mercredi 17 novembre 2021

Pyrrhus War, Collision Course: Gaule (II-11) - Early Carthage (I-61b)

 Battle Nr 4 off this serie

 1) Armies Composition

a) Gaule: Général Lch, 2xLch, Cv/Wb Rd6=6 -> 2xCv, 6x4Wb, Ps.

b) Carthage: Général Sp/Cv/Hch Rd6=  -> Hch, Hch, Cv, Lh/Ax Rd6=2 -> 4Ax,  2x2Sp,  Sp/Ax Rd6=2->4Ax, 3Ax, 2xPs.

2) Initiative: Gaule3+1 vs Carthage 3+3 -> Gaule defender

3) Terrain. Arable -> 2x Plugs, 2 forest and a gentil hill

4) Déploiement.

Plug in 1 and 3, forest in 4 and 1 and hill in 2.

a) Carthage arrive  by side 1-2(left)

b) Gaule in 2-4 (recht). Col 1: Cv, 2xLch, Géné, Col 2: 4x4Wb, Bg, Col 3: Cv, Ps, 2x4Wb.

c) Carthage: Col1: 2x4Ax, Hch, Géné, Col2: 2x2xSp,Bg, Col3:2xPs, 3Ax, Cv.

. Bound1.
a) Gaule Pips=6: Plug are good going.
4 pips for col 1 in order to put in line, col2 advance 2BW.

b)Carthage Pips=1. only col 2 advance 2BW on hill.

. Bound2.
a) Gaule Pips=5. col 2 advance 1,5BW (block by col 1) 4pips for entrance col3 on field +2BW

b) Carthage Pips= 4. Col 2 advance 2BW, 2x 4Ax align with Sp col2, Hch align with Ax.

.Bound 3.
a) Gaule Pips= 5. 3xLch wheel left and advance  3BW, Cv advance forn 4BW,col 3 advance 2BW, Col 2 without Bg advance shift right.

b) Carthage Pips= 3.  third Sp of col2 align with first Sp (on left), second and 4th shift left 2BW.

. Bound 4.

a) Gaule Pips= 6. Lch rewhell to face Hch 2x4Wb of col 2 advance 2BW, 2 other advance left (direction Lch), col 3 Cv advance 4BW, Ps 3BW and 2x4Wb 2BW.

b) Carthage Pips=3 Géné advanve on the top of the hill for better RC, 2last Sp Align with the line.

. Bound 5.
a) Gaule Pips=4. 2x2x4WB of col 2 make a block, Ps go to align with Cv on the right , 2x4Wb of col 3 advance 2BW.

b) Carthage Pips= 1 badluck
Hch shift to right (make place for the Général).

. Bound 6.
a) Gaule Pips=4. line 4Wb advance 2BW, Cv+Ps advance 3BW and last Cv align with Cv, 2 last 4WB contine to advance.

b) Carthage Pips=5.
4 pips for entrance col 3, Géné take his place between Sp and Hch.

. Bound 7.

a) Gaule Pips= 3.
Cv contact Cv from col 3 and Ps advance to bring a débord

Cv vs Cv: 3+5 vs 3-1+1 -> Cv(c) dead.
Gaule 1 - Carthage 0.

b) Carthage Pips=5. 3Ax contact Cv, one Ps bring a débord recht a second Ps contact Ps last Sp advance to put the last Cv in TZ.
3Ax vs Cv: 3+5 vs 3-1+5 -> Cv(g) recoil
Ps vs Ps: 2+1 vs 2+3 -> Ps(c) recoil

. Bound 8. and 9.
a) Gaule Pips= 6.
line 4Wb- 3xLch advance 2BW but not in contact with carthage

b) carthage Pips=2. 3Ax-ps contact Cv
Ax vs Cv: 3-1+3 vs 3-1+3 -> deuce
Ps vs Ps: 2+4 vs 2+6 -> Ps(c) recoil
. Bound 9. Gaul pips= 4. the big line contact Carthage.
4Wb (near Géné) vs 4Ax; 4+6 vs 3-1+5 -> Ax recoil
4Wb vs Sp: 4+4vs 4+1-1+6 -> Wb recoil
4Wb vs Sp: 4-2+5 vs 4+1+5 -> Wb recoil
Géné vs 4Ax: 4+4 vs 3-1+4 -> Ax recoil
Lch vs géné: 3+5 vs 5-1+5 -> Lch recoil
Lch vs hch: 3-1+6 vs 4+3 -> Hch recoil until the forest
other flank
 Cv vs Ax: 3+3-1 vs 3-1+2 -> 3Ax recoil

b) Carthage Pips=5 recontact every
Ps vs Ps: 2+3 vs 2-1+3 -> Ps(g) recoil
Ax cvs Cv: 3-1+3 vs 3-1+1 -> Cv recoil
4Ax vs 4Wb: 3+2 vs 4-2+2 -> Wb recoil
4Ax vs Général: 3-1+1 vs 4+2 -> Ax dead
Hch vs lch: 4+4 vs 3-1+6 -> deuce
Général vs lch: 5-2+3 vs 3+3 -> deuce.

.Bound 10
a) Gaule pips= 2 reformation of the Wb line , Général rotate and close the door gén´(c).
Lch vs gén´: 3+6 vs 5-2+5 -> général dead.

Gaule 4. Carthage 0. 

Victory for Gaule.

Pyrrhus War, Collision Course: Pyrrhus (II-27b) - Rome Camille (II-10)

 Battle nr 3.

1) Armies Composition.

a) Pyrrhus. Général Kn/Cv-> Kn,Cv, Lh, El, 4x4Pk, Pk/Sp Rd6=2 ->2xSp, 3/4Ax Rd6=1 ->3Ax, Ps.

b) Rome: Général Cv, Cv, 2xPs, 2x4Bd, 2x2xSp, 2x4Ax.

2) Initiative: Pyrrhus 4+5 vs Rome 3+2. -> Rome defender.

3) Terrain: Arable: 2x Plug, 2x forest, gentill Hill, Road (too much but the road has no effect).

4) Déploiement: plug in 4 and 2, forest in 1 and 2, hill in 2 and road in 2 to 3

a) Pyrrhus choose side 1-2 (right)

b) Rome defend in 3-4. Col 1:Cv, Géné, 2xPs, Col 2: 2x4Bd, 2xSp, Bg; Col 3: 2x SP, 2x4Ax.

c) Pyrrhus: Col1: Kn,El,3Ax,Ps; Col2: 4x4Pk, Bg, Col 3: Lh, Cv, 2xSp.

. Bound 1.

a) Rome Pips=5. plug are good going.Col 2 advance 2BW, Général shift right and advace, Cv go to align with Géné, Ps advane3BW left second Ps advance 3BW right.

b) Pyrrhus Pips=6. Col 2 advance 2BW, Kn Col 1 advance and shift left 3BW on Hill, El shift left, Ax+Ps move behind Kn,  Ps second move:Shift right and advance 2BW.

. Bound 2.
a) Rome Pips=1. Géné+Cv advance on hill.

b) Pyrrhus Pips= 1  4Ax align left of Kn.

. Bound 3.
a) Rome Pips= 4. Géné +Cv contact kn-Ps, Ps riht advance 3BW in direction Hill. Col 2 advance 2BW (not in picture)
Géné vs Ps: 4+5 vs 2+5 -> Ps dead
Cv vs Kn: 3-1+6 vs 5+3 -> deuce.

b) Pyrrhus Pips= 1 Ax close the door of Cv.
Kn vs Cv: 5-1+4 vs 3-1+2 -> Ccv dead.

Rome 1.- Pyrrhus 1.

. Bound 4.
a) Rome Pips= 2.  Ps left advance 3BW and Géné recoil 4BW.

b) Pyrrhus Pips=2  (we do not move a lot in this game). col2 advance 2BW and Ax align with Kn.

. Bound 5.
a) Rome Pips=6.
4pips for col 3 entrence in feld with 2BW, Ps (right) and Géné align with Ps left.

b) Pyrrhus Pips= 3. Kn contact Ps  and Ax to géné(r), 2x4Pk col 2 advance 2BW in direction Hill.
Kn vs Ps: 3+4 vs 2+1 -> Ps dead
Ax vs géné(r): 3-1+1 vs 4+4 -> Ax dead.

Rome 2.- Pyrrhus 2.

. Bound 6.
a) Rome Pips= 1. 2x Sp of col 3 advance 2BW.

b) Pyrrhus Pips= 2  (we do not move a lot in this game). 2x4PK advance and put Ps in TZ, Kn contact Géné: 5-1+2 vs 4+6- > Kn recoil.

.Bound 7.
a) Rome Pips=3. 2x Sp advance 2Bw as well as 2xAx, Col 2 advance 2BW Without Bg.

b) Pyrrhus Pips= 2. 2x4Pk to Ps and Kn to géné
Pk vs Ps: 6+1 vs 2+3 -> Ps recoil
Kn vs géné: 5+2 vs 4-1+6 -> Kn recoil.

. Bound 8.
a) Rome Pips=5.Ps recoil 3BW, Géné recoil 4BW
2x4Bd advance to Pk 2x Sp (yellow) align for Kn.

b) Pyrrhus Pips=1. 2x4Pk contact 4Bd
3+3+5 vs 5+1 Bd recoil.

. Bound 9.
a) Rome Pips= 6.
1Sp (yellow) contact Kn, second Spalign recht, Ps bring débord to Pk, Sp (red) advance 2BW, second Sp advance 2BW left, Ax advance 2BW.
Sp vs Kn: 4+2 vs 4-1+5 -> Sp dead
Bd vs Pk: 5+5 vs 3+3-1+3 -> Pk recoil.

b) Pyrrhus Pips=5 Kn rotate contact Sp(yellow) 2x4Pk without Bg advance in plug
Kn vs Sp: 4+3 vs 4+2 Sp dead.
Pk vs Bd: 3+3+1-1 vs 5+4 Pk recoil.

Victory fo Pyrrhus : Rome 2. Pyrrhus 4.

mardi 16 novembre 2021

Pyrrhus War, Collision Course: Early carthage (I61b) - Syracuse (II-9)

 Battle Nr 2

1) Armies Composition.

a) Carthage: Général Sp/Cv/Hch: Rd6=1->Cv, Hch, Cv, Lh/4Ax: Rd6=4 ->Lh, 2x2Sp, Sp/4Ax Rd6=5 -> Sp, Wb/3Ax Rd6=5 ->3Ax, 2xPs

b) Syracuse: Général Sp/Cv Rd6=5 ->Cv, 6xSp, Wb/Sp Rd6=5-> Sp,  Ax/Cv Rd6=1 ->Cv,   Art/3Ax Rd6=5 ->3Ax, Lh, Ps.

2) Initiative: Carthage: 3+3; Syracuse: 2+6 -> Carthage defender.

3) Terrain: Arable -> 2x Plug, difficult Hill, river and road. Plug in 1-2, hill in 3, river 2->3, road 4->1

4) Déploiement.

a)Syracuse arrive by side 3-4 (right side)
b)Carthage on the left (side 1-2)
Col1: Lh, Cv, GénéCv, Sp; Col2: 2xPs, 3Ax, Hch, ; Col3: Bg, 2x2Sp.

c) Syracuse: Col1: Général Cv,Cv, 3Ax, Ps, Col2: 4xSp,Bg; Col3: Lh, 3xSp.

. Bound 1.
a) Carthage Pips=2: Plug are good going, Col 1 advance 2BW, and col 2 advance 3BW.

b) Syracuse Pips=3: Géné+Cv advance on the road for 4BW, Ps+3Ax advance on the hill 3BW, col 2 advance 2BW.

. Bound 2.
a) Carthage Puips= 2. Col 2 advace 3BW,  Cv behind Lh go to align with Lh.

b) Syracuse pips= 5. Ax +ps align on the edge of the hill,col 2 advance 2BW, géné shiftleft and Cv align with Géné.

. Bound 3.
a) Carthage Pips=5:  2x Ps of col 2 shift left, 3Ax contact géné (s), Cv+Lh contact Cv, Hch advance only 1BW.
Cv vs Cv: 3+6 vs 3-1+2 -> Cv(s) dead
Ax vs Géné: 3+6 vs 4-1+5 -> gén´recoil.
Carthage 1. - Syracuse 0.

b) Syracuse Pips= 6.
4pips for col 3 -> advance 2BW on road, 2x Sp of Col 2 advance 2BW, Ax on hill go to align with géné. no Combat.

. Bound 4.
a) Carthage Pips= 4.: Ps contact Ax and second Ps to bring a débord to Ax, line Ax-Lh contact géné, Hch shift right to road,
Ps vs Ax: 2+5 vs 3-1+5 -> deuce
Ax vs Géné: 3+2 vs 4-1+1 -> Géné(s) recoil.

b) Syracuse Pips= 3
Ps on hill shift right and contact Ps 2 Sp align with géné.
Ps vs Ps: 2+4 vs 2-1+2 -> Ps(c) dead
Ax vs Ps3-2+2 vs 2+2 -> deuce.
Carthage 1. - Syracuse 1.

. Bound 5.
a) Carthage Pips=1.
Hch go around the Lh.
Ps vs Ax: 2+5 vs 3-1+5 -> deuce

b) Syracuse Pips=1 also!!!!!
Ps close the door to Ps
Ax vs Ps: 3+2 vs 2-1+1 -> Ps(c) dead.

Carthage 1. - Syracuse 2.

.Bound 6.
a) Carthage Pips=4.
Lh recoil and Hch advance to contact the Sp,Ax-Cv advance contact Géné-Sp, gén´(c) shift left.
Hch vs Sp: 3+6 vs4+4 ->Sp dead
Cv vs Sp:3+4 vs4-1+1 ->Sp recoil3Ax vs Géné: 3-1+3 vs 4-1+6 -> Ax recoil.
Carthage 2. - Syracuse 2.

b)Syracuse pips=2. Géné to Ax and Ps close the door.
Génévs Ax: 4-1+3 vs 3-1+1 -> 3Ax dead.
Carthage 2. - Syracuse 3.

. Bound 7. No photo
a) Carthage Pips= 3. Hchrotate and contact a Sp, géné contact Ps in flank (ps have to be conform).
Hch vs Sp:3+5 vs4-1+2 -> Sp dead and Géné vs Ps: 4+5 vs 2+2 -> Ps dead.

Carthage 3. - Syracuse 3.    -> Victory for Carthage.

lundi 15 novembre 2021

Pyrrhus war- Collision Course: Rome Camille (II10) - Gaule (II-11)

 So a new serie of 10 battle with the 5 Armies of the Pyrrhus war with the alternative rules"Collision course".

The bord is now 70 cm x 70cm and the armies are to be split in three colums of 4 elements..

Frirst Battle: Romain camille versus Gaule.

1) Armies Composition use normal rule with dice for the diferent options.

a) Rome: Général Cv, Cv, 2xPs, 2x 4Bd, 2x Sp(red), 2x Sp (yellow) and 2x 4Ax

b) Gaule: Général Lch, 2x Lch, Cv/Wb, Rd6=6-> 2xCv, 6x4Wb, Ps.

2) Initiative Rome 3+2 vs  Gaule: 3+4. -> Rome is defender.

3) Terrain Arable: 2x Plugs (in 4 and 2) a forest in 4 a river 2 to1 and a road in 1 to 4

4) déploiement: 

a) Gaule: 1-2 ( left) near the river
b) Rome: 3-4 (right): col 1: Cv, Géné, 2x Ps; col 2: 2xSp, 2x 4Bd+ Bg, col 3 : 2x Sp, 2x 4Ax.

c) Gaule: col1: Cv, 2xLch, Géné, col 2: 4x4Wb+bg, col 3: Cv, Ps, 2x4Wb.

. Bound 1.

a) Rome Pips=5:Cv+géné advance 4BW in direction of road, 2xPs advance 3Bw in plug, col 2 advance 2BW and 2 Ps align in the plug.

b) Gaule: pips=3: Cv+lch on the bridge and Géné +Lch behind, col 2 advance 2BW.

. Bound 2.
a) Rome Pips = 5: Cv+ Géné block the bridge, 2 Ps align on the right, col 2 advance 2BW.

b) Gaule pips= 5: Lch shift right and ty to croos the river Rd6=3. Lch and Géné align with Cv (left), col 2 advance 2BW.

. Bound 3.
a) Rome Pips= 1: only col 2 advance 2BW but the Bg stop

b) Gaule Pips=4: Cv advance on the bridge and contact Cv, Lch left cross the river and align with Cv, Lch and Géné go in the river and contact the 2 Ps.
Géné vs Ps: 4+2 vs 2+2 -> Ps dead
Lch vs Ps: 3+6 vs 2+6 -> ps dead 
Cv vs Cv; 3+2 vs 3-2+1+1 -> Cv(r) recoil.

. Bound 4. 
a) Rome Pips= 3:Général shift right  and advance to put both Lch- Géné in TZ, Col 2 advance 2BW.

b) Gaule pips=5: Cv+LLch contact Cv, Lch + Géné contact Géné, 2x$Wb advace 1Bw in river 2 other 4Wb shift right and advance to river.
Cv vs Cv: 3+5 vs 3-1+1 -> Cv(r) dead
Géné vs Géné: 4+1 vs 4-1+1+2 -> Géné(g) recoil

Rome 0. - Gaule 3.

. Bound 5.
                                                                                    a) Rome Pips= 3: Géné recoil 4BW behind, 2 Sp                             (red) shift lef
b) Gaule Pips= 5: Cv advance left along the road and put Géné in TZ, Lch go to align to Cv Lch go out river and géné in river (1BW) 2x 4Wb out river.

. Bound 6.

a) Rome pips= 1. 2x4Bd align with Sp

b) Gaule Pips= 4.
Lch+Cv contact Géné(r), 2x 4Wb contact 4Bd, Géné+ lch contact 2xSp.
Lch vs Géné: 3+2 vs 4-1+2 -> deuce
4Wb vs 4bd: 3+1+6vs 5+5 -> deuce
Géné vs Sp: 4+6 vs 4+3 Sp recoil
Lch vs Sp: 3+1 vs 4-1+4 -> Lch recoil.

. Bound 7. no photo
a) rome Pips= 2: Sp back again géné (g) second Bd recoil in order to be able to shift later.
4Bd vs 4Wb: 5+4 vs 4+4 ->4Wb recoil; Sp vs géné: 4+2 vs 4-1+4 -> Sp recoil; gén´vs Lch: 4+5 vs 3+2. lch recoil.
b) Gaule Pips=6: Lch contact géné and Cv close the door,  4 pip fpr col 3.
lch vs géné: 3+3 vs 4-1+2 -> géné dead; 4Wb vs 4Bd: 4+6 vs5+2 ->4Bd dead

Rome 0.- Gaule 6.Great victory for Gaule.

dimanche 7 novembre 2021

Pyrrhus war, River Dance: Pyrrhus - Gaule

 Last battle repport fot thie serie of 10 battle with river dance.

1) Armée composition.

a) Pyrrhus: Général Kn, Cv, Lh, El,Ps, 4x 4Pk, Pk/Sp Rd6=4 : 2x4Pk, 3/4 Ax Rd6=5: 4Ax

b) Gaule: Général Lch, 2xLch, Cv/Wb Rd6=4:2x3Wb, 6x4Wb, Ps.

2)Initiative. Pyrrhus: 4+3 ; Gaule: 3+1 :-> Gaule is defender.

3) Terrain: Arable-> ZB=village,2 forest and river; vivi in 2, forest in 3 and 3 (6) and the river 4->3

4) Déploiement

a)Pyrrhus take side 3-4
b) Gaule 1-2 (Left side of the river): Lch in village, 2x3Wb, 4x4Wb in line Ps behind and 2 x4Wb in second line, Géné anc Lch in right.
try to defend this side of the river.

c) Pyrrhus: Ps and Ax in forst plus Lh behind, 
2x2x4Pk-Kn-El- 2x4Pk, Cv on left flank

Attaque in center with El-Kn-Pk.

.Bound 1.

a) Gaule Pips= 5. Géné + Lch advance to the river, 4x4Wb+ Ps advance 2WB, 2pips for Lch in vivi advance in river. there is an error here the Lch should advance only 1BW because he was in village but it is not ot much effect later, the 2xeWb advance to the river with 3WB, the reserve 4Wb advance also 2BW.

b) Pyrrhus Pips= 3.2x4Pk advance to the river to face the Géné and Cv go to align left with Pk the Ps in forst advance on the edge of the forest to blok the advance of the Lch.

. Bound 2 
a) Gaule Pips=4. Lch advance and cross the river Rd6=1-> good going and continue the mouvement and contact the Ps in forst, one 3Wb close the door of the Ps the second 3Wb advance to the Ax, Ps cross the 4Wb line and shift to right to be face of El
Lch vs Ps: 3-2+2 Vs 2-1+1 -> Ps dead.

Pyrrhus 0 - Gaule 1.

b) pyrrhus Piops=1. 2x4Pk + Cv cross the river contact Géné- lch.
Pk vs Géné: 4+6 vs 4+2 -> géné recoil
Cv vs Lch: 3+6 vs 3-1+4 -> Lch recoil.

. Bound 3.
a)  gaule Pips=6. 3Wb contact Ax, second 3Wb align with first and Lch out of forst (each with 2 Pips).
3bw vs 4Ax: 3+5 vs 3-1+1 -> 4Ax dead.

Pyrrhus 0 - Gaule 2.

b) Pyrrhus Pips= 4.
Pk + Cv recontact Géné + Lch, Lh recoil to camp, 2x4Pk near the forest rotate to face and put the 3Wb in TZ.

Pk vs Géné: 4+2 vs 4+6 -> pk recoil
Cv vs Lch: 3-1+2 vs 3+6 Cvb dead.

Pyrrhus 0 - Gaule 3.

. Bound 4.

a) gaule Pips=3.
Géné contact 2x4Pk and the Lch close the door one 4Wb in first line advance to bring a débord.
Géné vs Pk: 4+5 vs 4-2+2 2x Pk dead.

Pyrrhus 0 - Gaule 5   -> Victory for gaule 

vendredi 5 novembre 2021

Resume of the second serie of battle (river dance) with Pyrrhus War.

  So just finish to write the last battle report. And in this serie the winner is`?????

Battle number    Oposant                                Score         Victory points

1                        Romain camille - Gaule        5 - 2            Rome : 5+(5-2)=8; Gaule =2

2                        early Carthage - syracuse       0 - 4        Carthage: =0; Syracuse: 5+ (4-0)= 9

3                    Pyrrhs - Romain Camille           5 - 1            Pyrrhus: 5+(5-1)=9 ; Rome= 1

4                    Gaule- early Carthage                3 - 0            Gaule:5+(3-0)=8; Carthage: =0

5                    Syracuse - Pyrrhs                        1 - 4            Syracuse:=1; Pyrrhus: 5+(4-1)=8

              Romain Camille - early Carthage    2 - 4            Rome: 0+2=2; Carthage:5+(4-2)=7

7                    Syracuse - Gaule                          5- 2            Syracuse: 0+ 2: 2; Gaule: 5+(4-2): 7

8                   early Carthage - Pyrrhus              1 - 5            Carthage: 0+1=1; Pyrrhus: 5+(5-1)= 9

9                Romain Camille - Syracuse            5 - 1            Rome: 5+ (5-1)=9; Syracuse: 0 +1=1

10             Pyrrhus - Gaule                                0 - 5            Pyrrhus: 0+0=0; Gaule: 5+(5-0)=10

victory points: 

Pyrrhus:  9 + 8 + 9 + 0 = 26

Gaule:    2 + 8 + 2 + 10 = 22

Rome:   8 + 1 + 2 + 9 = 20

Syracuse: 9 + 1 + 8 + 1 = 19

Carthage:  0 + 0 + 7 + 1 = 8

Victory for Pyrrhus.

lundi 1 novembre 2021

Pyrrhus war, River Dance: Rome Camille(II-10) - Syracuse (II-9)

 1) Aermies Compositions:

a) Rome: Général Cv, Equite Cv, levées 2xPs, Hasatis 2x4Bd, Princeptes 2xSp (red), Triani 2x Sp (yellow), Italiens 2x4Ax.

b) Syracuse: Général Cv/Sp Rd6=3: Sp, 6x Sp, Sp/Wb Rd6=4: Sp, Ax/Cv Rd6=1: Cv, Art/ Ax Rd6=1: Art , Lh, Ps.

2) Initiative: Rome 3+3; Syracuse: 2+5 -> Rome defender.

3) Terrain: arable. 2 Plugs (in 4 and 1), forest in 4 a gentil Hill in 2 a river (1->3) and a road (4->1).I know that it is one terrain  too much but since the river has to be ...

4) Déploiement.

a)Syracuse: start on side 1-2

b) Rome: from top to botton: Cv- Général, 2x 4Bd, Sp2x Ps in forest and othr side of road 2x 4Ax, the 3 Sp are around camp as reserve.

c) Syracuse:from top to botton: Lh and Cv , Art plus 2xSp behind, 3x Sp + Général and Ps. on road 2xSp. 

.Bound 1.

 a)Rome Pips=4 -> plug are good going terrain. Cv+ Géné croos the river Rd6= 2 so the river has no effect.  Cv+ Géné continue to advance on the hill, the 2x 4Bd+Sp advance also in the river (2BW) one Sp in reserve behind advance 2BW.

b) Syracuse Pips=4:  Cv contact Cv(r) and Lh go to align on left side to bring débord to Cv; Sp behind Art shift left and advance 1BW; Sp line (right to Art) advance 2BW.
Art vs Géné(r): 4+3 vs 4+1 Cv recoil
Cv vs Cv: 3+5 vs 3-1+3 -> Cv(r) recoil.

. Bound 2.
a) Rome Pips= 6. Cv contact Cv, Général recoil 1/2 BW- shifht 2BW left and advance 1Bw to contact Lh; 2x Ps go out forest and advance 3BW in river; the Bd-Sp line advance to align wit Ps, Sp behind continue to advance.
Cv vs Cv: 3+5 vs 3+1 -> Cv(s) dead
Géné vs Lh: 4+5 vs 2-1+6 -> Lh recoil.

Rome 1. - Syracuse 0.

b) Syracuse Pips=2. Géné Sp align with Lh  and put géné(r) in TZ, Sp behind Art go direction Hill. no shoting.

. Bound 3.
a) Rome Pips=6.  Cv+ Géné contact Lh+géné, one 4Bd advance on hill to protect the flank of the géné second 4Bd+ Sp+1ps go to align with the 4Bd, Sp behind advance behind Ps.
Géné vs Lh: 4+5 vs 2+6 -> Lh recoil
Cv vs généSp: 3+5 vs 5-1+3 -> Sp recoil

b) Syracuse Pips= 5.  2xSp on road advance for 0Pips 2BW, Sp contact Ps vor the forest and Ps come to bring a débord, other Sp contact the second Ps and one Sp bring a débord; on the Hill Lh align with Géné.
Art vs 4Bd: 4+6 vs 4+2 -> 4Bd recoil
 Sp vs Ps: 4+2 vs 2-1+2 -> Ps flee in forest
Sp vs Ps: 4-1+5 vs 2-1+4 -> Ps recoil.

. Bound 4.
a) Rome Pips= 6. Géné+Cv contact Lh+géné; 4Bd to Sp and second 4Bd as débord and Sp (red) to  Sp (align with 4Bd)  one Sp near camp advance 2BW. Ps for Sp recoil other side of river
Géné vs Lh: 4+2 vs 2+1 -> Lh dead
4Bd vs Sp: 5+4 vs 4+1+6 -> 4Bd recoil
Cv vs Géné Sp: 3+6 vs 5-1+5 -> Cv recoil

Rome 2. - Syracuse 0.

.Bound 4b.

Syracuse Pips=1. one Sp cloose the door of Sp.
Sp vs Sp; 4+2 vs 4-1+1+3 -> Sp (s) recoil.

.Bound 5.
a) Rome Pips= 5: Cv to géné and Géné close the door; 4Bd to Sp , 4bd to Art. Combat
4Bd vs Sp: 5+6 vs 4+1+5 -> Sp recoil
Cv vs gén´: 3+4 vs 5-2+5 -> Cv recoil
4Bd vsArt: 5+5+ vs 4+3 Art dead.

Rome 3. - Syracuse 0.

. Bound 5b+6.
syracuse Pips= 4. Sp tp Sp(red) other Sp close the door, 2xSp contact Sp (red) in  river
Sp vs 4Bd: 4+4 vs 5-1+3 ->4Bd recoil
Sp vs Sp: 4+6 vs 4-1+2 -> Sp(r) dead
Sp vs Sp(in river): 4+1+6 vs 4-1+4 -> Sp(r) recoil.

Rome 3. - Syracuse 1.

.Bound 6. a) rome pips=2. Cv to géné and Géné close the door
Cv vs Sp géné: 3+3 vs 5-2+2 Géné dead.

Rome 5. - Syracuse 1. victory for Rome.

Serie 3 colision course - B3: Mendes vs NA

 1)composition des armee. a)NA: Pas doption., b) M: Lh/Cv/Ax -: Lh, 4Bw /Sp-: 4Bw. 2) Initiative . NA:4&4, M: 2%5 -: Mendes defenseur. 3...