jeudi 16 septembre 2021

Pyrrhus War, river Dance: Gaule - Early Carthage.

 4th battle in this serie. Gaule - early Carrthage.

1) Armies composition.

a) Gaule: Général Lch, 2x Lch, Cv/Wb Rd6=1: 2x3Wb,6x4Wb,Ps.

b) Carthage: Général Cv/Sp/Hch Rd6=5: Hch, Hch, Cv, Lh/4Ax Rd6= : 4Ax, 2x2 SpSp/4Ax Rd6=2: 4Ax, 3Ax, Ps.

2) Initiative: Gaule 3+1; Carthage3+3 -> Gaule defender.

3) Terrain: Arable: ZB= village (in 3), 2 forest (in 1 and 2) and the river (3->4)

4 Depoiement.

a) Carthage take side 1-4 ( bottomof the bild)
b) Gaule:  Ps, 2x3Wb in forest and 2x4Wb behind,  Géné  and  Lchbetween river and forst and lch other side of forest  in  2x2 4Wb  in the village. 
c) Carthage: in forest Ps and 2x4Ax in the forest,Cv stay behind, the général and 1SP between forest and river; 2x Sp, Hch , 3Axthe  and 1x Sp    reserve.

. Bound 1.

a) Gaule Pips= 4: 1Ps+ 2x 3Wb advance out of the forest. lch go behind.

b) Carthage Pips= 5: right flank: n3Ax shift right and advance 2BW Sp behind Hch go align with Hch on the right; left flank: Genéral+Sp advance 2BW, Cv turn arond the forest by left

. Bound 2.

a) Gaule Pips=3: line Ps +2x3Wb advance 3BW and Lch advance 4BW to align with this line; General+Lch advance 4BW put Gene in TZ.

b) Carthage Pips= 6: right flank: Sp-Hch-Sp go to align with 3Ax, Sp behind advance also 2BW.
left flank: Sp behind Géné shift left and align with Géné.
            . Bound 3.

a) Gaule Pips=6: 
Ps to Ps, 3Wb to Ps and 3Wb to 4Ax, Général to général and Lch to Sp the 2x4Wb behind advance 2BW. Combats: 2 Ps recoil and 3Wb-4Ax :deuce;  and Lch + Général recoil.

b) Carthage Pips=4: right flank: the line advance 2BW and left flank: Sp to lch + gèné ; one Ax cloose the door to 3BW
Ps vs 3BW: 2-1+3 vs 3+6: Ps flee (not dead as in bild) 4Ax vs §bw. 3+2 VS 3-1+5. 4Ax recoil.

. Bound 4.
a) Gaule Pips=3: Ps to Ps, Wb go to 4Ax, other 3Wb between Ps and 4Ax (double debord); in village one 4Wb in second line  align in first line.
Ps vs PS: 2+5 vs2-1+6: deuce
3Wb vs 4Ax: 3+4 vs 3-1+1 : 4Ax dead
 Géné vs géné:4+6 vs 5+6 : Géné Lch recoil.

b) Carthage Pips=1: ? Sp to Lch.
Sp vs Lch: 4+5 vsv 3-1+4: Lch recoil
Géné vs géné: 5-1+4 vsv 4+4: deuce.

. Bound 5.
a) Gaule Pips= 5: 3Wb cloose the door to Ps other 3Wb contact 4Ax (2 time 2 pips because in forest)
 2x 4Wb advave 2BW and align with Lch.
Ps vs Ps: 2+5vs 2-1+6 deuce
3Wb vs 4Ax: 3+2 vs 3+5 : 3Wb recoil
Géné vs géné: 4+5 vs5-1+4: hch recoil.

b) Carthage pips=6 the 3Ax voor the village shiht right and advance in order to be able to close the dooer next round, line Sp-Hch-Sp advance in border of the village. in left flank Cv contact Lch.
Ps vs Ps: 2-1+1 vs 2+5: Ps(c) dead
Cv vs Lch: 3+2 vs 3+5: Cv recoil.

. Bound 6.
a) Gaule Pips=2 Lch to Cv plus Ps close the door
lch vs Cv :3+4 vs 3-1+4: Cv dead.

 I sstop the Partie at this time with 3 to 0 because I had calculate the <ps flee in bound3 as dead.

Victory Gaule 3- 0.

Pyrrhus war; Riviere Dance:Pyrrhus - Camille Romains

 Battle report Nr 3.

1) Armies Composition:

a) Pyrrhus: Général Kn, Cv, Lh, El, 4x 4Pk, Pk/Sp Rd6=2 ->2xSp, 3Ax/4Ax Rd6=2-> 3Ax, Ps.

b) Rome: Général Cv, Cv, 2x Ps, 2x 4Bd, 2x2xSp, 2x4Ax.

2) Initiative: Pyrrhus: 4+1; Rome 3+3 -> Pyrrhus defender.

3) Terrain: Arable -> 2x plugs ( in 4 and 2), river (2 ->3), enclosure (in 1), road ( 1 ->4).

4) deploiement: a) Rome take the side 1-2.

b) Pyrrhus on the right side. 2x Sp to protect the right flank on the river, center line: 2x4Pk- Général - El -2x4Pk, first line: Ps- 3Ax to protect EL from Ps, left flank: Lh, Cv.

Plan: attack in center with Kn+ El

c) Rome: from river to road: 2x4Bd, 4x Sp, 2x4Ax, Ps behind Sp and Cv behind Ax géné in reserve.

plan try to envelope pyrrhus Army.

. Bound 1.

a)Pyrrhus Pips=5 the 2 Plug are good going.
3Ax + Ps advance 3BW, Pk-El-Pk advance 2BW, one Sp try to croos the river Rd6=1 no effect second Sp shift left. Lh+Cv advance 2,5 Bw (stay at more 3BW of Ax.

b) Rome Pips=2: 2x4Ax advance 3Bw (error they are able to move only 2BW), Cv go to align with Ax,

. Bound 2.
a) Pyrrhus Pips=1: Lh go on the left flank of Cv
b) Rome pips=3: Cv+ 4Ax contact Lh-Cv, second Ax closse the door of Cv.
Combat: Ax vs Lh: 3+1 vs 2-1+4 -> 2x Ax recoil
Cv vs Cv: 3-1+3 vs 3+5 -> Cv(r) recoil.

. Bound 3.
a) Pyrrhus Pips=2: 2x4Pk near EL contact in flank the 4Ax ( the 4Ax must turn to coform) Sp in rear advance 2BW behind 2x4Pk. Combat: Pk vs Ax: 3+3+3 vs 3+1 -> Ax dead Pk advance.
                Pyrrhus 1. - Rome 0.

b) Rome pips= 4: line 4Bd- Sp advance and contact Ax+Ps, one Ps go to align with last Sp, 4Ax contact Lh and Cv contact Cv.
combat: Sp vs 3Ax: 4+1+4 vs 3-1+4 -> Ax recoil,
Sp vs Ps: 4+1+2 vs 2+6 -> Sp (Yellow) recoil
4Ax vs Lh: 3+6 vs 2+6 -> Lh recoil
Cv vs Cv: 3+5 vs 3-1+3 -> Cv(p) recoil.
                Pyrrhus 1. - Rome 0.

. Bound 4.
a) Pyrrhus Pips= 4: Sp finish to cross the river, 2x 4Pk contact Sp (align with Ps) Sp behind continue to advance
Combat: Pk vs Sp 3+3-1+4 vs 4+1-1+3 -> Sp recoil, Pk advance

b) Rome Pips=5:
Ps cloos the door to Pk
combat Sp vs Pk: 4+6 vs 3+3-2+6 -> deuce.

. Bound 5.
a) Pyrrhus Pips= 2: Sp contact Ps in flank. Ps have to confomed to Sp, Sp other side of river continue to advance 2BW.
Sp vs Ps: 4+5 vs 2-1+1 Ps flee
Pk vs Sp: 3+3+6 vs 4+1 -> Sp dead  Pk advance
                Pyrrhus 2. - Rome 0.

b) Rome pips=1 bad time:
last Ps contact 4Pk: 2+5vs 3-1+6 -> Ps recoil.

. Bound 6.
a) Pyrrhus Pis=5: Ps recoil behind El, El contact SpSp near EL go between lh and 4Ax and contact 4Ax(r) 3Ax contact Sp to help El.  Cv to Cv; Combat:
Sp vs 4Ax: 4+5 vs 3+1 -> 4Ax dead
El vs Sp: 5 +3 vs 4-1+6 -> El recoil
Cv vs C : 3+1 vs 3-1+4 -> Cv(p) recoil
3Ax vs Sp: 3-1+3 vs 4+1+3 -> 3Ax recoil.

                Pyrrhus 3. - Rome 0.

b) Rome Pips= 2:
Ps return direction Sp(p) line 4Bd Ps (rod) advance and contact 3Ax. Combat:
Sp vs 3Ax: 4+1+4 vs 3-1+2 -> 3Ax dead.

                Pyrrhus 3. - Rome 1.

. Bound 7.

a) Pyrrhus Pips= 3: El contact Sp and line Kn-4Pk contact 2 Sp.
Kn vs Sp: 4+1 vs 4-1+1 -> Sp dead
Pk vs Sp: 3+3-1+5 vs 4+1-1+3 -> Sp rtecoil
El Vs Sp: 5+3 vs 4-2+2 : Sp dead

                Pyrrhus 5. - Rome 1.

Victory for Pyrrhus.

lundi 6 septembre 2021

Pyrrhus war; Riviere Dance:Early Carthage- Syracuse

 1) Armies Composition:

a) Carthage: Général Sp/ Cv/ Hch Rd6=5 ->Hch, Hch, Cv, Lh/4Ax Rd6=6 ->Lh, 2x2Sp, Sp/4Ax Rd6=1 ->4Ax, 3Ax/Wb Rd6=6 ->3Ax, 2xPs.

b) Syracuse: Général Cv7Sp Rd6=2 ->Sp, 6x Sp, Sp/Wb Rd6=6 -> Sp, 4Ax/Cv Rd6=6 ->4Ax, Art/3Ax Rd6=4 -> Art, Ps, Lh.

2) Initiative: Carthage: 3+6, Syracuse:2+2 -> Syracuse defend.

3) Terrain: Litoral -> WW in 2 and 3, 2 marsh in 1 and 2 and a gentil hill in 2.

4) deploiement: a) Carthage take side 3-4 (right on picture)

b) Syracuse: 3 x Sp as landing forces the reste place in betwenn the 2 marsh with the Art in the center, the Lh is placed in reserve.

c) Carthage: 3 Sp place face the WW, Hch and Cv in face the hill Lh in reserve and the rest alomg thr riviere.

. Bound 1.
a) Syracuse : landing force along the river,
Pips= 6: the line, without the las 4Ax little bit in marsh, advance 2BW 4ax advance separatly 2BW, Ps in marsh advance 3BW and Lh go arround the marsh.

b) Carthage Pips= 1: bad luck.
only the Lh move to the river but not crossing.

. Bound 2.
a) Syracuse Pips= 2: the line of Sp advance on the hill the Art and the right flanc stay.
 only the Lh go to the river ( bloc Carthage)
shoot of Art vs 4Ax: 4+6 vs 3+3 -> 4Ax recoil

b) Carthage Pips=4: 3 pips to replace the 3 Sp face the landing force, Ps align with the Lh.

. Bound 3.
a) Syracuse Pips= 5: Ps in Marsh go to align with Lh, Sp-4Ax (right to Art) advance 2Bw to the river on the Sp line the Sp in second line go to align with the other
shoot Art vs 4Ax: 4+4 vs 3+1 -> 4Ax is killed.
Syracuse 1. Carthage 0.

b) Carthage Pips=5: 2 pips to align the Sp on the right flank, line Hch- 3Ax try to cross the river Rd6=4 the line have to stop. on othe flank Ps and Sp go th align with Ps-Lh.

. Bound 4.
a) Syracuse Pips=6: the Sp line go to align on the river side, the same on other flank
Shoot Art vs 3Ax: 4+2 vs 3+4 nul.

b) Carthage Pips=2. last Sp on right go to align.  Carthage try to go in force, the line Hch-3Ax contact the Sp line.
Géné Hch vs Sp: 4+2 vs 4+1+5 -> Hch recoil
Hch vs Sp: 3-1+3 vs 4+1+6 -> HcH dead
Cv vs Géné Sp: 3-1+3 vs 5+1+6 -> Cv flee -> dead
3Ax vs Sp:_ 3-1+6 vs 4+1+1+5 -> 3Ax recoil

Syracuse 3. - Carthage 0.

. Bound 5.

a) Syracuse Pips=5:  Sp line contact 3Ax in the river, the art rotate to the othe flank.
Sp vs 3Ax: 4+3vs 3-1+1 -> 3Ax dead.

Syracuse 4. - Carthage 0.

Victory for Syracuse.

samedi 4 septembre 2021

Pyrrhus war; Riviere Dance; Rome Camille - Gaule

 1) armies Composition.

a) Rome: Général Cv, Cv, levées: 2xPs, Hasati: 2x4Bd, princepte et Trianis: 2x2Sp Italians: 2x4Ax.

b) Gaule: Général Lch, 2xLch, 2x 3Wb, 6x4Wb, Ps

2) Initiative: Rome 3+1 - Gaule 3+3  -> Rome defend.

3) Terrain: Arable -> ZB (city) in 2(6), riviere in 1 to 4, road 1 to 3 and champ clos in 4.

4) Depoiement: 

a)Gaule  take place in place 1-4 (bottomn on the photo
b) Rome: 1 Bd in the ZB , 4Bd, 4xSp, ps behind and the 2x4Ax.
Plan: advance the line up to the riviere and defend.

c) Gaule: Lch on the left flank, Géné, 3x2x4Wb, ,2x3Wb, Ps, and Lch.
Plan try to cross the riviere before Rome.

. Bound 1.
a) Rome Pips=5: the line advance 2BW, the Ps advance 2 time and stop at the riviere, Cv shift left and advance 3BW.

b) Gaule Pips=4: the lin advance 2BW stop at the riviere, Lch left advance to riviere and try to croos RD6=3, the Ps move 2 time in order to cross the riviere.

 Bound 2.  
a) Rome Pips= 2: Ps recoil and contact enemi Ps, the line 4bd-Sp advance behind the riviere and bring debord to Ps. combat Ps vs Ps: 2+5 vs 2-1+6 -> deuce.

b) gaule Pips=2: Lch left croos the riviere, the 3x2x4Wb + Général on the left contact the roman on other side of the riviere. Combat:
Ps vs Ps: 2+5 vs 2+4 -> Ps(r) recoil
4Wb vs Sp (rot): 3+4 vs 4+1+1-1+1 -> Sp dead
4Wb vs Sp(yellow): 3+2 vs 4+1+1-1+2 -> Wb recoil, 4Wb vs Sp(yellow): 3-1+5 vs 4+1+1+6 -> Wb recoil, Géné vs 4Bd:n 4+5-1 vs 3+1+5 -> Géné recoil.
. Bound 3.
a) Rome Pips=6:
2x 4Ax advance to riviere, Ps recontact Ps and the Sp contact Wb, the Général advance too. Cv left shift right.combat:
Sp vs Wb: 4+4 vs 3-2+6 -> Wb recoil
ps vs Ps: 2+5 vs 2-1+5 -> Ps(g) recoil

b) Gaule Pips= 2: 2x3Wb + Lch contact Ax other side of riviere, Ps bring a debord
Wb vs Ax: 3+4 vs3-1+1+2 ->Ax recoil
Lch vs Ax: 3+4 vs 3-1+1+6 -> Lch recoil.

. Bound 4.
a) Rome Pips= 3: Sp contact Wb, Ps to Ps and Cv shiftb right
Ps vs Ps: 2-1+1+6 vs 2+1 ->  Ps dead
Ax vs 3Wb: 3+5 vs 3-2+3 -> 3Wb dead
Sp vs Wb: 4+1+1+1 vs 3-2+4 -> Wb recoil
Rome 2 -Gaule 1.

b) Gaule Pips= 6 
4Wb to Sp, Géné to 4Bd3Wb recoil, Lch  left cross the riviere
Géné vs 4bd: 4+4 vs 3+1+3 -> 4Bd recoil
4Wb vs Sp 2 x4Wb recoil last is killed
Rome 3 -Gaule 1.

. Bound 5.
a) Rome Pips= 5 Cv and Gén´go right direction Lch, Ax move between Ax and Ps.

b) Gaule Pips=2: géné to 4Bd and 3x4Wb to Sp
Wb (centre vs Sp: 3+1 vs 4+1+1+3 -> Wb dead
Wb leftvs Sp: 3-1+6 vs 4+1-1+1+1 -> Sp dead
last Wb vs Sp: 3-2+2 vs 4+1+1+4 -> Wb dead.
Géné vs 4Bd -> deuce

Rome 5 -Gaule 2.

 Rome Victory.

Serie 3 colision course - B6: ES vs Mendes

 1) army composition. a) Es: Ax/Ps -> Ps, b) Mende: Sp/4Bw->Sp, Cv/ Lh/Ax->Ax. 2)Initiative. a) ES=2+2, M =2+4 -> ES defender. 3...