samedi 30 janvier 2021

Zama -202 B.C.

 This is the last battle for this campaign. we are in Africa near Carthage.

Army composition: 
Rome: Scipion Cv, Cv, 6x4Bd, 2x4Sp and 2xPs
Carthage: Hannibal Cv, 2xEl,1xLh, 3x4Sp, 3x 4Ax and 2xPs.
the hill are gentle Hii Rome play first and in the first pips 1=2 so no labour


Carthage: Plan: try to put the Sp on one side of EL and the 4Ax on other side

Rome plan: use the Ps again El and deploy the troupe in one line,

. Bound1.
a) Rome Pips= 4: move the two Ps in order to make a group with both.
 one 4Bd take place of one Ps.

b) Carthage Pips= 3 move little the 2 El and one 4Ax in both flank of El.

. Bound 2.
a) Rome Pips = 4: move the two Ps in contact with EL -> dude. move the 4Bd line 2BW ahead.

b) carthage Pips = 3 : move the tow Ax on the flank of El the last $ax go more left.

. Bound 3.
a ) Rome Pips = 6: on the right the Cv +4Bd go to contact one 4Ax(c) -> 4Ax is killed.
on other flank Scipion move 3BW and on one 4Bd go to put the 4Ax in TZ

b) Carthage Pips = 3: on the right the Lh and Ps go ahead
in combat between EL and Ps the Ps(r) win one combat .
 Carthage 0 - Rome 2
. Bound 4.
a) Rome Pips = 5: on the right flank  the Cv and the 4Bd continue to contact the 4Ax and the Lh but obtain only some recoil. On other flank the 4Bd contact the 4Ax and Scipion close the door -> the 4Ax(c) is killed.
Carthage 0 - Rome 3.
b) Carthage pips = 5: Hannibal go to fight Scipion with the help of one Ps(c) but it is a dude.
the Sp go head but too late.

. Bound 5.
in the center one 4Bd close the door to the El but do not win the combat 
Scipion go to fight again Hannibal with the help of one 4Bd - > Hannibal is killed (10 vs 5).

Carthage 0 - Rome 5.
 Victory for Rome in the last battle.

vendredi 29 janvier 2021

Les Grandes Plaines. -203 B.C.


Army Composition: 

Rome: Scipion Cv, Cv, 6x4Bd, 2xSp and 2xPs

Carthage: Hasdrubal Cv, Cv, 2x Lh, 3xSp, 3x 4Ax and 2xPs

the hill are gentle and Rome play fisrt. If the first Pips is 1 it is 2- > no labour.


A) Rome plan. attaque on the right flank  the 4Ax8(c) are not so strong.

b) Carthage plan. Use the Cv and lh to attaque on the flank.

. Bound 1.
a) Rome Pips=3: from the right: move the Ps more in the center, move the Sp more in right and move Scipion with the Sp.

b) Carthage Pips= 4: 2 move fot the 2 Ps on the other flank (right) move the Sp line of 2BW and Hasdrubal+ Lh 4BW.

.Bound 2.
a) Rome PIps= 5: on the left roman flank: move the Ps more in the center, move the Sp in place of the Ps and the 4Bd in place of the Sp.
On the right flank: move Scipion and the Sp of 2BW and replace one 4Bd in the line.

b) Carthage Pips= 1 noting only move the Sp line of 2BW ahead.

. bound 3.
a) Rome Pipüs= 5: on the right flank Scipion and the Sp continue ahead, the 2Ps go to contact the Ps(c)-> one dude one Ps(c) recoil.
the inf line move 2BW ahead and on the left flank the Cv move to protect the flank.

b) Carthage Pips= 4:  on the right flank (from Carthage) Hasdrubal contact the Cvand the Lh bring a debord -> Hasdrubal recoil
 the Sp löine contact the 4Bd line -> one 4Bd recoil  and one Ps (C) is also killed.
on the left flank one 4Ax rotate to put the Sp(r) in Tz.

 Carthage 0 - Rome 1.

. Bound 4.
a) Rome Pips=6: on the right flank (rome side) the Sp rotate to the 4Ax, one 4Bd go ahead direction the 4Ax
move the Ps to contact with Ps(c) and the other Ps close te door -> Ps(c) is killed, one 4Bd go to close door ot a Sp(c) -> Sp(c) is also killed
  the other comabat are one recoil Sp(c) and one dude.

Carthage 0 - Rome 3.

b) Carthage Pips = 2 only on the right flank Hasdrubal contact the Cv and the Lh close the door -> Cv(r) is killed.
Carthage 1- Rome 3.

. Bound 5. Last one.
a) Rome Pips = 5: on the right flank the 4Bd go to contact the 4Ax(c) and one Ps go on the rear -> The 4Ax(c) is killed. on the center the 4Bd continue to close the door of the Sp -> on Sp(c) is also killed.
 on the left one 4Bd rotate to face Hasdrubal and the Lh.

Carthage 1 - Rome 5 Ende.

jeudi 28 janvier 2021

Llipia -206 B.C.


Rome Army: Scipion Cv, 1x3Cv, 4x4Bd, 2x4Sp, 2x 4Ax and 2x2Ps. Ax and Ps in center and 4bd and Sp in Flank.

Cartahge Army: Hasdrubal Cv, 2x El, 1x Lh, 3x 4Sp, 3x4Ax and 2Ps. like rome the Ax and Ps in the center, El and Cv in the flank and the Sp in the rear?????.

the hill are gentle Rome play first and if the first pip is 1 it will be 2- > so no labour.

a) rome Plan:  use the Ps again El and deploy the 3 colum on flank in line.

b) Carthage plan: move the El more in the center.

:bound 1. 
a) Rome Pips =4: move the 2 Ps in direction of EL and put the asp in place of the Ps.

b) Carthage Pips= 4: move Hasdrubal to put one Ps in TZ and the Lh put the other Ps in TZ too. the 2 El move more in the center. and the Ax line move 2BW for.

no combat.

. Bound 2.
a) Romw Pips= 3: on the left flank: move Sp in contact with El -> Sp recoil, one 4Bd move more left and the last on go to support the 4Bd.

b) Carthage Pips= 4: Hasdrubal try again Ps-> dude El again Sp -> Sp recoil
and the Ax line continue to move ahead.

. Bound 3.
a) Rome Pips= 5: Sp return in contact with El  plus Scipion to bring a debord-> Sp recoil again
 The Ax line move ahead and on 4Bd on left continue to move more left.
the ps again Hasdrubla is killed.
Carthage 1- Rome 0.

b) Carthge Pips= 3:  hasdrubal go litte back and behin two Sp move one left the othe right.
no combat.

. Bound 4.
a) Rome Pips= 5 on the left flank: the two 4bd go to align with the Sp. on the right  flank  the Ps go top contact the Lh with a support of one 4Bd -> Lh is killed. 
Carthage 1 - Rome 1

b) Carthage Pips= 4: move the 2 Sp more left and right and ahead

no combat.

. Bound5.
a) Rome Pips= 2 nothing

b) carthage Pips= 2 move the 2 Sp on both flank.

. Bound 6.
a) Rome Pips= 3:move the Ax line in combat, Scipion again one Ps(c) and one Sp again El -> Ps(c) dead, El recoil, Ax (c) recoil but one Ax(r) is killed (6-1). on other flank: Ax(c) recoil Ps(c) flee and the El is killed (6-1)by the Ps(r).

Carthage 2 - Rome 3.

b) Carthage Pips= 3: one Ax go to combat on 4Ax and on other 4Ax close the door ( not in this picture) -> Ax(r) dead.

Carthage 3 - Rome 3.

. Bound 7. Last one.
2a) rome Pips: 4  Scipüion to 4Ax(c) with a Sp close the door and on the right 4Bd again Sp with Ps close the door -> th 2 Ax(c) and Sp(c) are killed.

Carthage 3  - Rome 5.

Victory for Rome.

mercredi 27 janvier 2021

le Metaure -207 B.C.

 This is the 13th battle. We are in Noth Italy.

Carthage will be played first.
Carthage Army: Hasdrubal Cv, El, 2x2Lh, 3x4Sp, 1x4Ax, 2x4Wb and 2x2Ps.
Roman Army: Neron Cv, 1x3Cv, 4x4Bd, 2x4Sp, 2x3Ax and 2x2Ps.

the hill is difficult.
no special rules.


a) Carthage plan: take the hill,  and attaque with Sp and El

b) Rome Plan: try to use the 3Ax and Ps again the El.

. Bound 1.
a) Carthage Pips= 5: 1+2 pip for the Ps to go on the top of the hill, ipips for the El 3BW for and right to make place for the Sp.the 3xSp go in colum 2BW and the 4Ax go to the left of El.
b) RomePips= 3: move the 3Ax to El, the rest of inf line move 2BW and Neron go direction of hill.

. Bound 2.
a) Carthage Pips= 4: move 2xSp to align with El, the last one go more left.
on other side the 4Ax move right to El and General +Lh align with the 4Ax.

b) Rome Pips= 3: one Ps go to the hill, the 2x3Ax go to contact El -> dude
the inf line go behind the 3Ax.

. Bound 3.
a) Carthage Pips= 4: General+Lh+4Ax go combat to Cv+Ps+4bd: ->the Ps(r), 4Ax(c) are killed and Cv(r) recoil.on other flank the Sp contact the 3Ax and the last Sp(c) go more left. -> the 3Ax recoil and push the 4Bd.
b) Rome Pips= 4: from left to right:
Cv contact lh And Sp the general(c) -> Cv(r) and general(c) ; on Sp(r) is deployed more right and the Ps go on cotact with Ps(c)-> Ps(r) recoil
and the El is killed by the 3Ax
Carthage 1- Rome 2.
.Bound 4.
a) Carthage Pips= 5: move the 4Wb and the last Ps beween The general and the Sp. 2xSp on the right go to contact Sp+4Bd ->Sp(r)+4Bd(r) recoiled
and on the hill the Ps contact the Ps(r) -> Ps(r) dead.  Carthage 2 - Rome 2.
b) Rome Pips= 1: on the left Cv again Lh -> Lh recoil.

.Bound 5. 
a) Carthage Pips= 3:move the Ps to the general(c), move the 4Wb between Ps and Sp and the Lh go around the hill. no combat.

b) Rome Pips= 2: Cv+Sp+4Bd go to contact the lH+general(c) +Ps -> carthage recoil.

. Bound 6.
a) Carthage Pips= 2: the 2x4Wb go contact the 3Ax and the Lh continue to move to othwer side of the hill.-> the 3Ax(r) is killed
Carthage 3 - Rome 2.

b) Rome Pips= 1? nothing to do!
combat the 4Bd recoil from 4Wb.

.Bound 7. (final)
the 4Wb kill the 4Bd end of the battle

Carthage 4 - Rome 2.

mardi 26 janvier 2021

Baecula -208 BC.

 This is the 12th balltle of the campaign (of 16) we are in Spain.

Army composition.
Rome: Scipion Cv, 1x3Cv, 4x4Bd, 2x4Sp, 2x4Ax and 2x2Ps
Ropme play first.
Carthage: Hasdrubal Cv, 1 El, 2x2Lh, 3x4Sp, 3x4Ax and 2x2Ps.

the 2 Hills are gentil Hills, if rome fisrt pips is 1 it is 2 so the labour go away, no effect.


and Bound 1.
a) Rome Pips= 2: . move the line of 2BW and the right flank also.
b) Carthage Pips= 5:move theLh+Ps more than 1BW to be on other side of the Hill. Hasdrubal go to the left flank. 2x4Ax go to align with El and the last go more left.

. Bound 2. 
a) Rome Pips= 4: move the Cvbon left of 4BW and the 2 4Bd for 2BW. on the right the colum is deployed on line.

b) Carthage Pips= 4:  align the 2x4Ax with the El, move the Sp on the right of El, the last 4Ax continue to the left.

still no combat.

. Bound 3.
a) Rome Pips= 2: the center line move 2BW for and on the right the 4Bd go with the Cv.

b) Carthage Pips= 3: the Sp move to take the hill and the 4Ax continue to left.

nothing append.

. Bound 4.
a) Rome Pips=1 ?:put the 4Bd+Cv on the left  hill.

b) carthage Pips= 6: the Sp go on the Hill too. -> the 4Bd recoil.
in the center the 4Ax go behind the Ps and on the left flanfk the 4Ax go to align with the general.

. Bound 5.
a) Rome Pips= 6: everybody go to combat.
-> from left to right:Sp(c) recoil, Lh flee, ps(c) recoil, Ps(r) recoil also, 4Bd and gene(r) recoil.

b) carthagePips= 6 also:  continue the combat but only lot of recoil no dead.

.Bound 6.

a) Rome Pips= 2:Combat only on the right flank ->one 4Bd and one Ps are killed, Scipüion recoil and on other hill one Ps flee and one Bd recoil.

b) carthage Pips=5:  General go in contact as weel as the EL and Ps in the center
->one 4Bd on the right is Killed again 
Carthage 2 - Rome 0.

. Bound 7.

a) Rome Pips= 2 nothing to do -> combat= dude

b) Carthage Pips=4 on the left hii the Sp go to contact and the Lh close the door -> one 4Bd is killed. and on the second hill on other 4Bd is killed too by Sp(c).

Carthage 4 - Rome 0.

dimanche 24 janvier 2021

Second HerDonia -210 BC.


This time ther is no farm to put the Ps(c) so they are with the other Ps in the wood. for the rest it is the same deploement as for the first battle.

. Bound 1. 

a) Carthage Pips=1 can only move the line less than 2BW and in the samre time put the 2 Wb in colum.

b) Rome Pips= 3: move the Cv and general more to right with a support of a 3Ax.

with so few Pips nothing append.

. Bound 2

a) Carthage Pips= 6: move all Cv+Lh in line on the left flank, move the inf line of 2BW. The general go on the right flank and the Ps+ Ax go out the wood.

B) Rome Pips= 2 only: move the 2 Sp in line with 4Bd.

. Bound 3. 
a) Carthage Pips= 5. on the right the 2Ps go to put the 3Ax in Tz , the 4Ax follow slowly. on the left flank the Cv+Lh line go to fight the Roman Cv and the in line move to bring a debord of the 3Ax.
-> the Cv(r) and 3Ax are  killed an the Lh(c) recoil.
Hanibal go to align with the line.
Carthage 2- Rrome 0
b) Rome Pips= 4: Fluvius go back 4BW and in other flank the 3Ax ratate to face the 2 Ps(c).

.Bound 4.
a) Carthage Pips= 3: the 2 Ps go to contact the 3Ax with the help of the 4Ax -> 3Ax is killed
Carthage 3 - Rome 0.
b) Rome Pips= 3. rotate the 4Bd on the left flank and on the rightFluvius come back with the inf line.

no Combat.

. Bound 5.
a) Cartage Pips =2 only:
the line go in contact ( with the Ps(r)) -> on ps recoil and one flee.
on the right flank the 2Ps(c) +4Ax go to fight (4Bd) -> 4Ax(c) recoil

B) Rome Pips= 6. Too late. put the lin in contact with Carthage: -> on the flank one 4Ax is killed and in other flank a lh Flee.
Carthage 3 - Rome 1.

. Bound 6. sorry no picture but the Cv(c) go to contact Fluvius and the Lh will close the dorr -> dead of Fluvius , for the roman they win one battle again a Sp 
so the result is . Cartahage 5 - Rome 2.

jeudi 21 janvier 2021

Betis Second battle

 In this Campaign we have to play 2 time this battle with the same sate up.

. Bound 1.

a) Carthage Pips= 4: move Magnon more left to put the 4Ax in comand, move the 3x4Ax to put the Ps(r) in TZ (no contact), the Cv and Lh move 4BW in direction of Scipion.

b) Rome Pips= 2: Rotate scipion to face the 4Ax and put a 4Bd on his left flank.

. Bound 2.
a) Carthage Pips= 5: move the inf line of 2BW, move the CV to put Scipion in TZ, move the 3x4Ax to contact the Ps + debord. -> one Ps will be killed the other recoilled. The 2xLh try to debord the roman line .
b) Rome Pips= 3: deploy 2x4Bd +1Sp in line.

.Bound 3.
a) Carthage Pips= 1: move only the 2 Lh to the bottom of the field.

b) Rome Pips= 4 deployement of the rest of Sp in front of the carthage line. and move one 4Bd to block the way of the Lh(c).
no combat.

. Bound 4.
a) carthage Pips=1 nothing to do only the Lh try to take advantage.

b) Rome Pips= 3 on 4Bd go to support the Ps an other go to block the Lh and the SP+4bd line move forward to the Carthage line but no in contact.
-> no combat.

.Bound  5.
a) Carthage Pips = 2: the Cv go to contact Scipio and a 4Ax to bring a debord-> Scipio is killed because his has no place to recoil.
Carthage 3 - Rome 0.

b) Rome Pips=6: put the line in combat and put the last 4Bd to protct a flank.
combat-> one Ps8C9 killed, some recoil.

Carthage 3 - Rome 1.

. Bound 6.
a) carthage Pips= 2 the Cv go to close the door to the Sp
-> one Sp is Killed and the last Ps also.

carthage 5- Rome 1.

the revange of magnon.

Serie 3 colision course - B6: ES vs Mendes

 1) army composition. a) Es: Ax/Ps -> Ps, b) Mende: Sp/4Bw->Sp, Cv/ Lh/Ax->Ax. 2)Initiative. a) ES=2+2, M =2+4 -> ES defender. 3...