mercredi 20 janvier 2021

Betis -211 BC.

 We are in Spain The deployement is so:

Roman Army is: Scipio Cv, Equite Cv, 6x4Bd, 2x Sp and 2xPs all go direction Est.

Carthage Army: Magon Cv, 2x Lh, 3x Sp, 3x 4Ax and 2xPs.

Carthage play first. The 4Ax(c) play like a landing force.

. Bound 1. 

a) Carthage Pips=5: move Mango to the left in order to put the Ax in comand radius. Then they move 2 4Ax to contact the Ps and one 4Ax to contact Scipio. -> 2Ps recoilled and one 4Ax is killed. The Cv and Lh go direction Scipio and the rest move 2BW forward.

b) Rome Pips= 4: the 2 last 4Bd go in line with Scipio, Scipio rotate to face the Cv and Lh(c). Teh third 4Bd rotate 180 to face the 4Ax(c). On the other flank one Sp go on the road forward.

: Bound 2.

a) Carthage Pips= 1: only put the 4AX again in combat -> the 2 Ps recoilled.

b) Rome Pips= 4: On the left flank the 2 Sp and the Cv make a line, on the right ome 4Bd go to align with the oter 4Bd and 2 4Bd go in direction of the 4Ax(c)
no Combat.

. Bound 3.
a) Carthage Pips = 2: move the line with 2BW and the Lh go to put Scipio in TZ.

b) Rome Pips= 5: on the right the 4Bd continue to turn around the 4Ax(c), Scipio rotate to face the Lh and the Bd line advance to cover the flank of Scipio. on the left flank Cv and Sp go for but not in contact. -> no combat.

Carthage 0 - Rome 1

. Bound 4.
a) Carthage Pips= 1 move the line in combat -> one ps recoilled and one is killed

b) Rome Pips= 6: go go combat with 4Bd -> one Sp(c) is killed

Carthage 0 - Rome 2

. Bound 5. Sorry I do not have a picture but Carthage roll again 1 in pips  and in the rome bound   3 other unit of Carthage are killed.

Carthage 0 - Rome 5. the best victory of Scipio.

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Serie 3 colision course - B3: Mendes vs NA

 1)composition des armee. a)NA: Pas doption., b) M: Lh/Cv/Ax -: Lh, 4Bw /Sp-: 4Bw. 2) Initiative . NA:4&4, M: 2%5 -: Mendes defenseur. 3...