This is the last battle for this campaign. we are in Africa near Carthage.
Army composition:samedi 30 janvier 2021
Zama -202 B.C.
vendredi 29 janvier 2021
Les Grandes Plaines. -203 B.C.
Army Composition:
Rome: Scipion Cv, Cv, 6x4Bd, 2xSp and 2xPs
Carthage: Hasdrubal Cv, Cv, 2x Lh, 3xSp, 3x 4Ax and 2xPs
the hill are gentle and Rome play fisrt. If the first Pips is 1 it is 2- > no labour.
A) Rome plan. attaque on the right flank the 4Ax8(c) are not so strong.jeudi 28 janvier 2021
Llipia -206 B.C.
Rome Army: Scipion Cv, 1x3Cv, 4x4Bd, 2x4Sp, 2x 4Ax and 2x2Ps. Ax and Ps in center and 4bd and Sp in Flank.
Cartahge Army: Hasdrubal Cv, 2x El, 1x Lh, 3x 4Sp, 3x4Ax and 2Ps. like rome the Ax and Ps in the center, El and Cv in the flank and the Sp in the rear?????.
the hill are gentle Rome play first and if the first pip is 1 it will be 2- > so no labour.
mercredi 27 janvier 2021
le Metaure -207 B.C.
This is the 13th battle. We are in Noth Italy.
Carthage will be played first.mardi 26 janvier 2021
Baecula -208 BC.
This is the 12th balltle of the campaign (of 16) we are in Spain.
Army composition.deployement.
and Bound 1.dimanche 24 janvier 2021
Second HerDonia -210 BC.
This time ther is no farm to put the Ps(c) so they are with the other Ps in the wood. for the rest it is the same deploement as for the first battle.
. Bound 1.
a) Carthage Pips=1 can only move the line less than 2BW and in the samre time put the 2 Wb in colum.b) Rome Pips= 3: move the Cv and general more to right with a support of a 3Ax.
with so few Pips nothing append.
. Bound 2
a) Carthage Pips= 6: move all Cv+Lh in line on the left flank, move the inf line of 2BW. The general go on the right flank and the Ps+ Ax go out the wood.jeudi 21 janvier 2021
Betis Second battle
In this Campaign we have to play 2 time this battle with the same sate up.
. Bound 1.
a) Carthage Pips= 4: move Magnon more left to put the 4Ax in comand, move the 3x4Ax to put the Ps(r) in TZ (no contact), the Cv and Lh move 4BW in direction of Scipion.Serie 3 colision course - B6: ES vs Mendes
1) army composition. a) Es: Ax/Ps -> Ps, b) Mende: Sp/4Bw->Sp, Cv/ Lh/Ax->Ax. 2)Initiative. a) ES=2+2, M =2+4 -> ES defender. 3...

4th battle for this serie 1) Armies'compositie: a) gaule: Général Lch, 2x Lch, 2x Cv (RD6=6), 6x 4Wb, Ps. b) Carthage: Général Hch (RD6...
Hello every body welcome in my Blog. Here we will speak almost only about De Bellis Antiquitatis version 3.0 also well know as DBA 3.0. ...
We are in Spain The deployement is so: Roman Army is: Scipio Cv, Equite Cv, 6x4Bd, 2x Sp and 2xPs all go direction Est. Carthage Army: Mago...