mercredi 15 décembre 2021

La Guerre des gaules- Tres Galliae- Bibracte -58 av JC

 Nous commencons donc la guerre des Gaules avec le livrets de scénarios "tres Galliae". la premiere Bataille a lieu a Bibracte entre les Romains et les Helvetes.

1) Les Armées en prescence:

a) les romains de Cesar (II-49)

- Cesar, ici a pied: 1x4Bd  ou a cheval 1xCv

-Auxiliaire 1x3Cv

-légionaires 7x4Bd

- Auxiliaires a pieds 1x3Ax

-                                1x 4Wb

- légers         1xPs.

b) les Helvetes (II-11)

- Divico Chef Tigurin 1x3Cv ou a pied (autre scenario) 1x4Wb



6x 4Wb   (les autre 4WB ne sont la que pour dautre scenarios)


2) Scénario.

la partie se joue sur une surface de 60cmx60cm.
2  collines ( douces) se font face avec chacune une Armée dessus. les Helvetes commence la partie et peuvent choisir de relancer le premiers jet de desnde pip s il est de 1.

3) Déploiement

Ici les romains sont a droite sur la colline verte et les Helvetes  a gauche.

L idé des helvete est d attaquer sur les 2 flanc puis lancer les hordes aux centre pour bloquer ou finir le travail.

Les romain veulent conserver le +1 des hauteur face aux Wb.

. Round 1.

a) Gaule pip=5. les Labour sont terrain clair
Cv du flanc gauche avance en biais de 4LB jusqu au labour et face aux Ps, les 2x3Wb-Ps avancent de 3LB tout droits Ps deuxieme mouvement se positionnent a gauche du Cv, la ligne des4 Wb avance lentement (2LB) et les 2Cv avancent de 4LB sur l autre flanc.

b) Rome Pips= 3.le 3Ax avance vers le Cv(g) dans le labour et le Ps avance vers le Ps(g), le Wb se repositionne sur le coin de la colline.

. Round 2 et 3.
a) Gaule Pips= 3. le Ps contact le Ps et le Cv contact le3Ax, le 2x3Wb se mettent en colone et se place pour faire un débord aux 3Ax.
Ps vs ps: 12+2 vs 2+2 -> égalité
Cv vs Ax: 3+4 vs 3-1+5 -> égalité
b) Rome Pips= 2.  Cv and 4Bd se positionne sur le flanc gauche pour bloquer les 2Cv.
Ps vs Ps: 2+4 vs 2+2 -> Ps(g) recule
ax vs Cv: 3-1+4 vs 3-1+3 -> Cv recule.
round 3. a) Gaule Pips= 3.
Ps et Cv retounent au contact, les 2x3Wb se retourne et prennent le3Ax de flanc.
Ps vs ps 2+6 vs 2+6 -> égalité
Cv vs Ax: 3+6 vs 3-1+5 -> Ax mort.

. Round 3b et 4.
b) Rome Pips= 2. 1x4Bd se depoie a droite des Wb et un autre a sa gauche.
Round 4. a) Gaule pips=3. ps recontact le Ps et le Cv le prend de flanc. les 2x3Wb se retournent face a lka colline. Ps vs Ps: 2+5 vs 2-1+3 -> Ps(r) mort

b) rome Pips=5. Wb contact les 3Wb 1 4Bd fait un débord a droite l autre a gauche le 4ieme 4Bd de deuxieme ligne se place en premiere ligne.
Wb vs Wb: 3+1 vs 3+1-2+3 -> Wb(r) recule.

Gaule 2 . Rome 0.

. Round 5.
a) gaule Pips= 4. Cv contact 4Bd et le Ps le prend de flanc.
Cv vs 4Bd: 3+5 vs 3-2+6 -> 4Bd éliminé
3Wb vs Wb: 3+1-1+4 vs 3+4 -> 3Wb recule.
b) Rome Pips=4. 4Bd prend les 2x3Wb de flanc
un 4Bd se place sur le coin de la colline sur le flanc droit.
Wb vs 3Wb: 3+3 vs 3+1-1+2 -> 2x 3Wb éliminés.

Gaule 3. Rome 2.

. Round 6.
a) Gaule Pips= 3 le Cv se retourne et contact le Wb(r) le Ps lui fait un débord. 2x4Wb s avance vers les Bd et le met en ZM les autre 4Wb avance vers la colline.

Cv vs Wb(r): 3+2 vs 2-1+1 -> Wb(r) éliminé.

Gaule 4. Rome 2.    petite victoire des helvetes.

La Guerre des Gaules par Cesar

Et oui, une nouvelle cession de bataille DBA commence aujourd huis. Cette fois ci finis l Italy et la Sicile et bienvenue en Gaule dans la periode de - 58 av JC jusqu a -50 av JC. Nous verrons s affronter les Armées de Cesar aux differents peuople Celtes de la Gaule élargie avec de helvetes, des Arvernes, des Belges, des Betons et des Germains. Les romains seront formés par la liste II-49; les peuples Celtes avec la liste II-11, les breton II-53 et les Germains II-47g.

Cette cession sera répartie en 4 serie de bataille. La premiere se fera en suivant le livret de scénarios "Tres Galliae" publié par ZBB editions. il est constitué de 14 scénarios retracant les bataille de Cesar de -58 a Alesia en -52avJ. Elle sera suivie d 3 series de 6 batailles effectuées avec les 4 Armées citées plus haut. une serie avec les règles standards DBA, la deuxieme avec l option Riviere dance et la troisieme en utilisant la règle optionelle de "Collission Course".

Bonne lecture à tous.

samedi 4 décembre 2021

Resume of the third serie of Battle repport about Pyrrhus War.

   So just finish to write the last battle report. And in this serie the winner is`?????

Battle number    Oposant                                Score         Victory points

1                        Romain camille - Gaule        0 - 6            Rome : 0 ; Gaule =5+6=11

2                        early Carthage - syracuse       4 - 3            Carthage: =5+1=6; Syracuse: 3

3                    Pyrrhs - Romain Camille           4 - 2            Pyrrhus: 5+(4-2)=7 ; Rome= 2

4                    Gaule- early Carthage                4 - 0            Gaule:5+(4-0)=9; Carthage: =0

5                    Syracuse - Pyrrhs                        4 - 1            Syracuse:=5+(4-1)=8; Pyrrhus: =1

              Romain Camille - early Carthage    0 - 4            Rome: 0=0; Carthage:5+(4-0)=9

7                    Syracuse - Gaule                          0- 4            Syracuse: 0+ 0=0; Gaule: 5+(4-0): 9

8                   early Carthage - Pyrrhus              5 - 1            Carthage: 5+(5-1)=9; Pyrrhus: 0+= 0

9                Romain Camille - Syracuse            4 - 1            Rome: 5+ (4-1)=8; Syracuse: 0 +1=1

10             Pyrrhus - Gaule                                0 - 5            Pyrrhus: 0+0=0; Gaule: 5+(5-0)=10

victory points: 

Pyrrhus:  7 + 1 + 1 + 0 = 9

Gaule:    11 + 9 + 9 + 10 = 38

Rome:   0 + 2 + 0 +8 = 10

Syracuse: 3 + 8+ 0 + 1 = 12

Carthage:  6 + 0 + 9 + 9 = 24

Victory for Gaule.

If we want to see the result over the three serie; there is:

armies          1Serie    2 Serie    3Serie        Total

1. Gaule :         20            22            38                80

2.Pyrrhus        23            26                9               58

3. Carthage     21            8                24                53

4. Syracuse        18        19               12               49

5. Rome          14            20            10                44

As we can see the Gaules are very good with the option "Collission Course". it is because tey are fast, a lot of Cv or Lch and the Wb are not reuced by the difficult terrain. in Oposite the Syracuse Armies hat more problem since they have to form in line before to contact enemies and with a little CV.

The Pyrrus Armies is quit good because the combination of Kn, El and Pk can break every line.

so it was the last post about Pyrrhus war, the next one should be about Cesar Armies in Gaule.

vendredi 3 décembre 2021

Pyrrhus War, Collision Course; Gaule (II-11) - Pyrrhus (II-27b)

 Last battle of this serie .

1) Armies Composition

a) Gaule: <Général Lch, 2x Lch. Cv/Wb Rd6=6 -> 2xCv, 6x 4Wb, Ps.

b) Pyrrhus: Général Kn, Cv, Lh, El, 4x4Pk, Pk/Sp Rd6=6 ->2x4Pk, 3/4Ax Rd6=5 -> 4Ax, Ps.

2) Initiative: Gaule: 3+1, Pyrrhus: 4+6 -> Gaule defender.

3) Terrain: Arable.-> ZB-> village, 2 forests,  difficult hill.

4) Déploiement.  Village in 2, big forest in 3, small forest in 1 (5) and hill in 2.

a) Pyrrhus arrive by side 1-2 (left) in order to fedend the hill.

b) Gaule side 3-4. Col1: Ps, 2x4Wb, Géné; col2: 4x4Wb, Bg; col3: 2xCv, 2x Lch.

c) Pyrrhus: Col 1: Ps, Ax, El, Kn; col 2: 4x4Pk, Bg, col 3: Lh, Cv, 2x4Pk.

. Bound 1.

a) Gaule Pips= 5. Ps advanceto hill plus second move to the top of the hill, 2x4Wb advance 2Bw and Géné 4BW, col 2 advance also 2BW.

b) Pyrrhus Pips=3. Ps go also on the hill but are block by Ps(g), Ax move left and from, Gén´+El advance 3BW between Hill and forest.

. Bound 2.
a) Gaule Pips= 2. Ps contact Ps(p) and col2 advance 2BW.
Ps vs Ps: 2+1+5 vs 2+1 -> Ps(p) dead.

b) Pyrrhus Pips= 5. Ax advance in the hill but not in contact, El+Kn contine to advance 3BW and col 2 advance 2BW.

Gaule 1. - Pyrrhus 0.

. Bound 3.
a) Gaule Pips=3. Ps contact Ax, 2x4Wb advance in direction Hill and Géné shift left to protect Wb, col 2 advance 2BW.
Ps vs Ax: 2+1+3 vs 3+1 -> Ax recoil.

b) Pyrrhus Pips= 5.  Ax return in combat, El contact Géné(g), GénéKn go on the side of El but not align col 2 advance 2BW.
Ax vs Ps: 3+2 vs 2+1+6 Ax recoil
El vs Géné: 4+3 vs 4+3 -> deuce.

. Bound 4. 
a) gaule Pips=2. one Wb go on the hill , the second close the door of El.
Géné vs El: 4+3 vs 4-1+1 -> El dead.

Gaule 2. Pyrrhus 0.

b) Pyrrhus Pips= 4. Ax contact Ps and GénéKn contact géné Lch on flank (Lch has to rotate) second Pk go to align with fist.
Kn vs Lch: 5+4 vs 4+6 ->Kn recoil
Ax vs Ps: 3+1 vs 2+1+2 -> Ax recoil.

. Bound 5.
a) Gaule Pips=2. Géné Lch contact <kn and Wb go to bring a débord.
Lch vs Kn: 4+5 vs 5-1+3 -> Kn recoil

b) Pyrrhus pips=3 ( only Ax in RC)
Ax recontact Ps and 3rd Pk shift 2BWright

Ax vs Ps: 3+1 vs 2+1+5 -> Ax dead.

Gaule 3. Pyrrhus 0.

. Bound 6.
a) Gaule Pips= 6.
4pips for col 3: advance 4BW(only cv and Lch), 2x 4Wb of col 2 advance on hill, Ps go in forest.

b) Pyrrhus Pips=4. Géné recoil due to advance of Cv-Lch and a Pk shift right.

. Bound 7.
a) Gaule Pips= 4.  Cvand Lch go around Kn

b) Pyrrhus (nobody in RC) Pips 4. Kn contact one Lch.
Kn vs lch: 5+5 vs 3+6 -> Lch recoil.

. Bound 8.

a) gaule Pips= 3. Lch closethe door of Kn a Cv go on hKn rear.
5+5 vs 5-2+6 -> Kn dead.

Gaule 5 Pyrrhus 0.

Victory for Gaule.

mardi 30 novembre 2021

Pyrrhus War, Collision Course; Rome Camille(II-10) - Syrause(II-9)

 Battle Nr 9.

!) Armies Composition

a)Rome : Général Cv, Cv, 2yPs, 2x 4Bd, 2x2xSp, 2x 4Ax.

b) Syracuse: Général Sp/Cv Rd6=6 Cv, 6x Sp, Sp/Wb Rd6=2 -> Sp, Ax/Cv Rd6=2 ->Cv, Art/3Ax Rd8=3 -> 3Ax, Lh, Ps.

2) Initiative: Rome 3+6 vs Syracuse 2+2 -> Syracuse defender.

3) Terrain: Litoral -> WW, dificult Hill forest and marsh.

4) Déploiement.

WW in 1-2, hill in 1, forest in 2 and Marsh in 1
a) Rome arrive by side 1-4 in order to gain the hill.

b) Syracuse in 1-4 (in top of picture). Col 1: Ps, Cv, Géné. 3Ax; Col2: 4xSp, Bg; col3: Lh,3xSp.

c) Rome. Col1: 2xPs, Cv, Géné; Col2: 2x4Ax, 2xSp, Bg; col 3: 2x4Bd, 2xp.

.Bound 1.

a) Syracuse Pips= 5.
Ps advance 3BW in forest, Cv and Géné align with Ps, 3Ax advance in direction of forest. Col 2 advance 2BW.

b) Rome Pips= 4.2xPs advance 3BW on hill, colm 2 advance 2BW , Cv+Géné align after 3BW.

. Bound 2.
a) Syracuse Pips=6.
col 2 advance 2BW, then 4 pips for entrance of col3 2BW and 3Ax advance of other side of forest.

b) Rome Pips= 5.
2x Ps  go on the edge of other side of hill (2Pips), 2x4Ax of col 2 advance in direction of hill, 2xSp+Bg advance 2BW, Cv advance to protect Ps. 

. Bound 3.
a) Syracuse Pips= 6
3Ax contact one Ps(r) Ps contact second Ps(r), Cv+genéné contact Cv, col 2 advance 2BW and col3 advance also 2BW
Ax Vs Ps: 3+5 vs 2+1+1 -> Ps dead,
Ps vs Ps: 2+2 vs 2+1+5 -> Ps(s) dead
Cv vs Cv: 3+1 vs 3-1+6 -> Cv(s) dead.

Rome 2. - Syracuse 1.
b ) Rome Pips=1
Géné contact the Géné  -> 4+6 vs 4-1+6 -> Géné (s) recoil.

. Bound 4 and 5.
a) Syracuse Pips= 6.
Géné recoil 4BW, 3Ax contact Ps, col 2: 2nd Sp align left with 1st, 3rd Sp align right with 1st, Lh advance 4BW rest 3col advance 2BW. Ax vs Ps: 3+3 vs 2+1+6 Ax(s) recoil.
b) Rome Pips=4.Ps contct Ax and Cv close the door of Ax, 2xAx advance 2BW, and 2xSp+Bg advance 2BW.
Psvs Ax:2+1+5vs 3-1+1 -> Ax dead.
Rome 3. - Syracuse 1.
Bound 5. Syracuse Pips=2. Line Sp whell, Sp of col 3 advance 2BW.
b) Rome Pips=1.  Cv advance in other side of forest (stay in RC.)

. Bound 6.
a) Syracuse Pips=2.
Sp line rewhell
b) Rome Pips=2.  Géné recoil 4Wb and secon Ax align with 1st

. Bound 7.
a) Syracuse Pips= 1 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sp behind advance to protect the right flank of the line.

b)Rome Pip=2 !!!!! not better.
Ps go in forest and put Sp in TZ, Géné shift right 4BW.

. Bund 8.
a) Syracuse Pips=4
2xSp of col 3 advance 2BW las Sp go in direction Géné

b) Rome Pips=5.
4Pips for col 3 , géné advance on the right flank of the line.

. bound 9.
a)Syracuse pips= 6. 
Sp line advance 1.5 BW, 1Sp go to align with the line, other Sp advance in direction géné(r) and Lh align with the Sp, last Sp behind continue to go around the forest.

b) Rome Pips=5.
2x4Bd advance 2BW,and 2x Sp advance too. Cv return and contact Sp near the forest and the ps close the door of this Sp
Cv vs Sp: 3+3 vs 4-1+1 -> Cv dead.

Rome 4. - Syracuse 1.  Victory for Rome

dimanche 28 novembre 2021

Pyrrhus War, Collision Course; Carthage (I61b) - Pyrrhus (II-27b)

 Battle nr 8

1) Armies Composition.

a) Carthage: Général Sp/Cv/Hch Rd6=3 ->Sp, Hch, Cv, Lh/Ax Rd8=6 ->Lh, 2x2Sp, Sp/4Ax Rd6=6 ->Sp, Wb/3Ax Rd6=5 ->3Ax, 2xPs.

b) Pyrrhus: Général Kn, Cv, Lh, El, 4x4Pk, Pk/Sp Rd6=2 ->2xSp, 3/4Ax Rd606 ->4Ax, Ps.

2) Iniiative: Carthage: 3+4 vs Pyrrhus 4+6 -> carthage defenfer.

3) Terrain: Arable-> 2x Plugs, smal forest, gentil hill, road.

4) Déploiement.

Plugs in 1 and 2 (5), forest in 1 (6), hill in 2 and the road (6) 1->2.

a) Pyrrhus arrive by side 2-3 ( north)

b) Carthage by 1-4. Col 1: 2xPs, 3Ax, Hch; col 2: GénéSp, 3xSp,Bg; Col3: Lh, Cv, 2xSp.

c) Pyrrhus col1: Kn, El, Ps, Lh; Col 2: 4x4Pk, Bg; Col 3: 2xSp, 2x4Ax.

. Bound 1.

a) Carthage Pips= 5. Plugs are good going.
col 1 advance 3BW, second move Ps (2Pips) align of the top of the hill. Col 2 advance 2BW.

b) Pyrrhus Pips= 4. col 2 advance 2BW , col 1 advance 3BW and second move for Lh align with Kn.

. Bound 2.
a) Carthage Pips=2.
Col 2 advance 2BW. Ax+Hch advance shift right 3BW.

b) Pyrrhus Pips=1 Lh-Kn contact 2xPs on hill
Kn vs Ps: 4+5 vs 2+1+4 -> Ps dead
LH VS pS. 2+1 VS 2+1+3 lh dead.

Carthage 1. Pyrrhus 1.

.Bound 3.
a) Carthage Pips=6.
4pips for col 3 advance 2BW; Ps go around Kn and contact El(p), 3Ax go to align with Ps.
Ps vs El; 2+6 vs 5-1+1 -> El Dead.
Carthage 2. Pyrrhus 1.

b) Pyrrhus Pips= 5. Kn rotate and contact 3Ax, ps of col 1 contact Ps(c).; col 2 advance 2BW.
Kn vs 3Ax: 4+4 vs 3+6 -> Kn rwecoil
Ps vs Ps: 2+1 vs 2+6 -> Ps(p) dead.
Carthage 3. Pyrrhus 1.

. Bound 4.
a) Carthage Pips=6.
col 3 advance 2BW, Hch contact Kn and Ps go to close the door.
hch vs Kn: 4+6 vs 5-1+5 -> Kn Géné is dead.

Carthage 5. Pyrrhus 1.  bad luck in combat

Victory for Carthage.

vendredi 26 novembre 2021

Pyrrhus war, Collision Course; Gaule (II-11) - Syracuse(II-9)

 Battle 7th of this serie.

1) Armies Compositions.

a) Gaule: Général Lch, 2xLch,Cv/Wb Rd6=4: 2x3Wb, 6x4Wb, Ps.

b) Syracuse: Général Sp/Cv Rd6=2->Sp, 6xSp, 4Ax, Ax/Cv Rd6=1 ->Cv, 3Ax/Art Rd6=5 -> Art, Lh, Ps.

2) Initiative: Gaule: 3+1 - Syracuse: 2+2; seconr round: Gaule 3+3 - Syracuse:2+5 -> Gaule defender.

3) Terrain: Arable: -> ZB (village), forest, cificult hill, Brousailles.

4) Déploiement:

Village in 3 (5), Forest in 1, hill in 2, brousaille in 1
a) Syracuse coice side 1-2 (left) to be able to defend the forest.
b) Gaule side 3-4. Col 1: Ps, 2x4Wb, Géné, Col2: 4x4Wb, Bg, Col 3: 2xLch, 2x3Wb.
c) Syracuse. Col1: Ps, Art,4Ax, GénéSp, Col2: 4xSp, Bg, Col 3: Lh, Cv, 2x Sp.

. Bound 1.
a) Gaule Pips=5. Ps advance 3BW in direction Forest,  second move of Ps in forest, rest of col 1 advance 2BW, col 2 advancw 2BW.

b) Syracuse Pips= 2. Ps advance in foresr block Ps(g), col 2 advance 2BW.

. Bound 2.
a) gaule Pips=5. 2x4Wb advance on hill 2BW, col 2 advance 2BW between hill and village, Géné go to the edge of Hill and Ps contact Ps: 2+3 vs 2+4 -> Ps(g) recoil.

b) Syracuse Pips=3. col 2 advance 2BW,  Ax behind Art shift left and align with Art.
shout Art vs Ps: 4+2 vs 2+6 no effect.

. Bound 3.
a) Gaule Pips=4.2x4Wb advance on the hill but stop at more 5BW of Art, Col 2 advance 2BW and Ps recontact Ps: 2+2 vs 2+1 ->Ps(s) recoil.

b) Syracuse Pips=6.
4pips for Col 3 entrance in feld 2BW, 4Ax go in forest, 3rd Sp of col 2 shift and align with 1st.

no Combat

Bound 4.
a) Gaule Pips=2.
2x4Wb of col 2 go on the hill.

b) Syracuse Pips=3.
4Ax advance in forest align with Ps. last Sp align with other, col 3 advance 2BW.
shouting: Art vs Ps: 4+4 vs 2+5 Ps recoil
 no combat

. Bound 5.
a) Gaule Pips= 2. Ps recoil 3BW, one 4Wb go in village.

b) SyracusePips= 3.  Ps and ax align on the border of the forest. and Sp line whell to hill.

. Bound 6.
a) Gaule Pips=5. 4pips for col 3  advance 3BW, last 4WB go in village .

b) Syracuse Pips= 5.
4Ax advance in direction Ps(g) and Ps advance and shift recht in direction Ps(g), Cv and Lh align on the left flank, 2xSp advance 2BW in direction Sp line.

. Bound 7.
a) Gaule Pips=3.
Géné  contact 4Ax and Ps make a débord Lch go behind géné
Géné vs Ax: 3+6 vs 3-1+1 -> Ax dead

Gaule 1. - Syracuse 0.

b) Syracuse Pips=3. Ps recoil in forest, Art go to align with Sp line.

. Bound 8.
a) Gaule Pips= 6.Lch advance between village and hill, 2x3Wb advance 3WB in dirction forest, Géné go around the forest by the left, lch go just behing-> make a group, Ps advance to forest to put Ps in TZ.

b) Syracuse Pips= 2. Sp behind Art shift left and 
one of 2xSp on left side go to align with Sp line.

. Bound 9.
a) gaule Pips=3.
2x3WB continue to advance to Forest,Gén´+lch go around the forest 4BW.

b) Syracuse Pips= 6.the Sp behind forest move between the forest and brousaille, last Sp near Bg shift left, and the last Sp go to align with the line,
Cv+ Lh advance 4BW and Lh second move go around the village by the right.

. Bound 10.
a) Gaule Pips=6.Gén´+Lch contact Sp (Sp to coform), Ps contact Ps, 2x3Wb advance in forest and bring a débord to Ps, 2 Pips (out of RC) fot a 4Wb go in village to block the way of Lh
Ps vs Ps; 2+4 vs 2-1+1 -> Ps(s) dead, Géné vs Sp: 4+3 vs 4+3 -> deuce

b) Syracuse Pips=3. Lh go around the village,  Sp move on the flank of Art.
shouting. Art vs Ps: 4+1 vs 2+5 no effect
Sp vs Géné: 4+5 vs 4+6 -> Sp recoil.
Gaule 1. - Syracuse 0.

. Bound 11.
a) gaule Pips=3.Gén´+lch recontact Sp, Ps advance in forest as well as 2x3Wb
 Géné vs Sp: 4+4 vs 4+6 géné recoil.

b) Syracuse Pips=5.
lh continue to go around the village in direction Bg,Sp from Géné(g) recoil and second Sp go align with first.

. Bound 12.
a) Gaule Pips= 6.
4Wb in village put Lh in TZ (2pips out RC), Géné to Sp, 3Wb to second So and second 3Wb to Art and Ps contact the Sp after Art.
3Wb vs Sp: 3+4 vs 5+5 -> Wb recoil
Géné vs Sp: 4-1+4 vs 4+6 -> Géné recoil
3Wb vs Art: 3+4 vs 4+2 -> Art dead,
Ps vs Sp: 2+4 vs 5-1+5 -> Ps recoil.

b) Syracuse Pips=1 bad moment.

Gaule 3. - Syracuse 0.

. Bound 13. Last one after it is the night.
a) gaule Pips= 3.
 Géné again Sp and 3Wb to Sp Ps align to 3Wb

3Wb vs Sp: 3+6 vs 4+1+3 -> Sp dead.
Géné vs Sp; 4+2 vs 4-1+2 -> Sp recoil.

Gaule 4. - Syracuse 0.

Victory for Gaule.

lundi 22 novembre 2021

Pyrrhus War, Collision course; Rome Camille (II-10) - Early Carthage (I-61b)

 1) Armies Composition.

a) Rome: Général Cv, Cv, 2x Ps, 2x 4BD, 2x Sp (red) 2x Sp (yellow), 2x 4Ax.

b) Carthage : Général Sp/Cv/Hch rd6=5 -> Hch, Hch, Cv, Lh/4Ax Rd6=2 ->4Ax, 2x2xSp, Sp/Ax Rd6=1 -> Ax, Wb/3Ax Rd6= -> 3Ax, 2x Ps.

2) Initiative. Rome 3+4 vs Carthage 3+5 -> Rome defender.

3) Terrain Arable.-> 2x Plugs, forest, gentil Hill and a road.

4) Déploiement.

Plug in 1 and 2, forest in 1, hill in 2 and road 2->3.
a) Carthage arrive by 1-2 do not give the forest for Rome.
b) Rome. on the right  sector 3-4.
Col 1: 2xps, Cv, Géné; col2: 3x4Bd, 2x4Ax, Bg, Col3: 2x2Sp.
c) Carthage: col 1:Cv, Géné,Hch, 3Ax, col 2: 2xPs, 2x4Ax,Bg; col 3 2x2Sp.

. Bound 1.
a) Rome Pips= 1. the plug stay are accidenté terrain. Col 2 advance 2BW.

b) Carthage pips=2 not better
col 1 advance 3BW and col 2 advance 2BW.

. Bound 2.
a) Rome Pips= 5. 2xPs advance left 3BW plus a second move 3BW to be in a Plug (bottom), Géné+Cvb advance 4BW and col 2 advance 2BW Completly in feld).

b) Carthage Pips=5. col 2 advance 2BW, Cv advance and shift left, Géné advance and align with Cv, hch advance 3Bw and stay behind Géné, 3Ax shift right an advance to block Ps(r).

. Bound 3.
a) Rome Pips= 3.Cv contact GénéHch, Gén´contact Cv and a Ps bring a débord to Cv
Cv vs Hch: 3+1 vs 5-1+6-> Cv(r) Dead
généCv vs Cv 41-+4 vs 3+2 -> Cv(c) recoil.

b) Cartahge Pips= 4 Cv return in combat with Gén´(r) , the Géné rotae and close the door of Géné(r), Hch contact Ps 3Ax put Ps in TZ.
Hch vs Ps: 3+6 vs 2+1 -> Ps dead
Cv vs géné: 3+6vs 4-1+6 deuce

Rome 0. - Carthage 2.

. Bound 4.
a) Rome pips= 1???
2x4Bd advance 2BW
Géné vs Cv: 4-1+2vs 3+5 -> Géné(r) dead( door closed).

Rome 0. - Carthage 4.
Victory for Carthage after a short Battle.

Serie 3 colision course - B6: ES vs Mendes

 1) army composition. a) Es: Ax/Ps -> Ps, b) Mende: Sp/4Bw->Sp, Cv/ Lh/Ax->Ax. 2)Initiative. a) ES=2+2, M =2+4 -> ES defender. 3...