dimanche 18 juillet 2021

Pyrrus war first serie; Camille Romain (II-10) - Syracuse (II-9)

 1) Armies Composition:

a) Romain Camille: Général Cv, Cv, levées 2xPs, Hasati 2x4Bd, Principes 2xSp, triani 2x Sp, 2x4Ax.

b) Syracuse: Général Sp/Cv Rd6=3 -> Sp, 6xSp, Sp/Wb Rd6=3 -> Sp, Ax/Cv Rd6=2 ->Cv, Art/3Ax Rd6=5 -> 3Ax, Lh, Ps.

2) Iniotiative: Rome 3+4; Syracuse: 2+6 -> Rome defender.

3) Terrain: Arable:  2 plug, small forest, gentil hill and a road.

-> Plug in 4 and 3, forest in 3 hill in 1 (Rd6=5) road in 2 to 1.

4) déploiement.

a) Syracuse take the side 1-4 Left on the picture

b) Rome: on the right side. from bottom to top: Ps, Cv, 

Sp+4Bd behind, 3x Sp, 4Bd, 2x4Ax, Ps

-> Controle of the gentil hill.

c) Syracuse. from bottom to top: Lh, Cv, Général + Sp behind, 3x Sp,  Sp, 3Ax and ps in forest last Sp blok behind the forest.

-> attack on the right flank and the gentil hill.

. Bound 1.

  a) Rome Pips=5:Cv+Ps advance on the hill 3BW  , voor the hill a Sp shift to left 1BW and advance 1BW, the 4BD  come to align with him. The the line Sp- Ps ( on other flank) advance 1BW to be aligned with the SP-4Bd  , the last Ps make a second mouvement of 3BW.

b) Syracuse Pips= 4: Cv+Lh contact Cv+Ps, Général +2x Sp advance 2BW, 2x 1Sp advance 1BW ( begin in woods).


Lh vs Ps: 2+6 vs 2+2 -> Ps dead

Cv vs Cv: 3+4 vs 3-1+4 -> Cv(r) recoil.

Rome 0 . Syracuse 1.

. Bound 2.

a) ERome Pips= 5: Sp behind Cv shift tohis left and advance 1BW, Cv contact Cv the line 4Bd- 4Ax advance 2BW, Ps advance in direction forest and put the 3Ax and Sp in TZ.

Combat: Cv vs Cv: 3-1+3 vs 3-1+2 -> Cv(s) recoil.

b) Syracuse Pips=4: 2pips  (out of RC) 3Ax contact ps and Ps closse the door..

Combat: 3Ax vs Ps: 3+2 vs 2-1+6 ->3Ax+Ps recoil.

. Bound 3.

a) Rome Pips= 5. in botom: Sp contact the Lh, Cv -> Cv, the line 4Bd- 4Ax advance to contact the Sp. the last 4Ax advance in dirction of Ps , the Général advance 2BW. Combat:
Sp vs Lh: 4+6 vs 2-1+3 -> Lh flee
Cv vs Cv: 3+1+3 vs 3-1+4 -> Cv (s) recoil.
4Bd vs Géné Sp: 5+1+4 vs 5+1+3 -> Géné recoil 4Dd advance
Sp vs Sp: 4+1+2 vs 4+1-1+3 -> deuce
Sp vs Sp: 4+1+1 vs 4+1-1+1 -> Sp(s) recoil

b) Syracuse pips= 4: the 2 Sp in forest advance to be aligned with the line, Lh return and 3Ax contact Ps
Général vs 4Bd: 5+6 vs 5-2+2 .> 4Bd is killed
Sp vs Sp: 4+1-1+1 vs 4+1+1 -> Sp (s) recoil
3Ax vs ps: 3+4 vs 2+6 -> 3Ax recoil.

Rome 0 . Syracuse 2.

. Bound 4.

a) Rome Pips= 4: line advance to contact tzhe Sp line, général align right to Cv and Sp to left on other flank the 4Ax contact Ps. Combat the 4Bd + Sp recoil from 2xSp Sp vs Sp (on the road ->Sp(s) recoil
Sp vs Sp (near hill) -> Sp(s) recoil.
4Ax vs Ps: 3+4 vs 2+5 -> deuce.

b) Syracusepips= 2 the 2 recoil Sp return in combat
Sp vs Sp(near hill): 4+1+4 vs 4+1-1+2 -> Sp (r) recoil
Sp vs Sp (on the road ): 4+1+4 vs 4-2+2 -> Sp dead
Ps vs 4Ax: 2+2 vs 3+5 -> Ps dead.

Rome 1 . Syracuse 3.

. Bound 5.

a) Rome Pips= 2: line Géné-Sp contact Géné-Lh and the Sp right to Géné contact the Sp.
Sp vs Lh: 4+5 vs 2+6 -> Lh recoil
Cv vs Cv: 3+1+5 vs 3-1+1 -> Cv(s) is killed
Géné vs géné: 4+1+3 vs 5-1+5 -> Géné (r) recoil
Sp vs Sp: 4-2+3 vs 4+1+5 -> Sp(r) dead.

Rome 2 . Syracuse 4.  Ende.

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Serie 3 colision course - B3: Mendes vs NA

 1)composition des armee. a)NA: Pas doption., b) M: Lh/Cv/Ax -: Lh, 4Bw /Sp-: 4Bw. 2) Initiative . NA:4&4, M: 2%5 -: Mendes defenseur. 3...