dimanche 27 novembre 2022

Cession Egypte; serie 2 "River dance". Bataille 2: Lybiens vs Hittites.

 1) Composition des Armées.

a) Lybiens. Géné Lch, lch, 2x 3Wb, 3x 3Ax, 5x Ps.

b) Hittites. Général Hch, Hch, 2x Lch, 4x 3Pk, 2x 3Ax, Hd, Ps.

2) Initiative. Lyniens: 4+2; Hittites: 2+6 -> Lybiens défenseur.

3) Terrain sec: 1x rochers, 1x Brousailles,  colline difficile  et fleuve. et dune

4) Déplo.

a) terrain. rochers en 3, brousaille en 3, dune en 6-> 3 mais plus de place out. colline difficile en 4 et fleuve en 2 vers 1.

b) Hiitites arrivent par 1-2 ( a gauche) ( plus pres de la rivière)

c) Lybien en 3-4 (droite):  de bas en haut 2x 3Ax devant la colline, Lch-2x 3Wb- Géné- 2x Ps face aux rochers- 3Ax et Ps dans la brousaille. 2 Ps sont en reserve derriere les Wb.

d) Hittites. de bas en haut: Ps- hd- Hch- 2x 3Pk- géné- Lch- 3Pk- 3Pk 3Ax- 3Ax- lch.

. Round 1. 

a) Lybiens Pips= 3. §Ax monte sur la colline 3Ax avance a la hauteur du 3Ax, 2x Ps avancent dans les rochers.

b) Hittites Pips=2. Hd+ Ps veulent traverser le fleuve Rd6= 5. impossible stop.
la ligne Hch-3Ax avance en bordure du fleuve Lch reste sur place

. Round 2.
a) lybiens Pips=5. les 2x 3Ax en bordure du fleuve, Lch-Wb-géné avance de 3Lb vers le fleuve, 2x Ps en bordure du fleuve, 3Ax en haut avance de 3Lb vers le fleuve.
b) Hittites Pips= 3. Hch entre dans le fleuve 1Lb, géné entre dabs le fleuve et 1x 3Pk aussi.

round 3. et 4.
a) lybiens pips= 5. les 2 3Wb reculent de 3Lb géne contact Hch et Lch contact le géné un ps de reserve se décale vers la colline.
géné vs Hch: 4+1+6 vs 4+4 -> hch recule
Lch vs géné: 3+1+3 vs 5-1+3 -> égalité
b) Hittites Pips= 1 Hch contact géné.
géné vs lch: 5+4vs 3+1+4 -> Lch recule hch poursuit
hch vs géné; 4+5 vs 4+1-1+2 ->  Lch recule hch poursuit.

round 4. a) lybiens pips= 3. ?
Géné vs hch: 4+6 vs 4+4 -> Hch recule
Lch cs géne: 5-1+6 vs 3+1 -> Lch éliminé -> hch poursuit

b) Hittites Pips=6- le géné contact 1x 3Wb 1x 3Pk (vert) prend le géné de flanc.
Hch vs géné (pdf): 4+4 vs 4-1+4 -> géné lybiens éliminé
Géné vs Wb: 4+5 vs 2+5 -> Wb éliminé

victoire Hittites 4.- 0.

Cession Egypte; serie 2 "River dance". Bataille 1: Lybiens vs Peuple de la mer.

 1) composition des armée

a) Lybiens: général Lch, Lch, 2x 3Wb, 3x 3Ax, 5x Ps.

b) PM: Général Hch,  2x 4Bd, 6x 3bd, 3x 3Ax.

2) Initiative: Lybiens: 4+6, PM: 4+5 -> PM défenseur.

3) terrain: Litoral ->WW + marais, colline difficile et riviere.

4) Déplo.

a)WW en 1-2, marais en 5->2, colline dif en 4 et fleuve en 1->2.
b) Lybien déploie en 1-4 (en bas)
c) PM en 2-3 (en haut). 3x 3Bd en landing force, 3x 3Ax dans le marais, ligne: 3Bd- Géné- 2x 3Bd- 2x 3Ax, 2x 4Bd en reserve devant le camp.
d) Lybiens: 4 Ps face au fleuve dos a la colline, ligne: 3x 3Ax- 2x 3Wb, géné- Lch.

e) PM: landing force en ligne face aux Ps lybiens.

. Round 1.

Pips= 6. le géné avance 1Lb puis se décale de 2LB sur sa gauche pour etre face aux Wb 2x 3Ax s 'aligne a gauche du général et 3x 3Bd s'aligne a droite du géné 
les 3Bd de la landibg force avancent en bordure du fleuve et un 3Ax quitte le marais et avance  de 3LB.
b) Lybiens Pips= 4. 2x 3Wb avancent et se décalent vers la gauche face aux 3Bd 1 3Ax se met a la droite des 3Wb Lch-géné s droite des 3Ax et 2x 3Ax a gauche des 3Wb.
. Round 2.
a) PM Pips= 3. la landing force tente la traversée du fleuve -> Rd6=2 -> good going. 3x 3Bd contact les ps -> les 3 Ps reculent.
 le 3Ax traverse aussi le fleuve.
b) Lybiens Pips=5.ligne 3Ax-Lch contact les PM un Ps go on hill
2x3Wb vs 3Bd: 3+1+2 vs 5+3 -> 3Wb recule
3Ax vs 3Bd:3+6 vs 5+1 -> 3bd recule
3Ax vs 3Bd: 3-1+2 vs 5-1+4 -> 3Ax éliminé
3Ax vs géné: 3-1+3 vs 4+3 -> 3Ax éliminé
géné vs 3Ax: 4-1+6 vs 3+6 -> 3Ax recule
lch vd 3Ax: 3-1+5 vs 3+1 3Ax recule.
PM 2.- Lybien 0.

. Round 3.
a)  PM = 3. §Ax contact Ps et un 3Bd close the door of the 2x3Wb.
3bd vs 3Ax: 5+6 vs 3+2 -> 3Ax éliminé
3Bd vs 2x 3Wb : 5+6 vs 3+1-1+1 -> 2x 3Wb éliminés.
PM 5.- Lybien 0. victoire des PM.

dimanche 13 novembre 2022

Cession Egypte; serie 1 Standard DBA. Bataille 6: Sea people(PM) vs Hittites.

 1) Armies Composition,

a)Hittites. Général Hch,Hch,2xlch, 4x 3Pk,2x3Ax, 2xPs.

b)PM: Général Hch, 2x4Bd, 6x 3Bd, 3xPs.

2) Initiative. Hittites : 2+2; PM: 4+3 -> Hittites defendeur.

3) Terrain: Arable, but I made a mistake I tooke Aride -> Brousaille, oasis and difficult hill.

4) Deplo.

a) terrain. brousaille en 3, Oasis en 1 and hill in 3. b) seas People in 1-4 (bottom of picture)
c) Hitites in 2-3; 2x 3Ax in face Oasis, 2x3Pk, HcH, Géné, 2x 3Pk, 2x Ps fpr brousaille.2x Lch in reserve.

d) PM: 2x 3Bd from the camp in front of oasis, a line 3Bd,4Bd, géné, 4bd, 3x Ps

. Round 1.

a) Hittites Pips =6. line 2a<-pk- advance 3BW, Ps go in brousaille; 2x Lch go around brousaille by left.
b) PM pips=5. line Ps advance to brousaille, 2x3Bd go direction Lch; 2x 3Bd cross Oasis.

. Round 2.
a) Hittites Pips=2.
2xlch continue to go around brousaille put Ps in TZ, line 3Ax- 3Pk advance of 0,5 Bw (stax at less asPM line.).
b) PM pips= 2 2x3Bd advance to Lch, Ps contact ps in Oasis.
Ps vs Ps: 2+5 vs 2+6 -> PM recoil
Ps bs Ps: 2+2 vs 2+4  -> PM recoil.

. Round 3.
a) Hittites Pips= 6. 3Ax - 3Pk contact 3Bd dand 4bd; Lch contact ps on coin ps conform.
lch vs ps: 3+4 vs 2+3 -> Ps dead.
3Pk vs 3Bd: 3+3+3 vs 5-1+1 -> 3bd recoil
Hch vs 4Bd: 3+5 vs 3-1+5 -> 4Bd dead.
2x3Pk vs 4Bd: 3+3+1 vs 5+3 -> 3Pk recoil
Géné vs géné: 5+5-1 vs 5-1+1 -> PM recoil
Hittites 2. - PM 0.
b) PM Pips= 2.2x 3Bd -> 3Ax
3Bd vs 3Ax: 5+5 vs 3+2 -> 3Ax dead
5+1 vs 3-1+5 3Ax recoil

Hittites 2. - PM 1.

. Round 4. 
a) Hittites Pips= 6. ps-> Ps; lch close door of ps; Lch put 3Bd in TZ; 
<<Ps vs ps:2+6 vs 2+2 -> Ps dead
Ps vs ps(pdf): 2+4 vs 2-1+4 -> Ps dead.
Lch vs 3Bd: 3+3 vs 3-1+1 -> 3Bd dead.

Hittites 5. - PM 1. Victory for Hottites.

samedi 12 novembre 2022

Cession Egypte; serie 1 Standard DBA. Bataille 5: Sea people(PM) vs Egypte..

 1) Composition des armées

a) Egypte: Général Lch, 3x Lch, 3x 4Bd, 2x 4Bw, 3Bd, 3Wb, Ps

b) PM: Général Bd, 2x4Bd, 6x 3Bd 3x 3Ax,.

2) Initiative: Egypte 2+2; PM: 4+2. -> Egypte defendeur.

3) Terrain: litoral -> WW+ marsh, dificult hill.

4) Deplo.

a) terrain. WW in 3-4, marsh in 3 and hill in 1.
b) PM enter in 2-3
c) Egypte: landing force: 3Bd, 3Wb, Ps; 2x Bw line behind marsh; 2x Lcj, 3x4Bd, Géné, Lch.
d) PM:Landing force: 2x3Bd+3Ax2x3Ax from the hill, and a line: 4Bd, Géné, 4Bd, 4x3bd.

. Round 1.
a) Egypte . landing force direrct from the 3Bd line.
Pips= 4. 3Wb+ps as group contact kast 3Bd -> 3Bd must conform to the groupe Wb-Ps, 3Bd advance to make a second débord to 3bd. Lch begin to go around the hill
3Wb vs 3Bd: 3+2 vs 3-2+6 -> 3Wb recoil, stop by the sea

b) PM. Landing Force place behind egypte Landing force. Pips=2. 3Bd+3Ax as group contact in flanc 3Bd he has to conformed to the group, 3Bd put in position to close the door of 3Bd.3Bd vs 3Bd (pdf) : 5+2 vs 5-2+2 -> 3Bd egypte dead.
3Bd vs 3Wb: 5-1+2 vs 3-1+3 -> 3Wb recoil but impossible -> dead.

Egypte 0. - PM 2.

.Round 2.
a) Egypte pips=3. Ps put the 3bd(in the line) in TZ, 3bd turn off and contsct 3Bd, Lch go around the hill and put 3Ax in TZ, Géné + line advance 2BW.
3Bd vs 3Bd: 5+6 vs 5+3 -> Pm recoil and stop by other 3bd.

b) PM pips= 6. 3Ax close the door of 3bd, 3Bd who block other 3Bd recoil 2BW, 3Bd contact Ps, 3Ax contact Lch and other 3Ax go on hill and make débord on Lch.
3bd vs 3Bd (pdf): 5+6 vs 5-1+1 -> Egypte dead,
3bd vs ps: 5+4 vs 2+4 -> Ps recoil
3Ax vs lch: 3+2 bs 3-1+1 -> Lch recoil but impossibl e due to edge of table -> dead.

Victory for Sea people: 4. - 0.

vendredi 11 novembre 2022

Cession Egypte; serie 1 Standard DBA. Bataille 4: Hittites vs Egypte..

 1) Armies Composition 

a) Egypte: Général Lch, 3x lch, 3x 4Bd, 2x Bw, 3Wb, 3Bd, Ps.

b) Hittites: Général Hch, Hch, 2x Lch, 4x 3Pk, 2x 3Ax, 2x Ps.

2) Initiative: Egypte 2+3; Hittites 2+5 -> Egypte defendeur

3 terrain: Litoral -> WW + Marsh, difficult hill.

4) Déplo. 

a) Terrain: WW in 3 abd 4, marsh in 3 and the dificult hill in 1.
b Hittites take the side 1-4
c) Egypte: landing Force: Ps, 3Wb, 3Bd 
from marh to left: Lch, 3x 4Bd,2x4Bw géné in reserve.
d) Hittites.from hill to right: 2x Ps, 2x 3Ax, 2x 3Pk in col, Géné and Hch face to WW: 2x 3Pk in line and Lch. lch behind the hill.

. Round 1.

a) Egypte. landing force face to the 3Pk et lch.
Pips=5. Landung force contact Pk-lch; lch in reght near the marsh advance in direction Hch the line wuthout Lch advance 2BW.
3Wb vs 3Pk: 3+2 vs 3+5 -> Wb recoil
3Bd vs 3Pk: 5-1+5 vs 3+1 -> 3Pk dead
Ps vs Lch: 2+4 vs 3+6 -> Ps dead.
Egypte 1. - Hittites 1.
b) Hittites Pips= 2. Géné+hch contact Lch; Psadvance on the  hill.
Géné vs lch: 5+5 vs 3-1+4 -> Lch recoil and stop in contact of 4Bd
3Pk vs 3Wb: 3-1+5 vs 3+6 ->3Pk dead.
Egypte 2. - Hittites 1.
. round 2
a) egypte Pips= 4.général go aline with lch -> débord on hch, 4Bd behind Lch go aline on other side of Lch. 3Bd of the landing force contact Lch and 3Wb close the door of Lch.
Lch vs géné(h) : 3+6 vs 5-2+2 -> géné(h) recoil
3Bd vs lch: 3+6 vs 3-1+3 -> Lch dead.
Egypte 3. - Hittites 1.

b) Hittites Pips= 4.Ps on hill go to put the Lch in TZ, 2x 3Ax +2x 3Pk advance to the Bw, géné ->Lch, Hch->Géné. shooting -> no effect
Hch vs géné: 4+1 vs 4+1 -> equality
Géné vs Lch: 5-1+4 vs 3+3 -> lch recoil.

. Round 3-
a) Egypte Pips= 5. Bd close the door of the Géné (h), 2x4Bd contact 2x3Pk, Lch in reserve advamce right.
Shooting-> no effect
Lch vs géné (pdf): 3+5 vs 5-2+3 -> Géné ghittites dead

Egypte 5. - Hittites 1. Victory fo Egypte.

vendredi 4 novembre 2022

Cession Egypte; serie 1 Standard DBA. Bataille 3: Lybiens vs Egypte..

 1) Composition des armées: a) lybiens: Général lch, Lch, 2x3Wb, 3x3Ax, 5xPs.

b) Egypte: Général Lch, 3x Lch, 3x 4bd, 2x 4BW, 3bd, 3Wb, Ps.

2) Initiative Lybiens: 4+1 ; Egypte: 2+2 -> Egypte défenseur.

3) Terrain: litoral-> WW; colline difficile, marais.

4) Déploiement.

a) terrain: WW en 3-4; colline difficile en 5-> 2 et le marais en 4.
b) Lybiens take side 2-3 (top) for the difficult hill.
c) Egypte in 4-1. 3Wb+3Bd + Ps as Landing force. left from the marsh: 4x Lch and 2x 4Bw  ; 3x 4Bd in second line.
d) Lybiens; 3x Ps on the hill ; 2x3Wb to blok acces to camp, a linefrom hill  with: Ps- 3Ax- 3Ax- Géné- Hch- Lch- 3Ax- Ps.

. Round 1.
a) Egypte position of the landing force between the hill and marsh. Pips= 1. line Bw- Lch advance 1BW.

b) Lybiens Pips= 6. Line Ps-géné- Ps advance 3BW, 2 Ps on the hill turn face to the landing force, 2x 3Wb advance along the hill

. Round 2.
a) Egypte Pips=1. the second Bw put in the line.  shoot Bw vs lch: 4+3 vs 3+5 no effect.
b) lybiens pips= 6. the line Ps-3Ax contact the line Bw-Lch.
Ps vs Bw: 2+1 vs 2+1 -> equality -> Ps recoil
3Ax vs Bw: 3-1+2 vs2+3 Ax recoil
Lch vs Lch: 3-1+4 vbs 3+4 -> lybien recoil
Géné vs géné: 4-1+3 vs 4+4 -> Lybien recoil.
. Round 3.
a9 Egypte Pips=4. one 4Bd go to the left and one 4Bd go to the right2 Lch contact 3Ax and a Ps bring a débord.
Shooting Bw vs ps: 2+6 vs 2+4 Ps recoil
Bw vs 3Ax: 2+2 vs 3+5 no effect.
combat. Lch vs 3Ax: 3+3 vs 3-1+3 -> 3Ax recoil
Lch vs 3Ax: 3+4 vs 3-1+4 -> 3Ax recoil
Géné vs géné: 4+4 vs 4-2+5 Lybiens recoil.
b)  Lybiens Pips= 2. 2x 3Wb contact 3Bd and Ps contact 3Wb. Shooting only 3Ax recoil.
Combat 2x3Wb vs 3Bd: 3+1+1 vs 5-1+2 -> Wb recoil
Ps vs 3Wb: 2+3 vs 3-1+2 -> 3Wb recoil.

:Round 4.
a) Egypte Pips= 4. Lch- géné contact 2Lch and 2x lch contact 2x3Ax; Wb _> Ps and Ps as débord.Shooting: Bw vs Ps-> no effect; Bw vs 3Ax-> no efect.
combat from right to left: 
Ps vs Ps: 2+2 vs 2+3 -> Egypte recoil
3Wb vs ps: 3-1+2 vd 2+6-1 -> Wb recoil
3Bd vs 2x3Wb: 5-1+4 vs 3+1+3 -> Wb recoil
lch vs 3Ax: 3+2 vs 3+1 -> 3Ax recoil
lch vs 3Ax: 3+2 vs 3-2+3 -> 3Ax recoil
Géné vs géné: 4-1+6 vs 4+4 -> Lybien recoil
lch vs lch: 3-1+5 vs 3-1+1 -> Lybien dead.

Egypte 1. - Lybiens 0.
b) Lybien Pips= 5. Ps go for debord on 3Bd, Géne go back in combat and lch -> lch 3Ax+Ps contact Bw.
2x3Wb vs 3Bd: 3+1+3 vs 5-2+1 -> 3Bd dead
géné vs gén´: 4+1 vs 4-2+3->  equality
Ps vs Bw: 2+5 vs 2+2 -> Bw recoil
3Ax vs Bw: 3+3 vs 2-1+2 -> Bw dead.
Egypte 1. - Lybiens 2.

. Round 5.
a) Egypte Pips= 4. as 4Bd advance to help the Bw an other 4Bd advance to the  right; lCh close the door of the gén´´e and 2x Lch contact 2x3Ax.
shooting bw vs ps: no effect
géné vs géné (pdf): 4+2 vs 4-1+1 -> Lybiens dead
Lch vs 3Ax: 3+4 vs 3+3 -> Ax recoil
Lch vs 3Ax: 3+5 vs 3-1+1 -> 3Ax dead.

Egypte 4. - Lybiens 2.

mercredi 2 novembre 2022

Cession Egypte; serie 1 Standard DBA. Bataille 2: Lybiens vs Hittites.

 !) composition des Armées

a) Lybiens: Général lch, lch, 2x3Wb, 3x3Ax, 5x Ps

b) Hittites: Général Hch, Hch, 2x lch, 4x 3Pk, 2x 3Ax, 2x Ps.

2) Initiative: Lybien 4+5 , Hittites: 2+3 -> Hittites défenseur

3) Terrain: Arable -> 2x Labour, foret, champs clos, gentil hill.

4) Dépoiement:

 a) terrain: Labour1 (g) en 1, Labour 2(p) en 6 ->1, champ clos en 4, gentil hill in 2 and foret in 4.

b) Lybiens take side 2-3. (top)

c)Hittites: 2 ps in foret, 2x3Ax in front of champs clos,  and a line: Hch- Géné- 2x lch - 2x 3Pk-  the 2 last 3Pk in reserve near camp.

d) lybiens: 5x Ps in front of forest and champ clos 2x 3Ax on top of hill on the right flank: 2x3Wb - Géné - lch.

. Round 1.

a) Lybiens Pips= 3 -> labours are good going terrain. 5x Ps advance to the forest.
b) Hittites Pips= 3. 2x 3Ax contact 2 Ps in champs clos,  Ps advance in champ clos 2x Hch advance 3BW to bring a débord to ps.
Ax vs Ps: 3+3 vs 2-1+6 -> Ax recoil
Ax vs Ps: 3+5 vs 2+3 -> Ps recoil.

. Round 2.
a) Lybiens Pips=2.  Ps in second line go left, Ps recontact 3Ax. 2+6 vs 3-2+6 Ax recoil.

b) Hittites Pips= 4. line Ax -Ps contct line Ps Hch cloose the door of Ps. Général  move left face to Wblch go on the right side iof général.
3Ax vs Ps (pdf): 3+6vs 2-1+6 -> Ps dead
3Ax vs Ps: 3+4 vs 2+6 ->Ax recoil
Ps vs Ps: 2+3 vs 2+1 -> lybien recoil.

Lybiens 0. - Hittites 1.

. Round 3.
a) Lybiens pips=4.  2xPs contact 2x Ps and other Ps close the door of Ps the last ps advance to bring débord (not contact)
Ps vs Ps: 2+2 vs 2-2+3 -> Ps(h) recoil
Ps vs Ps(pdf): 2+5 vs 2-1+3 hittite dead.
b) Hittites Pips=6. 3Ax contact Ps and other 3Ax close the door. 2Lch align with général, one right one left. Jch align with lch; 2x3Pk change to colom and advance.
3Ax vs Ps: 3+6 vs 3-1+6 -> Ps dead.

Lybiens 1. - Hittites 2.

. Round 4. and 5.
a) lybiens pips= 3.Ps contact Ps in champ clos and Ps close the door of ps third Ps recoil and move to protect flank.
Ps vs Ps: 2+6 vs 2-1+3 -> Hittites dead.
b) Hittites pips=4.Géné+Lch contact 2x3Wb+ Géné. 3Ax aligne with the other 3Ax face to Ps; 2x 3Pk advance 3BW
Géné vs 3Wb:4+3vs 2+4 -> Wb dead.
Lch vs géné: 3-1+4 vs 4-1+5 -> hittites recoil.

.Round 5. a) Lybiens Pips=2.3Ax on the hill close the door of Géné
3Wb vs Hch: 2+3 vs 4-2+6 -> 3Wb dead

Lybiens 2. - Hittites 4. Victory for hittites.

Serie 3 colision course - B6: ES vs Mendes

 1) army composition. a) Es: Ax/Ps -> Ps, b) Mende: Sp/4Bw->Sp, Cv/ Lh/Ax->Ax. 2)Initiative. a) ES=2+2, M =2+4 -> ES defender. 3...