mardi 5 janvier 2021

 Third Battle report: Cannes -216 av. JC

Both Army met together on the plain near cannes.
Special rules:
Roman play first, there is a lot of wind and Hanibal put deploy his army in order to have the wind in Back so for the roman the wind is inthe face -> only Psiloris and other troupe in colum can be considered as a group.
Army Composition:
Carthage: Hanibal Cv, Cv, 2xLh, 3x $Sp, 4Ax, 2x4Wb, 2x Ps
Rome: varon Cv, Cv, 4x4Bd, 2x4Ax, 2x4Sp, 2x Ps.
My Deployement:
Roman attaque plan: move the three colum forward but keeping place in between to extend in line before contact.
Carthage plan: first put all the infantrie in a line and go to contact. the cavalerie will protect both flank.

. Rund 1.
a) Rome Pips= 2: move the right colum and Cv
b) Carthage Pips= 6: put all infantrie in a line and move the Cv+Lh on the left flank in response to the Cv rome.

. Rund 2.
a) Rome pips=4: move a Sp (right) to support the Cv, move the ps and the center colum for and the left colum little bit more left.
b) carthage pips=6: Cv+ Lh in combat to Cv -> Cv(r) recoil, move ps and the line forward and the general go with Lh (right).

. Rund 3.
a) Rome pips=4: move the Sp right to the Cv in support, move the 4Ax on other side. move the left colum and put the general in support.
b) Carthage pips=2: move the CV+ Lh in combat -> dude, wheel 2xSp and move to protect the Cv in left flank.

. Rund 4.
a) Rome pips=2: attaque on the right flank with Sp vs Lh and Cv+ 4Ax vs Cv(c) -> both Lh(c) and Cv(c) recoil.
b) Carthage pips= 3: rewheel the 2Sp and go to contact the 4Ax -> 4Ax recoil, Lh + Cv to contact the Sp+Cv(r) -> Lh(c) recoil and Cv(r) dead.
on other flank the Lh go to put the general(r) in TZ.

Carthage 1- Rome 0.

. Rund 5.

a) Rome pips= 4: move the 4Bd (right) on the right of the 4Ax, dispacht the center colum to fill the gap. the ps go tocontavt the ps(c) -> one Ps(c) recoil and one dead. Carthage 1 - Rome 1
b) Carthage pips=5: the 2xWb go to fight with Ps(r) -> 1 Ps and 1 Wb recoil, hanibal go to combat with Varon and the Lh close the door-> Ende for Vairon (9 vs 8 but the door is closed).
Carthage 3 - Rome 1

. Rund 6. ( the last one)
a) Rome pips= 4: on the left flank one Sp go to contact the Sp(c) and a 4Bd close the door -> Sp (c) dead.
 Carthage 3- Rome 2

b) Carthage pips= 4 a 4WB go to contavt the last Ps and the 4Ax close the door -> Ps (r) dead.

Carthage 4 - Rome 2.

Not a great victory but a victory.

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Serie 3 colision course - B6: ES vs Mendes

 1) army composition. a) Es: Ax/Ps -> Ps, b) Mende: Sp/4Bw->Sp, Cv/ Lh/Ax->Ax. 2)Initiative. a) ES=2+2, M =2+4 -> ES defender. 3...