Ax Rd6=6: 3Ax, Ps.

2) initiative: Carthage: 3+4; pyrrhus: 4+6 -> Carthage defender.

3) terrain: Arable: 2x plugs (1 and 1), 1 Forest in 3, a river (3->2) and a road (2->4)

4) Déploiement.

a) Pyrrhu arrive by side 2-3 (top of bilder)

b) Carthage:  from left to right: 3Ax, 4Ax, Hch, 2Sp (red), Général Sp, 2x Sp (green) with Ps behind red and green, Cv and Lh on rirht flank.

c) Pyrrhus:4Ax, El +Sp behind, 2x2x4Pk Géné beind on road, Ps in forest, Sp behind, Cv+Lh on flank.

. Bound 1.
a) Carthage pips=4: Ps behind red Sp croos the line and advance 1BW, second mouvement Ps go in Plug along the river, Line Sp+Ps advance 2 BW, Cv and Lh go to the river. the 2 plug are good going terrain.

b) Pyrrhus Pips=5: 4Ax advance to river and put the Ps in TZ, Sp behind El shift right and go to align with El, 4Pk advance to the river, Ps in forest go to the river and Cv+Lh to the river and put Cv+Lh in TZ.

.Bound 2.
a) Carthage Pips=1: Sp line advance to river and go to align with the river.

b) Pyrrhus Pips= 6. 4Ax croos the river (Rd6=2 -> good going) and contact the ps, the Sp near EL advance 2BW in river, the 4Pk croos also the river to contact the Sp line, Géné advance behind. Cv+Lh contact Cv+Lh and Ps in forest align with Cv and bring debpr to carthage Cv. Combat:
4Ax vs Ps: 3+5 vs 2+2 -> Ps dead
2xPk vs Sp: 3+3+4 vs 4+1+4 -> Sp recoil
2xPk vs Sp: 3+3-1 vs 4+1-1+2 -> Sp recoil
Cv vsCv: 3+5 vs 3-1+2 -> Cv dead
Lh vs Lh: 2+6 vs 2-1+6 -> Lh(c) recoil
 Carthage 0. - Pyrrhus 2.
. Bound 3.
a) Carthage Pips=1 (again). one Sp on right and contact Ps: 4+6 vs 2+5 ->Ps recoil.
Sp vs Pk: 4+1+1 vs 3+3-1+2 -> Sp recoil
Sp vs Pk: 4-1+6 vs 3+3+3-> deuce
b) Pyrrhus Pips=2.  4Ax cloose the door of Sp.
Géné contact géné Sp.
Pk vs Sp: 3+3+5 vs 4-2+2 -> Sp Dead (door closed)
Pk vs Sp3+3-1+5 vs 4-1+5-> Sp recoil
GénéCv vs GénéSp: 4+1 vs 4-1+4 -> Cv recoil
Carthage 0. - Pyrrhus 3.

. Bound 4.
a) Carthage Pips= 4. 3Ax-4Ax- Hch advance to face Ax Sp pk line, 2xSSp contact Géné in river, Ps go to bring a débord to Pk.
Sp vs Pk: 4+2 vs 3+3-1+1 -> deuce
GénéSp vs généCv: 5+2 vs 4-1+4-> deuce.

b) Pyrrhus Pips=6. Sp in River advance 2BW in Plug face to 3Ax, 4Ax rotate to face 4Ax, 1Pk advace 15mm to bring débord on Sp, second Pk recoil and shift left to bring débord on Sp vs Géné, Cv+Lh contact Lh.
Pk vs Sp:3+3-1+5 vs 4-1+6 -> Sp recoil
GénéCv vs généSp: 3-1+5 vs 5-1+5 -> Cv recoil
Cv vs Lh: 3+2 vs 2-1+2 ->lh recoil.

. Bound 5.
a) Carthage Pips= 4: 3Ax-$Ax-Hch contact 4Ax-Sp-Pk, Ps cloose the door to 2xPk.
Hch vs Pk: 3-1+6vs 4+1 -> Pk dead
4Ax vs 4Ax: 3+5 vs 3-1+5 -> Ax(p) recoil
3Ax vs Sp: 3+4 vs 4-1+1 ->Sp recoil
Spvs2xPk: 4+3 vs 3+3-2+3: deuce.
Carthage 1. - Pyrrhus 3.
b) Pyrrhus Pips= 6. Cv to Lh and Lh cloose the door, El to Hch, Pk advance to align with El.
Cv vs Lh: 3+5 vs 2-1+5 -> Lh dead
El vs Hch: 4+4 vs 4-2+3 -> Hch dead
2xPk vs Sp: 3+3-1+3 vs 4+4 -> deuce.

Victory for Pyrrhus
Carthage 1. - Pyrrhus 5.

jeudi 16 septembre 2021

Pyrrhus War, river Dance: Gaule - Early Carthage.

 4th battle in this serie. Gaule - early Carrthage.

1) Armies composition.

a) Gaule: Général Lch, 2x Lch, Cv/Wb Rd6=1: 2x3Wb,6x4Wb,Ps.

b) Carthage: Général Cv/Sp/Hch Rd6=5: Hch, Hch, Cv, Lh/4Ax Rd6= : 4Ax, 2x2 SpSp/4Ax Rd6=2: 4Ax, 3Ax, Ps.

2) Initiative: Gaule 3+1; Carthage3+3 -> Gaule defender.

3) Terrain: Arable: ZB= village (in 3), 2 forest (in 1 and 2) and the river (3->4)

4 Depoiement.

a) Carthage take side 1-4 ( bottomof the bild)
b) Gaule:  Ps, 2x3Wb in forest and 2x4Wb behind,  Géné  and  Lchbetween river and forst and lch other side of forest  in  2x2 4Wb  in the village. 
c) Carthage: in forest Ps and 2x4Ax in the forest,Cv stay behind, the général and 1SP between forest and river; 2x Sp, Hch , 3Axthe  and 1x Sp    reserve.

. Bound 1.

a) Gaule Pips= 4: 1Ps+ 2x 3Wb advance out of the forest. lch go behind.

b) Carthage Pips= 5: right flank: n3Ax shift right and advance 2BW Sp behind Hch go align with Hch on the right; left flank: Genéral+Sp advance 2BW, Cv turn arond the forest by left

. Bound 2.

a) Gaule Pips=3: line Ps +2x3Wb advance 3BW and Lch advance 4BW to align with this line; General+Lch advance 4BW put Gene in TZ.

b) Carthage Pips= 6: right flank: Sp-Hch-Sp go to align with 3Ax, Sp behind advance also 2BW.
left flank: Sp behind Géné shift left and align with Géné.
            . Bound 3.

a) Gaule Pips=6: 
Ps to Ps, 3Wb to Ps and 3Wb to 4Ax, Général to général and Lch to Sp the 2x4Wb behind advance 2BW. Combats: 2 Ps recoil and 3Wb-4Ax :deuce;  and Lch + Général recoil.

b) Carthage Pips=4: right flank: the line advance 2BW and left flank: Sp to lch + gèné ; one Ax cloose the door to 3BW
Ps vs 3BW: 2-1+3 vs 3+6: Ps flee (not dead as in bild) 4Ax vs §bw. 3+2 VS 3-1+5. 4Ax recoil.

. Bound 4.
a) Gaule Pips=3: Ps to Ps, Wb go to 4Ax, other 3Wb between Ps and 4Ax (double debord); in village one 4Wb in second line  align in first line.
Ps vs PS: 2+5 vs2-1+6: deuce
3Wb vs 4Ax: 3+4 vs 3-1+1 : 4Ax dead
 Géné vs géné:4+6 vs 5+6 : Géné Lch recoil.

b) Carthage Pips=1: ? Sp to Lch.
Sp vs Lch: 4+5 vsv 3-1+4: Lch recoil
Géné vs géné: 5-1+4 vsv 4+4: deuce.

. Bound 5.
a) Gaule Pips= 5: 3Wb cloose the door to Ps other 3Wb contact 4Ax (2 time 2 pips because in forest)
 2x 4Wb advave 2BW and align with Lch.
Ps vs Ps: 2+5vs 2-1+6 deuce
3Wb vs 4Ax: 3+2 vs 3+5 : 3Wb recoil
Géné vs géné: 4+5 vs5-1+4: hch recoil.

b) Carthage pips=6 the 3Ax voor the village shiht right and advance in order to be able to close the dooer next round, line Sp-Hch-Sp advance in border of the village. in left flank Cv contact Lch.
Ps vs Ps: 2-1+1 vs 2+5: Ps(c) dead
Cv vs Lch: 3+2 vs 3+5: Cv recoil.

. Bound 6.
a) Gaule Pips=2 Lch to Cv plus Ps close the door
lch vs Cv :3+4 vs 3-1+4: Cv dead.

 I sstop the Partie at this time with 3 to 0 because I had calculate the <ps flee in bound3 as dead.

Victory Gaule 3- 0.

mardi 29 juin 2021

Pyrrhus war; fisrt serie: Pyrrhus - Syracuse.

 1) Armies Composition: A) Pyrrhus: Général Kn/Cv: RD6=4 .>Kn, Cv, Lh, El, 4x4Pk, Sp/4Pk RD6=5 -> 2x4Pk, 4Ax/3Ax RD6=2 -> 3Ax.

B) Syracuse: Général Sp/Cv RD&=6 -> Cv,6xSp, Sp/4Wb RD6=1 -> 4Wb, Cv/4Ax: RD6=1 -> Cv, Art/ 3Ax: RD6= 3 -> Art.

2) Initiative: Pyrrhus: 4+6, Syracuse: 2+2 -> Syracuse defender.

3) Terrain: Litoral -> WW ( in 2 and 3) 2 Marsh in  2 and 4, a Gentil hill in 4.

4) Deploiement:

a) Pyrrhus take the edge 3 and 4 to come ( on the right on Photos).

b) Syracuse (on the left) 3 Sp are in reserve as landing force; from top to botom: Cv (between ww and the marsh), 4Wb in the marsh dab Art, 3x Sp, Général, Ps and Lh.

c) Phyrrus: from top to botom: 2x2Pk and Cv facing a potential landing force, then: 2x4Pk, Général, El, 3Ax, Ps in Marsh and Lh behind the Marsh.

. Bound 1. 
a) Syracuse
the landing force (LF) is placed almost on the right side of the WW in parallele with the 2x2x4Pk
Pips= 2: LF advance 2BW to Pk, the Cvgo with 4BW in the same direction.

b) Pyrrhus Pips=2: Géné - EL- 3Ax advance on the hill with 3BW, the Cv go to align with the Pk. 

. Bound 2.
a) Syracuse Pips=4: Ps move in direction El, Lh align with the Ps, the 4Wb get out the Marsh and the Cv align with the LF. Art out of range.
Syracuse 0 - Pyrrhus 1

b) Pyrrhus Pips=6:
El recoil He make place for Kn, Kn attack Ps, 3Ax attack Lh and the Lh go around the marsh. one Pk go align with CV-Pk.
Combat: Géné vs Ps: 4+1 vs 2+1 -> Ps is killed
3Ax vs Lh: 3+3 vs 2-1+5 -> deuce.

. Bound 3.

a) Syracuse Pips= 3: the line art- général advance 2BW the 4Wb advance between the line and the LF.
combat: Lh vs 3Ax: 2-1+4 vs 3+4 -> Lh recoil

b) Pyrrhus Pips= 4: on the top of picture the line 2x4Pk-Cv-2x4Pk attack the LF -Cv,
El advance on the hill and the last 4Pk come to support him.
Combat: Pk vs Cv: 4+4 vs 3+3 -> Cv recoil
Cv vs Sp: 3+6 vs 4-1+6 -> deuce
2x4Pk vs Sp: 3+3+6 vs 4+1+4 -> Sp recoil
2x4Pk vs Sp: 3+3+4 vs 4-1+5 -> Sp recoil

. Bound 4.

a) Syracuse pips= 4: 4Wb align with Cv, Lh on the bottom align with général.
Art vs Pk: 4+1 vs 3+5 -> no effect
Sp vs 2x4Pk: 4+1+5 vs 3+3+3 -> Pk recoil
Sp vs 2x4Pk: 4+1+1 vs 3+3-2+3 -> Sp recoil
Sp vs Cv: 4-2+1 vs 3+5 -> Sp dead
Syracuse 0 - Pyrrhus 2.

.b) Pyrrhus Pips=6.
the 2x4Pk retourn in contact with Sp
El contact Sp  and the Pk align to EL for débord
Général +3Ax attack the général+Lh the Lh align with 3Ax Combat: 
2xPk vs Sp: 3+3-1+2 vs 4+3 -> Deuce
2Pk vs Sp: 3+3+6 vs 4-1+6 -> Sp recoil

3Ax vs Lh: 3+5 vs 2+2 -> Lh flee
Géné vs Géné: 5+1 (hill) +4 vs 4-1+5 -> géné(s) recoil; El vs Sp: 4+1+5 vs 4-1+1 -> Sp dead
Pk vs Sp: 3-1+2 vs 4+1-1+3 -> Pk recoil

Syracuse 0 - Pyrrhus 3.

. Bound 5.

a) Syracuse Pips=5: Cv contct Pk and 4Wb closse the door
Sp attack pk and an other Sp close the door. 
no cible for Art.
combat: Sp vs 2xPk: 4+1+4 vs 3+3+6 -> Sp recoil
Sp vs Pk: 4-1+6 vs 3+3+6 -> Sp recoil
Sp (+ CD) vs Pk: 4+6 vs 3-1+4 -> Pk is dead
Général vs Général: 4-1+4 vs 5+2 -> deuce.

Syracuse 1- Pyrrhus 3.

.b) Pyrrhus Pips= 5: 
El close the door to Général and the 3Ax brind a débord on other side
Général vs général: 5+5 vs 4-2+3-> général (s) is killed
2x4Pk vs Sp: 3+3+4 vs 4+1+3 -> Sp recoil
2x4Pk vs Sp: 3+3+4 vs 4-1+2 -> Sp dead

Syracuse 1 - Pyrrhus 6. 

lundi 7 juin 2021

Pyrrhus war, first serie: Pyrrhus- Romain camille.

 Third battle.

1) Armies's Composition. 

a) Pyrrhus: Général (RD6=2) -> Kn, Cv, Lh, El,4x 4Pk, 2x 4Pk (RD6=5), 3Ax (RD6=1), Ps.

b) Camille Romain: Général Cv, Cv, 2xPs, 2x4Bd, 2x Sp, 2x Sp, 2x 4Ax.

2) Ininiative. Pyrrhus : 4+5, Romain: 3+4 -> Rome defend

3) Terrain: Arable: -> 2 plugs in 1 and 4, a forest in 3 , a gentil hill in 2 and a road in 4.

4) Déploement. Pyrrhus take the sides 2-3 ( here on the bottom of the picture. I rotate the table 180 to help me to place the Armies and it is so stay.).

a) Rome army: from left to right on the picture; 
4Ax, 4Ax, 2xPs in colum,  Sp, Sp, 4Bd, 4Bd, Sp,Sp, , Cv; the Général is in reserve on the road.
the pla is to attack in direction of the forest with the Ax , the Ps should help or reduce the advance of the Pyrrhus army.

b) Pyrrhus army:
3Ax, Ps in forest, 2x4Pk, Kn(général), El, 2x4Pk, Cv, Lh; 2x 4Pk are in reserve between the last Pk and the Cv.

attack on the right flank with Cv an lh and then in the center with Pk, El and Général.

. Bound 1.
a) Rome pips= 3: the plug are gone because they are good going terrain.
all the line (from Ax to Sp) advance 2BW, général follow but stay behind the Cv stay and wait.

b) Pyrrhus Pips= 5:
Cv+ Lh advance 3,5BW in order to stop before the edge of the hill; the line Pk-El, Kn, Ax advance 2BW the two las Pk advance on th e hill 2BW.

. Bound 2.
a) Rome Pips= 6: 1Ps advance 2-3 BW to put the 2x4Pk in TZ, the 2x4Ax continue advancing to forest, the second Ps go to align with Ax, The Cv advance to put the CV and Lh in TZ; the général zwich to left.

b) Pyrrhus Pipis= 5: Cv+Lh contact Cv ( he has to conformto the attaquer) the 2 Pk on the hill continue to move forward and the line advance to align with the 2 Pk
the 2xPk change orientation to face Ps
Combat cv vs cv: 3+1 vs 3-1+3 -> Cv(p) recoil.

. Bound 3.
a) Rome Pips=3:
2x4Ax advance 2BW one Ps got o align with; The général go to attack the Lh: 4+2 vs 2-1+6 -> général recoil.

b) Pyrrhus Pips=3: Cv contact Cv, line Pk-Kn go to contact. Combat:
El vs 4Bd: 5+6 vs 3+6 -> 4Bd recoil
Kn vs 4Bd: 4-1+5 vs 3-1+5 -> 4Bd dead
Pk vs Sp: 3+3+6 vs 4+1-1+6 -> Sp recoil
Pk vs Sp: 3+3+3 vs 4-1+1 -> Sp dead
Cv vs Cv3+1 vs 3-1+1 -> Cv(r) recoil
   Rome 0 - Pyrrhus 2.
. Bound 4.
a) rome Pips=5: The Sp near the Kn recoil and schiht to contact the Kn the other Sp closse the door of the Kn. 2 pips for moving the 2x 4Ax (out of comand and the ps contact the Ps.
Combat: Sp vs Kn:4+5 vs 4-2+6 -> Kn dead
4Bd vs El: 3+1 vs 5+1 -> 4Bd recoil
Sp vs Pk: 4-2+2 vs 3+3+5 -> Sp dead
Ax vs Ax égalité
Ps vs ps: 2+5 vs 2+2 -> Ps (p) recoil

Rome 2 - Pyrrhus 3.

. Bound 4 b) Pyrrhus Pips= 4 ( the général is dead)

the Ps come back in combat, one Pk closse the door of the 4Bd again the El

el vs 4Bd: 5-1+6 vs 3-1+4 -> 4Bd dead (closse door)

Rome 2 - Pyrrhus 4.

Serie 3 colision course - B6: ES vs Mendes

 1) army composition. a) Es: Ax/Ps -> Ps, b) Mende: Sp/4Bw->Sp, Cv/ Lh/Ax->Ax. 2)Initiative. a) ES=2+2, M =2+4 -> ES defender. 3...