vendredi 1 janvier 2021

 Battle on the lake Trasimène in -217 before JC

This is the second scenarion ot the campaign "Punica"

The Roman are moving in the morning with the fog along the Lake Trasim`ne direction west. When the fog go away the roman see on the north on the top hill all the Carthage army ready to fight. Surprise!!!

Army composition from west to est:
Carthage: 2xLh, Cv, 2x4Wb, General, 3xSp, 2xPs +4Ax
Rome: Cv, General, 2x Sp, 6x 4Bd, and 2x Ps.
Special rules:
- Carthage play first
- first Pip: if it is 1 is 3, 2 is 4 an 3 to 6 stay 3 to 6.
- only th hill on the bottom right is difficult, the other are gentil hill.

My deployment:

Carthage plan: Attaque on the both flank and put the infantrie in combat as soon as possible.
Rome plan: try to deploy the army in line.

Rund 1: 
a) Carthage Pips= 6 ( very good). 
1+2 move the 2 Lh on the extreme right flank
3. the Cv move 4BW direction the Roman Cv
4. the big inf line move 2BW down the hill
5+6. first move with the 2Ps+4Ax 2BWE + a second of 3Bw only with the 2 Ps on the left flank.
b) Rome Pips= 3
rotate the CV and general to the Lh (C) and move a Sp on the flank.

Rund 2.
a) carthage Pips= 5
the inf line continue to move to the roman
the Ps go to put the Sp (R) in Treat Zone (TZ)
the 4Ax try to follow the Ps
and the Cv go to support the 2 Lh.
b) Rome Pips= 4
Cv and general go to combat with Lh and the Sp again Cv(c) -> Lh(c)+Cv(c) and Cv(r) recoil
the 2Ps gocombat with  the Ps(c) -> 2Ps(c) recoil.

Rund 3.
a) Carthage Pips= 6
2x4Wb move alone 2BW, Sp wheel and move
Cv and Lh again in combat and the general go to close the door of the Sp and finally the 4Ax move.
combat: recoiol for rome and the Sp (r) is dead
b) Rome Pips= 6:
put all the infantrie in line. no combat
Carthage 1 - Rome 0

Rund 4.
a) Carthage Pips=4.
rotate the general, attaque with Cv and Lh -> no result (dude)
 and rewheel the Sp to aligne the the line to Rome.
the 4Ax continue to move more left to support the 2 Ps.
b) Rome Pips= 3.
move 3x$bd to contavt with the Sp(c)-> 3Sp recoil
align the last 4Bd with the other
the Ps go to combat with the ps(c)-> 1 recoil both side.
Rund 5.
a) Carthage Pips= 6 again.
Cv, Lh and general go to contact the rome Cv and The General -> some recoil in both side
other combat : recoil in both side of infantrie and 1x4bd dead (10 vs 5).
b) Rome Pips= 4.
continue to press the Cv and Lh of carthage, replace the last 4Bd
combat-> again 1x 4Bd dead.
Carthage 3 - Rome 0.

Rund 6 and final.
a) Carthage Pips= 2.
move the Lh in flank to close the door to the Cv(r) -> the Cv(r9 died in combat
The General + Cv  go combat the general(r) and the Sp-> the Sp died in combat.

Carthage 5 - Rome 0.

Carthage Victory.


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Serie 3 colision course - B6: ES vs Mendes

 1) army composition. a) Es: Ax/Ps -> Ps, b) Mende: Sp/4Bw->Sp, Cv/ Lh/Ax->Ax. 2)Initiative. a) ES=2+2, M =2+4 -> ES defender. 3...