jeudi 22 septembre 2022

How do you play DBA 3.0


 The basic elements.

 DBA 3.0 is played on a 60cmx60cm surface and sees 2 armies, from the ancient time (from 1500 BC to 1500 AD), compete against each other: Each Army is made up of a camp which represents baggage and supplies, and 12 combat elements, one of them will represent the general who will benefit from a +1 combat bonus. An element is represented by a base 40mm wide (1BW) with a depth varying from 40mm to 15mm depending on the type of unit represented. On each base there will be 1 to 4 figures determining the unit (the element). There are 2 categories in DBA. Mounted units and infantry.

 In the mounted units we will have light cavalry (Lh) with only 2 figures per 30mm deep base, fast unit, weak in combat, then comes the cavalry (Cv) and the knights (Kn) with 3 figures on a 30mm base, the Kn are stronger in combat but slower. Troop data is summarized on the attached table. Then come elements with a single miniature per 40mm base: the light chariots (Lch) and the heavy chariots (HcH) which are equivalent to Cv and Kn, and then the elephant (El) as well as the scythe chariots ( Sch).

The infantry is made up of so-called fast or solid troops; the fast can moving 3 BW while the solids 2BW. The only fast ones are Psiloris (Ps) 2 fig per 20mm base. The only solid ones are the Spear (Sp) with 4 figs on a 15mm base. The other units can be, following the army list, defined by the rule, either solid with 4 fig or fast with 3 fig. per base of 15 to 20mm. We will find there the Auxiliaries (Ax), the Warrior Bands (Wb) the Pikes (pk), the Blades (Bd), the Bowmen (Bw), the crossbowmen or Crosbow (cb), the longbows (Lb). You will also find artillery (Art), hordes (Hd) or Battle Chariots (WWg). The object of the game is to be the first to obtain 4 victory points, We win a victory point by eliminating an enemy element in battle, 2 points for the general and one point by taking the opposing camp.


 Start a DBA 3.0 game.

1) We start by choosing, from the lists proposed in the rules, the 2 Armies that will face each other; this choice can be reduced according to the theme or the period chosen or quite simply according to the armies available. Then each player will have to choose the 12 elements that will be present on the field from those proposed in the list with these options. Each player will present his army to the opponent.

2) the determination of the initiative which will designate who is the defender and the attacker. With the intrinsic aggressiveness value of each army (from 0 to 5) we add the value of a roll of 6-sided dice (D6), the player obtaining the highest value is the attacker and the other the defender. In egality, the dice are re-rolled. The advantage of the defender and that it is he who will define the nature of the terrain elements that will define the battlefield. The advantage of the attacker is that he deploys second and can therefore react to that of the defender.

3) It is the defender who will define the decor of the playing area. Each Army has, in addition to an aggressiveness factor, a privileged terrain (arable, forest, steppe. Coastline, etc.) depending on this terrain, the defender will have to take 1 to 2 compulsory terrain elements and 2 to 3 optional elements chosen from 2 lists predefined by the rule. The terrain elements have sizes defined by the rule and can be divided into 3 categories. Clear terrain such as gentle hills or roads have no penalty for movement and combat. Then there are the rugged terrains: plowed land, scrub and swamps. These terrains reduce the movement of mounted units and most solid infantry; this terrain is considered “bad” but there is no combat penalty. The last terrains are said to be difficult (bad): the woods, difficult hills, oases, they reduce most movements, prohibiting movements in line andthere is a penality in combat for the monted unis and solid Inf.

 4) Now is the time to put all these elements on the game, starting with the terrain elements. To do this we divide our playing surface into 4 quadrants rated from 1 to 4. then the defender will have, for each piece of land chosen, starting with the ´compulsory fields, to follow this procedure: throw a D6. from 1 to 4 the terrain must be placed in the quadrant 1 to 4, with a 5 it is the defender who chooses the quadrant and a 6 it is the attacker. If there is not enough space, the field is deleted. When all the terrain elements are placed the attacker must choose the side of his deployment (1-2, 2-3, 3-4 or 4-1), except if the defender places a road between 2 sides, then the attacker will have to take one side of the road.

The defender will begin his deployment first on the opposite side.  The deployment area is a rectangle 7 to 11 BW long and 4.5 BW deep (3BW from the midline. The attacker deploys his troops in second. Then the defender can start the game.


5) Each round is divided into 2 rounds the defender and then the attacker. Each round is divided into several phases that are identical to the 2 players. Determination of the Pips (Player Initiative Point), Moving units; Shooting; Fight.


The player in phase launches the d6 to determine are number of Pips

In order to move an element or a group of elements (row or column) the player must, with some exceptions, spend at least 1 Pips, Some element need an additional Pips (El, horde, Art, Hd, WWg). In addition, if the element is outside the command radius (8 LBs) it will have to spend 1 Pips more.

It is therefore important during the deployment to keep these troops in groups and near the general.

Displacement: a single element can move in all directions up to its movement capacity (1 to 4 BW). Groups (row or column) of 2 to 12 elements can only move straight or make pivots in order to change orientation. A group moves at the slowest speed of the group, in addition the group must remain grouped throughout its movement. If an element can not longer move forward the group stops.  The purpose of the displacement is to contact enemy elements from the front or flank. The rule allows some adjustments to allow these contacts

At firing phase: elements with a firing capacity and not in contact can fire at this time under certain conditions. Art can only shoot during its phase and if it is not moved during this turn, the other elements can only shoot if their displacement does not exceed 1BW. Shooting is solved like fighting. Any element contacted on its side or back has the possibility of turning to face the one who contacts it. Combat is mandatory for all elements in contact with the opponent, but it is the player in phase who chooses the order of resolutions of the fights. To do this, each opponent calculates his combat value. It includes a basic value (see the annex of the troops) depending on the unit contacted (infantry = football or mounted unit = momted) to this we add the value of a D6 and the bonuses – tactical and geographical malus as higher, rear or flank support for bonuses and overflows, flank taking for malus as well as the ́-2 for difficult terrain. The player with the lowest score is the loser and must push back his element. If this is impossible; due to terrain or other units, the element is eliminated; if the score of the winner is 2 times that of the loser, the element is also eliminated. Some victorious elements can continue after fighting otherwise they stay on the spot.

At the end of the fights we count the points and if a player gets 4 points with 1 lead, he is declared the winner of the Game.

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Serie 3 colision course - B6: ES vs Mendes

 1) army composition. a) Es: Ax/Ps -> Ps, b) Mende: Sp/4Bw->Sp, Cv/ Lh/Ax->Ax. 2)Initiative. a) ES=2+2, M =2+4 -> ES defender. 3...