vendredi 29 janvier 2021

Les Grandes Plaines. -203 B.C.


Army Composition: 

Rome: Scipion Cv, Cv, 6x4Bd, 2xSp and 2xPs

Carthage: Hasdrubal Cv, Cv, 2x Lh, 3xSp, 3x 4Ax and 2xPs

the hill are gentle and Rome play fisrt. If the first Pips is 1 it is 2- > no labour.


A) Rome plan. attaque on the right flank  the 4Ax8(c) are not so strong.

b) Carthage plan. Use the Cv and lh to attaque on the flank.

. Bound 1.
a) Rome Pips=3: from the right: move the Ps more in the center, move the Sp more in right and move Scipion with the Sp.

b) Carthage Pips= 4: 2 move fot the 2 Ps on the other flank (right) move the Sp line of 2BW and Hasdrubal+ Lh 4BW.

.Bound 2.
a) Rome PIps= 5: on the left roman flank: move the Ps more in the center, move the Sp in place of the Ps and the 4Bd in place of the Sp.
On the right flank: move Scipion and the Sp of 2BW and replace one 4Bd in the line.

b) Carthage Pips= 1 noting only move the Sp line of 2BW ahead.

. bound 3.
a) Rome Pipüs= 5: on the right flank Scipion and the Sp continue ahead, the 2Ps go to contact the Ps(c)-> one dude one Ps(c) recoil.
the inf line move 2BW ahead and on the left flank the Cv move to protect the flank.

b) Carthage Pips= 4:  on the right flank (from Carthage) Hasdrubal contact the Cvand the Lh bring a debord -> Hasdrubal recoil
 the Sp löine contact the 4Bd line -> one 4Bd recoil  and one Ps (C) is also killed.
on the left flank one 4Ax rotate to put the Sp(r) in Tz.

 Carthage 0 - Rome 1.

. Bound 4.
a) Rome Pips=6: on the right flank (rome side) the Sp rotate to the 4Ax, one 4Bd go ahead direction the 4Ax
move the Ps to contact with Ps(c) and the other Ps close te door -> Ps(c) is killed, one 4Bd go to close door ot a Sp(c) -> Sp(c) is also killed
  the other comabat are one recoil Sp(c) and one dude.

Carthage 0 - Rome 3.

b) Carthage Pips = 2 only on the right flank Hasdrubal contact the Cv and the Lh close the door -> Cv(r) is killed.
Carthage 1- Rome 3.

. Bound 5. Last one.
a) Rome Pips = 5: on the right flank the 4Bd go to contact the 4Ax(c) and one Ps go on the rear -> The 4Ax(c) is killed. on the center the 4Bd continue to close the door of the Sp -> on Sp(c) is also killed.
 on the left one 4Bd rotate to face Hasdrubal and the Lh.

Carthage 1 - Rome 5 Ende.

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Serie 3 colision course - B6: ES vs Mendes

 1) army composition. a) Es: Ax/Ps -> Ps, b) Mende: Sp/4Bw->Sp, Cv/ Lh/Ax->Ax. 2)Initiative. a) ES=2+2, M =2+4 -> ES defender. 3...