vendredi 4 novembre 2022

Cession Egypte; serie 1 Standard DBA. Bataille 3: Lybiens vs Egypte..

 1) Composition des armées: a) lybiens: Général lch, Lch, 2x3Wb, 3x3Ax, 5xPs.

b) Egypte: Général Lch, 3x Lch, 3x 4bd, 2x 4BW, 3bd, 3Wb, Ps.

2) Initiative Lybiens: 4+1 ; Egypte: 2+2 -> Egypte défenseur.

3) Terrain: litoral-> WW; colline difficile, marais.

4) Déploiement.

a) terrain: WW en 3-4; colline difficile en 5-> 2 et le marais en 4.
b) Lybiens take side 2-3 (top) for the difficult hill.
c) Egypte in 4-1. 3Wb+3Bd + Ps as Landing force. left from the marsh: 4x Lch and 2x 4Bw  ; 3x 4Bd in second line.
d) Lybiens; 3x Ps on the hill ; 2x3Wb to blok acces to camp, a linefrom hill  with: Ps- 3Ax- 3Ax- Géné- Hch- Lch- 3Ax- Ps.

. Round 1.
a) Egypte position of the landing force between the hill and marsh. Pips= 1. line Bw- Lch advance 1BW.

b) Lybiens Pips= 6. Line Ps-géné- Ps advance 3BW, 2 Ps on the hill turn face to the landing force, 2x 3Wb advance along the hill

. Round 2.
a) Egypte Pips=1. the second Bw put in the line.  shoot Bw vs lch: 4+3 vs 3+5 no effect.
b) lybiens pips= 6. the line Ps-3Ax contact the line Bw-Lch.
Ps vs Bw: 2+1 vs 2+1 -> equality -> Ps recoil
3Ax vs Bw: 3-1+2 vs2+3 Ax recoil
Lch vs Lch: 3-1+4 vbs 3+4 -> lybien recoil
Géné vs géné: 4-1+3 vs 4+4 -> Lybien recoil.
. Round 3.
a9 Egypte Pips=4. one 4Bd go to the left and one 4Bd go to the right2 Lch contact 3Ax and a Ps bring a débord.
Shooting Bw vs ps: 2+6 vs 2+4 Ps recoil
Bw vs 3Ax: 2+2 vs 3+5 no effect.
combat. Lch vs 3Ax: 3+3 vs 3-1+3 -> 3Ax recoil
Lch vs 3Ax: 3+4 vs 3-1+4 -> 3Ax recoil
Géné vs géné: 4+4 vs 4-2+5 Lybiens recoil.
b)  Lybiens Pips= 2. 2x 3Wb contact 3Bd and Ps contact 3Wb. Shooting only 3Ax recoil.
Combat 2x3Wb vs 3Bd: 3+1+1 vs 5-1+2 -> Wb recoil
Ps vs 3Wb: 2+3 vs 3-1+2 -> 3Wb recoil.

:Round 4.
a) Egypte Pips= 4. Lch- géné contact 2Lch and 2x lch contact 2x3Ax; Wb _> Ps and Ps as débord.Shooting: Bw vs Ps-> no effect; Bw vs 3Ax-> no efect.
combat from right to left: 
Ps vs Ps: 2+2 vs 2+3 -> Egypte recoil
3Wb vs ps: 3-1+2 vd 2+6-1 -> Wb recoil
3Bd vs 2x3Wb: 5-1+4 vs 3+1+3 -> Wb recoil
lch vs 3Ax: 3+2 vs 3+1 -> 3Ax recoil
lch vs 3Ax: 3+2 vs 3-2+3 -> 3Ax recoil
Géné vs géné: 4-1+6 vs 4+4 -> Lybien recoil
lch vs lch: 3-1+5 vs 3-1+1 -> Lybien dead.

Egypte 1. - Lybiens 0.
b) Lybien Pips= 5. Ps go for debord on 3Bd, Géne go back in combat and lch -> lch 3Ax+Ps contact Bw.
2x3Wb vs 3Bd: 3+1+3 vs 5-2+1 -> 3Bd dead
géné vs gén´: 4+1 vs 4-2+3->  equality
Ps vs Bw: 2+5 vs 2+2 -> Bw recoil
3Ax vs Bw: 3+3 vs 2-1+2 -> Bw dead.
Egypte 1. - Lybiens 2.

. Round 5.
a) Egypte Pips= 4. as 4Bd advance to help the Bw an other 4Bd advance to the  right; lCh close the door of the gén´´e and 2x Lch contact 2x3Ax.
shooting bw vs ps: no effect
géné vs géné (pdf): 4+2 vs 4-1+1 -> Lybiens dead
Lch vs 3Ax: 3+4 vs 3+3 -> Ax recoil
Lch vs 3Ax: 3+5 vs 3-1+1 -> 3Ax dead.

Egypte 4. - Lybiens 2.

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Serie 3 colision course - B3: Mendes vs NA

 1)composition des armee. a)NA: Pas doption., b) M: Lh/Cv/Ax -: Lh, 4Bw /Sp-: 4Bw. 2) Initiative . NA:4&4, M: 2%5 -: Mendes defenseur. 3...