This is the 12th balltle of the campaign (of 16) we are in Spain.
Army composition.Rome: Scipion Cv, 1x3Cv, 4x4Bd, 2x4Sp, 2x4Ax and 2x2Ps
Ropme play first.
Carthage: Hasdrubal Cv, 1 El, 2x2Lh, 3x4Sp, 3x4Ax and 2x2Ps.
the 2 Hills are gentil Hills, if rome fisrt pips is 1 it is 2 so the labour go away, no effect.
a) Rome Pips= 2: . move the line of 2BW and the right flank also.deployement.
and Bound 1.b) Carthage Pips= 5:move theLh+Ps more than 1BW to be on other side of the Hill. Hasdrubal go to the left flank. 2x4Ax go to align with El and the last go more left.
. Bound 2.
a) Rome Pips= 4: move the Cvbon left of 4BW and the 2 4Bd for 2BW. on the right the colum is deployed on line.b) Carthage Pips= 4: align the 2x4Ax with the El, move the Sp on the right of El, the last 4Ax continue to the left.
still no combat.
. Bound 3.
a) Rome Pips= 2: the center line move 2BW for and on the right the 4Bd go with the Cv.b) Carthage Pips= 3: the Sp move to take the hill and the 4Ax continue to left.
nothing append.
. Bound 4.
a) Rome Pips=1 ?:put the 4Bd+Cv on the left hill.b) carthage Pips= 6: the Sp go on the Hill too. -> the 4Bd recoil.
in the center the 4Ax go behind the Ps and on the left flanfk the 4Ax go to align with the general.
a) Rome Pips= 2:Combat only on the right flank ->one 4Bd and one Ps are killed, Scipüion recoil and on other hill one Ps flee and one Bd recoil.
a) Rome Pips= 2 nothing to do -> combat= dude-> from left to right:Sp(c) recoil, Lh flee, ps(c) recoil, Ps(r) recoil also, 4Bd and gene(r) recoil.
b) carthagePips= 6 also: continue the combat but only lot of recoil no dead.
.Bound 6.
b) carthage Pips=5: General go in contact as weel as the EL and Ps in the center
->one 4Bd on the right is Killed again
Carthage 2 - Rome 0.
. Bound 7.
b) Carthage Pips=4 on the left hii the Sp go to contact and the Lh close the door -> one 4Bd is killed. and on the second hill on other 4Bd is killed too by Sp(c).
Carthage 4 - Rome 0.
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