mardi 29 juin 2021

Pyrrhus war; fisrt serie: Pyrrhus - Syracuse.

 1) Armies Composition: A) Pyrrhus: Général Kn/Cv: RD6=4 .>Kn, Cv, Lh, El, 4x4Pk, Sp/4Pk RD6=5 -> 2x4Pk, 4Ax/3Ax RD6=2 -> 3Ax.

B) Syracuse: Général Sp/Cv RD&=6 -> Cv,6xSp, Sp/4Wb RD6=1 -> 4Wb, Cv/4Ax: RD6=1 -> Cv, Art/ 3Ax: RD6= 3 -> Art.

2) Initiative: Pyrrhus: 4+6, Syracuse: 2+2 -> Syracuse defender.

3) Terrain: Litoral -> WW ( in 2 and 3) 2 Marsh in  2 and 4, a Gentil hill in 4.

4) Deploiement:

a) Pyrrhus take the edge 3 and 4 to come ( on the right on Photos).

b) Syracuse (on the left) 3 Sp are in reserve as landing force; from top to botom: Cv (between ww and the marsh), 4Wb in the marsh dab Art, 3x Sp, Général, Ps and Lh.

c) Phyrrus: from top to botom: 2x2Pk and Cv facing a potential landing force, then: 2x4Pk, Général, El, 3Ax, Ps in Marsh and Lh behind the Marsh.

. Bound 1. 
a) Syracuse
the landing force (LF) is placed almost on the right side of the WW in parallele with the 2x2x4Pk
Pips= 2: LF advance 2BW to Pk, the Cvgo with 4BW in the same direction.

b) Pyrrhus Pips=2: Géné - EL- 3Ax advance on the hill with 3BW, the Cv go to align with the Pk. 

. Bound 2.
a) Syracuse Pips=4: Ps move in direction El, Lh align with the Ps, the 4Wb get out the Marsh and the Cv align with the LF. Art out of range.
Syracuse 0 - Pyrrhus 1

b) Pyrrhus Pips=6:
El recoil He make place for Kn, Kn attack Ps, 3Ax attack Lh and the Lh go around the marsh. one Pk go align with CV-Pk.
Combat: Géné vs Ps: 4+1 vs 2+1 -> Ps is killed
3Ax vs Lh: 3+3 vs 2-1+5 -> deuce.

. Bound 3.

a) Syracuse Pips= 3: the line art- général advance 2BW the 4Wb advance between the line and the LF.
combat: Lh vs 3Ax: 2-1+4 vs 3+4 -> Lh recoil

b) Pyrrhus Pips= 4: on the top of picture the line 2x4Pk-Cv-2x4Pk attack the LF -Cv,
El advance on the hill and the last 4Pk come to support him.
Combat: Pk vs Cv: 4+4 vs 3+3 -> Cv recoil
Cv vs Sp: 3+6 vs 4-1+6 -> deuce
2x4Pk vs Sp: 3+3+6 vs 4+1+4 -> Sp recoil
2x4Pk vs Sp: 3+3+4 vs 4-1+5 -> Sp recoil

. Bound 4.

a) Syracuse pips= 4: 4Wb align with Cv, Lh on the bottom align with général.
Art vs Pk: 4+1 vs 3+5 -> no effect
Sp vs 2x4Pk: 4+1+5 vs 3+3+3 -> Pk recoil
Sp vs 2x4Pk: 4+1+1 vs 3+3-2+3 -> Sp recoil
Sp vs Cv: 4-2+1 vs 3+5 -> Sp dead
Syracuse 0 - Pyrrhus 2.

.b) Pyrrhus Pips=6.
the 2x4Pk retourn in contact with Sp
El contact Sp  and the Pk align to EL for débord
Général +3Ax attack the général+Lh the Lh align with 3Ax Combat: 
2xPk vs Sp: 3+3-1+2 vs 4+3 -> Deuce
2Pk vs Sp: 3+3+6 vs 4-1+6 -> Sp recoil

3Ax vs Lh: 3+5 vs 2+2 -> Lh flee
Géné vs Géné: 5+1 (hill) +4 vs 4-1+5 -> géné(s) recoil; El vs Sp: 4+1+5 vs 4-1+1 -> Sp dead
Pk vs Sp: 3-1+2 vs 4+1-1+3 -> Pk recoil

Syracuse 0 - Pyrrhus 3.

. Bound 5.

a) Syracuse Pips=5: Cv contct Pk and 4Wb closse the door
Sp attack pk and an other Sp close the door. 
no cible for Art.
combat: Sp vs 2xPk: 4+1+4 vs 3+3+6 -> Sp recoil
Sp vs Pk: 4-1+6 vs 3+3+6 -> Sp recoil
Sp (+ CD) vs Pk: 4+6 vs 3-1+4 -> Pk is dead
Général vs Général: 4-1+4 vs 5+2 -> deuce.

Syracuse 1- Pyrrhus 3.

.b) Pyrrhus Pips= 5: 
El close the door to Général and the 3Ax brind a débord on other side
Général vs général: 5+5 vs 4-2+3-> général (s) is killed
2x4Pk vs Sp: 3+3+4 vs 4+1+3 -> Sp recoil
2x4Pk vs Sp: 3+3+4 vs 4-1+2 -> Sp dead

Syracuse 1 - Pyrrhus 6. 

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Serie 3 colision course - B6: ES vs Mendes

 1) army composition. a) Es: Ax/Ps -> Ps, b) Mende: Sp/4Bw->Sp, Cv/ Lh/Ax->Ax. 2)Initiative. a) ES=2+2, M =2+4 -> ES defender. 3...