dimanche 27 décembre 2020

La Trebie 218 before JC

So it is the first battle report for this Blog. I started with the first Scenario of the compaign of the second Punic war between Roman Polybian and Later Carthage from "Punica" published by ZBB Editions (in French). First I want to show you both army involved in this conflic, The figurine are 15 mm and come from essex.

Roman Polybian army: Label by DBA_ II-33

a General Cv, a Equite Cv, 2 psiloris Ps, 4 solide blades (2 hastis+ 2 Principes)  4x4Bd, 2 Triari Sp and as option: 2 more 4Bd (hasati+ principe) or 2x 4Ax (Italian ally) or 2x 3Ax (gallian ally).  and picture.

The bases are not yet finished but i will work on it as well as a beautifull camp. But I wanted to play as soon as possible

The Later Carthage: label DBA: II-32a

a General Cv, a Numide Lh, 2 Psiloris Ps, a Scurati spanish 4Ax, 3 Lybian or Poenian Spear SP and as option a Elephant El or a Cavalerie Cv, plus one Light Cav lh or a El. and 2 more infantrie: 2x 4Wb (Gallic) or 2x 4Ax (spanish)

For this battle the terrain and the army composition should be like that.

the bord is 60cm x 60cm as standard for DBA.
for the Roman we have: 
general Cv, 1 Cv, 4x4Bd, 2x Sp, 2x 3Ax, 2xPs.
for Cartage: General Cv, 1xCv,1xEl, 1xLh, 3xSp, 1x4Ax, 2x 4Wb, and 2xPs
the terrain is a river and a Gully.
Special rules: Magnon (Lh + Ps) Was hided all the night in the gully and when the roman cross the river for deploement, they come on the flank of the roman. theyact as landing force. Cartage play first.

So now my deployement with figurines:

The battle plan for cathahe: attaue on both flank. one with Magnon supported by the Cv and on the left flank he have  the General+ El and + 1x Ps.
The inf line must follow.
For the Roman: protect the flanks and wait and see.

I take a picture after the end of each rund when both team team play the rund. I will write the Pips number and actions.
. Rund 1.
a) Carthage Pips =4: move Cv in right flank, Move General+ El and ps on the left flank and the line move forward.
b) Rome Pips= 1 (bad luck): only rotate the C on the left flank.

. Rund 2.
a) Cathage Pips = 5: continue to move on both flank and th line folow.
b) Rome Pips = 2 little better: move one Sp to left the other Sp to right.

. Rund 3.
a) carthage Pips =6: both flank go in combat and the imove forward but to not contact the roman.
the combat see recoil ofr the roman.
b) Rome Pips= 6 it was time: on the left the Sp contact the Lh, Cv contact the Cv, the roman infantrie go to contact and on the right flank the Sp continue to move more right.
Combat: lot of recoil on both side, elimination of the El with bad luck in dice and one 3Ax (roman) dead too. Cathage 1 - Rome 1.

. Rund 4.
a) Carthage Pips =6 again: contine to prees the roman, the general go to contact the roman general and one ps and one Sp close the door for 2 differnt combat:
So 3 dead for the roman this phase ( 2 due to the impossible recoil and one dead by the 4Wb).
but the roman Cv eliminate the carthage Cv on the left.
Carthage 4 - Rome  2. Victory for Cartage.
in the real battle it was the same result.

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Serie 3 colision course - B6: ES vs Mendes

 1) army composition. a) Es: Ax/Ps -> Ps, b) Mende: Sp/4Bw->Sp, Cv/ Lh/Ax->Ax. 2)Initiative. a) ES=2+2, M =2+4 -> ES defender. 3...