dimanche 27 décembre 2020

Introduction about DBA 3.0 solo Battle report.


Hello every body welcome in my Blog. Here we will speak almost only about De Bellis Antiquitatis  version 3.0 also well know as DBA 3.0. Since I am young I was interested by different wargames, mostly solo and history background of these games. In the year 1990 my favourite game was a French one “Champ de bataille” it was publicised by a French wargame revue “Vae Victis”. It was a small game on paper with hexagon grille and paper piece. It was a translation from DBM to a smaller version with hexagon. 15 years later when I meet my wife and later with my children I decided to have more time with them and I put all my games in a box in the basement for later. In the summer 2020 I decided to start again to play since I had a new room for my at home. I was surprise that my young soon was also interested by “Champ de bataille” so I started to play with him. Of course I went in the Web to see if there was some update of this game. I finally in Augustus 2020 I fond all information about DBA 3.0 and decided that it should be my new game. I was more in favour in this game when I saw that a French version was published by ZBB EditionS » Jeux & Histoire with some videos here: De Bellis Antiquitatis – DBA version 3.0 » La V3 en vidéo ! (dba-v3.fr) without forgotten the videos from  Tony Aguilar here DBA 3.0 Videos (De Bellis Antiquitatis) - YouTube. I bought the French version  of the rule rules with some army, the Polybien roman (II-33) and later Carthage (II-32a) with 2 books of scenario, one about the second Punic war (Punica) and the other about the war of Gaules from Ceasar. If I writhe this blog is to share with you my experience on this game, I will try to post regularly the battle report of my game which will be play mostly solo.

To be a good player with DBA you need the knowledge of 4 points

1)      read the rule

2)      your army with the advantages and weakness of the different option for your 12 element

3)      as defender you have to choose the terrain and place it in your advantage and as attaquer choose the best way to win.

4)      For the deployment make a good plan and try to follow it.

In the beginning I wanted only to focalise on the point 1 and 4 that why a decided to start with the scenario from Punica. Here you to do not have a choose for your army and the terrain, everything is fixe with some special rules specific for this scenario.

In Punica there are 12 scenarios for 16 battles since some battles have to play 2 or 3 time.

So I will see you on my next update with the fist battle report.



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Serie 3 colision course - B6: ES vs Mendes

 1) army composition. a) Es: Ax/Ps -> Ps, b) Mende: Sp/4Bw->Sp, Cv/ Lh/Ax->Ax. 2)Initiative. a) ES=2+2, M =2+4 -> ES defender. 3...