lundi 1 février 2021

resume of the second Punic War

The campaign of Punica about the second Punic war is finished. We saw rhe victory of Carthage again Roman. Waht I learned during this capaign: 1) the 4Ax for the roman or for Carthage are not so interresting. For the Roman I prefere to use the 4Bd or the 3Ax combined with the Ps again El. And for Carthage the 4Wb are realy better with the quick kill over the 4Bd or the Sp. For monted unit I did not see a great difference between 2 or 0 El because without EL carthage has a big advantage with Cv and Lh.

Now it is time to start a new set of Battle. This time we go little early in time with the fisrt Punic War, the war of the control of Sicily. So we met again the two now Army: Roman Polybian II-33 and the later Carthage II-32a and two new Army: Syracuse ArmyII-9a and the Gallic Army II-11.

a) Syracuse Army II-9a:
General Cv or 4Sp, 6x 4Sp, 1xSp or 1x4Wb, 1x4Ax or Cv, 1 Art or 3Ax and 1x Lh + 1x2Ps.
This army is based of Sp ( can be 8 with the General), but less cavalerie

b) Gallic Army II- 11
General Lch or Cv or 4Wb, 2xLch or 2xCv, 2xCv or 2x3Wb or 2x4Wb, 6x 4Wb or 6x3Wb and 1x2Ps.
there is a total of 25 elements because a lot of options
but is was fun to paint it.

this set of battle will be different, the is no scenario and I have to play with the original rules of DBA 3.0 with help sometime with DBA 3.0 Solo rules.
1) determination of the Army composition: Since I play solo I do not wabnt to take a advantage with one Army  so for me both army sould be considered as NPG. so the determination of the diffenrent option will be determinate with dice roll. This are my rules;:

a) Roman Polybian: Base Army: General Cv, Cv, 4 Blades, 2 SPears and 2 Psiloris
Option: 2x4Bd 0r 2x4Ax or 2x3Ax:
Again Carthage: RD6 -> 1= 2x 4Ax, 2-4= 2x 4Bd and 5-6= 2x 3Ax
Again Syracue: RD6 -> 1 = 1x 4Ax, 2-5= 2x 4Bd and 6= 2x 3Ax
Again Gallic: RD6 ->  1-2 = 2x 4Ax, 3 = 2x 3Ax and 4-6 = 2x 4Ax

b) Carthage Army: Base: General Cv, Lh, 3x Sp, 1x 4Ax and 2x Ps.
Option1 + 2 Monted units
Again all RD8 -> 1-2 =+1Cv +1Lh, 3-4= +1Cv +1El, 5-6= 1Lh +1El and 7-8= +2El.
Option 2 + 2 Inf unit
Again Rome and Syracuse -> 1-2 = 2x4Ax, 3-6= 2x 4Wb
Again Gaul -> 1= 2x4Wb (I do not want to see Gaul again Gaul), 2-6 = 2x 4Ax

c) Syracuse army: Base: 6 Hoplites Sp, 1 Lh and 1 Ps
Option of the general
again Rome  RD6  -> 1-4 = Sp, 5-6= Cv
again Carthage RD6 -> 1-3= Sp, 4-6= Cv
again Gaul RD6 -> 1-2= Sp, 3-6= Cv.
Option Wb again all RD6 -> 1= Wb, 2-6= Sp ( 1 Wb do not bring interesting thing)
Option Cv, 
again Roman RD6 -> 1-4= Cv, 5-6= 4Ax
again Carthage RD6 ->1-3= Cv, 4-6= 4Ax
again Gaul RD6 -> 1-5= Cv, 6= 4Ax.
Option Art RD6 again all -> 1-3= Art, 4-6= 3Ax.

d) Gallic (Gaul): In the description of this army they say that at this time  the Lch was dominate and the Wb sould be solide.
so: General Lch, 2x Lch, 6x 4Wb, 1 Ps and as option 
RD6 again all -> 1-4= 2x 3Wb, 5= 2x 4Wb, 6= 2x Cv.

After we will determine who will be the attaquer and the defender. For this I will use the rules of DBA 3.0. Dan I will coose the terrain for the defender and place it on his advantage with the help of DBA Solo rules. then the Attaquer will choose his side and both will make the deployement with the rules.
then I can play.

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Serie 3 colision course - B6: ES vs Mendes

 1) army composition. a) Es: Ax/Ps -> Ps, b) Mende: Sp/4Bw->Sp, Cv/ Lh/Ax->Ax. 2)Initiative. a) ES=2+2, M =2+4 -> ES defender. 3...