dimanche 17 janvier 2021

Herdonia -212 BC.

 this is the 8th battle of this campaign. we are in Italie.

During the night Hanibal has deployed 1Ps in a farm and other in a small wood on his left flank. Hanibal play first.
Armys composition 
Carthage: Hanibal Cv, Cv, 2x Lh, 3xSp,1x 4Ax, 2x 4Wb and 2x Ps.
Rome: Fluvius Cv, Equite Cv, 4x $Bd,2x 3Ax,2x Sp and 2x Ps.

. Round 2. nothing apends in the first round
a) Carthage Pips= 4; on the left flank 3 pips to put teh Cvand Lh in a line and move.
on the right flank: the Ps and Ax move forward as a group.

b) Rome Pips =1 only move the Cv right to the general 

. Round 2.
a) Carthage Pips= 2: the Infline move for 2BW and the General move morehis left.
b) Rome Pips= 3: one Ps go to the farm to blok the Carthage advance. one Sp go to right the other to left.

. Round 3.
a) Carthage Pips= 4: The Ax and Ps go to combat with the Ps(r) and the last Ps(c) go to bring a debord -> Ps(r) recoil.

b) Rome Pips = 5: move the Sp more in right and align the CV+ General with. the other Sp has to go back to right and on the left flank the 3Ax go to fight the Ps(c) -> Ps(c) is killed.

Carthage 0 - Rome 1

. Round 4.
a) Carthage Pips= 6: on his left the 4Ax got contact with the 3Ax -> 3Ax recoiled and Ps(c) to ps(r)-> Ps(r) recoiled too. the inf lin go to contact the last Ps(r) ->ps(r) recoiled. hanibal move more his right.

b) Rome Pips= 4: move the Sp more in right, put the Cv+general+ Sp in contact with Lh+Cv (c)-> Cv8r) recoilled and Lh+Cv(c) recoilled too. on other flank the 3Ax and Ps Contact again carthage -> 4Ax(c) and Ps(c) recoilled.

. Round 5.
a) Carthage Pips= 3: move the inf line in contact with Ps(r) -> Ps(r) recoilled afer the 4Bd.
on the left flank the Lh+Cv contact the Sp and Hanibal closse the door -> Sp(r) is killed.
Carthage 1 - Rome 1
b) Rome Pips= 1:?. Fluvius go back .

. Round 6.
a) Carthage Pips= 3 Cv(c9 contact Fluvius and Hanibal close the door -> Flavius is killed and Lh contact the Cv(r) but recoil.
Carthage  3 - Rome 1

b) Rome Pips = 5: only attaque on the left -> Ps(r) recoil and 4Ax(c) recoil.

. Round 7. 
a) Cathage Pips= 5 Only on the left flank again Cv(r) with Cv(c) closse the door  -> dude

b) Rome Pips = 3: put the line in combat
-> 24Wb are killed but on the right the Cv(r) is also killed.

Carthage 4 - Rome 3

small victory for Hanibal.

samedi 16 janvier 2021

Nola -214 BC.

 This is the third and last battle of Nola (7th for this campaign).

So deployement and no Army list we go direct to the round 1. 

a) Rome Pips= 4:-> no plugh. deployement of the left colum and the Cv move to left. 1 4Bd go also 1BW to left to make place for the Sp achter.
b) Carthage Pips= 5:El+Ps+Cv go for with 3BW, th inf line with 2BW, the Ps go slowly to right (place for General and the Lh go for with 4BW

. Round 2.

a) Rome Pips: 1 Bad luck. -> move the Sp in the line.

b) Carthage Pips= 4: the line move for 2BW and the El+Cv+PS go to align with the line.
on the left flank the Lh go to take the right Roman colum in TZ.

. Round 3.

a) Rome Pips= 3: Ax (right contact the Lh + debord from the Ps-> Ax recoil, the last 4Bd (right) move to protect the Ps.

b) Carthage Pips= 5: from left to right:
Lh go combat Ax, Ps go combat Ps -> Lh and Ps(c) recoil, Gene put the 4Bd in TZ, move the inf line and on the left  El+Cv+Ps go to combat ->Ps(c) recoil, Cv(r) recoil but the El is killed (7vs8).
Carthage 0 - Rome 1
. Round 4.
a) Rome Pips=3 move and combat only on the romr lrft flank. Cv to Cv, Ps to Ps and the Ax to closse the door of the Ps(c) -> Cv(r) recoil but the Ps(c) is killed. Carthage 0 - Rome 2

b) Carthage Pips= 4: Again the Lh and Ps go o fight the Ax and the Ps (left flank) -> Lh recoil but the Ps(r) is killed.
small move with the line to contact only the 4Bd with the General -> 4Bd is killed (9 vs 4).
Carthage 2 - Rome 2.
. Round 5.
a) Rome Pips=4: Attaque of the Cv(c): Cv go to Cv, 4Bd go to bring a debord and the Ps go in the rear -> Cv(c) is killed. Carthage 2 - Rome 3.

b) Carthage Pips= 2: Move the line (without the General) to combat ( with alignment) and the General go to closse the door of the general roman -> General (r) + 2x Sp are been killed.

Carthage 6 - Rome 3.  End

jeudi 14 janvier 2021

Cornus -215 a.v JC

 The battle of Cornus in -215 before JC is the 6th scenario of this campaign. We are in Sardaine.

the scenario map and armys:

only 2 Labour and a road: 
Carthage (on top): Hasdrubal Cv, 1xEl, 2xLh, 3xSp,3x4Ax and 2xPs
Rome (bottom): Manlius Cv, Equite Cv, 4x4Bd, 2xSp, 2x4Ax, 2xPs.

There is no special rules and Rome play first.

On the table it is look like so:

Roman on the right and Carthage on the left.

. Roman Plan: try to contact first the right flank of Carthage ( with Ax) and put the Cv in support of the general. 

. Carthage plan:Reorganise the line, El with EL and general dan go to fight.

Rund 1.
.a) Rome pips= 2 so the labour can be considered as Good going.
so the line go 2BW forward and the Cv go to the General 4BW.

. b) Carthage Pips= 3: The Ps (center go back and left, I move two Sp near the El.

. Rund 2.
a) Rome Pips= 3: move the line 2BW, The general go on other side of Labour and the Cv go to right.

b) Carthage Pips= 6: last Sp is alibned with the other Sp, The2 Ps go to falign also with Sp and also do the 2 Lh on the left flank. 
on the right the 4Ax make a wheel to make place for the general.

. Rund 3.
a) Rome Pips= 3: on the right the Cv and general go together.
on the left  the line (Ps+Ax+4Bd+Sp) make a wheel to align with Carthage.

b) Carthage Pips=2: the right flank go in combat and the General move for to support the line.
Combat: 2 recoil for Carthage and one for Rome.

. Rund 4. 
a) Rome Pips=5: 4 pips for the 4Ax and Ps on the left because there are out of comand) to put beide in combat. the last pip is for the Sp to bring support ( and Debord) to the 4Bd.
Combat: 4Ax(c) is killed, the second 4ax recoil.
Carthage 1 - Rome 0
b) Carthage Pips=5: the 4Ax return to combat -> kill the Ps(r), General go to combat 4bd ->4Bd recoil, The El go to Sp -> El recoil and the last 4Ax(c) go also to fight the 4Ax(r) -> 4Ax(r) recoil.
Carthage 1 - Rome 1
. Rund 5.
a) Rme Pips= 5: Move Cv+general to combat with Lh- > 2x Lh been killed.
the Ps(r9 go to fight the Ps(c) -> Ps(r) recoil
the line (minus 1 4Bd) move for 2BW,
the 4Bd+Sp go in combatn with general (c) ->4bd recoil  and the last 4Bd align with the Sp(r).
b) Carthage Pips= 3: move the El in combat and the Gene too.-> 4Bd and Sp recoil.
Carthage 1- Rome 3.

. Rund 6. 
a) Rome Pips= 3. put the Ps (right) in combat with the C clossing the door -> Ps(c) killed.
on the left: all go in combat and the last 4Bd close the door to El -> one 4Bd is killed and the Sp recoil.

Carthage 2 - Rome 4.  Second victory for Rome.

samedi 9 janvier 2021

Nola -215

 This is the second battle of Nola. Hanibal do not like to lose, so he come back to take the city.

Here ther is the same setting as the previous battle, same troupes , terrain and rules.

.Rund 1

a) Rome Pips= 2: put the left colum in line with the Ps in face of El.
b) CarthagePips= 6: move the inf line 2 BW, on right move the Cv+Ps 3 Bw, move the El more right and move the General in place of El.

. Rund 2. 
a) Rome Pips=3: put the right colum in a line, move the general more right.

b) Carthage Pips= 5: move the inf line by 2BW,  move the General of 4 BW and move  Cv+ps to support the General and move the El  3BW.

. Rund 3.
a) Rome Pips= 4: move the 4B on the right more right to make place for the Sp, on the right flank->Ps + 3Ax go to contact with support of the General -> P(r) dead and Lh(c) recoil.

b) carthage Pips= 6: Lh return in combat and the Ps close the door -> but recoil.
move the inf line again with 2 BW.
on the right flank: Gene+Cv+ Ps  and El go to contact -> only some recoil.
Carthage 1 -Rome 0
. Rund 4.
a) Rome Pips= 5: 3Ax go to contact the Lh and the general close the door -> Lh dead.
the inf line go to combat -> 2 Sp(c) recoil and Cv(r) recoil.

b) Carthage Pips= 5: on the right some recoil to the rome general got to fight the Ps -> Ps dead.
the 4Wb kill one 4Bd the rest is recoil for carthage.

Carthage 3 - Rome 1

. Rund 5.
a) Rome pips= 4: 
 the general go to fight the Ps on the flank and the 3Ax close the door -> Ps dead.

but the last 4bd on the left flank is killed too. 

Carthage 4 - Rome 2  Ende.

mercredi 6 janvier 2021

Nola - 216 av. J.C.

 Nola is the 4th Battle of this campaign and she should be played tow more time, one in -215 av JC and a third time in -214 av. J.C. . So I can try different tactic to play this scenario.

Nola ia a roman city so the roman can put his bagage inside but if Carthage take the city it will be risky.
Army composition:
Rome: Marcellus Cv, Equite Cv, 4x4Bd, 2x3Ax, 2x 4Sp and 2x2Ps. The roman play first.
Carthage: Hanibal Cv, cavalerie Cv, 1x El, 1x Lh, 3x4Sp, 1x4Ax, 2x4Wb and 2x2Ps.

The battle must stop after 10 rund.

Rome plan: make place in the first line to deploy the Sp, deploy the left colum to conter the elephant.

Carthage plan: try to put Sp and Wb in combat as soon as possible and the Cv and Lh on the flank.

. Rund 1.
Rome Pips= 1: the Labour stay as rough going.
the 3Ax on the left flank go in line with Ps.

carthage pips= 3: wheel and move the Cv+Ps+El
move the line (Sp+Wb) forward and move the 4Ax more in right flank. ( not in the photo).

. Rund 2.
a) Rome Pips=6:move the Ps and 3Ax to the El and put the Cv on the right flank, move the infantrie line.

b) Carthage Pips=3: rewheel El+Cv+Ps and move
move the inf line too. Hanibal stay on the rear.

.Rund 3.
a) Rome Pips=6: put the Cv,Ps,and 3Ax in combat -> only some recoil on both side.
and the Sp+4Bd go to fight also: -> some recoil
the last colum is in line deployed.

b) Cathage Pips= 5 go back to fight but the Cv in left flank loose the combat an dead.
the rest is only some dude and recoil.

Carthage 0- Rome 1.

. Rund 4.
 a9 Rome Pips= 2: the combat continue and one Ps(c) dead
b) Carthage Pips= 2 nothing special

Carthage 0 - Rome 2

. Rund 5. (the last one)
a) Rome Pips= 2: the Sp and Bd continue to press the Carthagien -> 1Wb dead.

b) Carthage Pips=4: hanibal go to fightand kill one Ps but the second Wb is also be killed by the Bd.

Carthage 1 - Rome 4
the carthagenian was not so lucky in dice in combat.

First victory for Rome.

mardi 5 janvier 2021

 Third Battle report: Cannes -216 av. JC

Both Army met together on the plain near cannes.
Special rules:
Roman play first, there is a lot of wind and Hanibal put deploy his army in order to have the wind in Back so for the roman the wind is inthe face -> only Psiloris and other troupe in colum can be considered as a group.
Army Composition:
Carthage: Hanibal Cv, Cv, 2xLh, 3x $Sp, 4Ax, 2x4Wb, 2x Ps
Rome: varon Cv, Cv, 4x4Bd, 2x4Ax, 2x4Sp, 2x Ps.
My Deployement:
Roman attaque plan: move the three colum forward but keeping place in between to extend in line before contact.
Carthage plan: first put all the infantrie in a line and go to contact. the cavalerie will protect both flank.

. Rund 1.
a) Rome Pips= 2: move the right colum and Cv
b) Carthage Pips= 6: put all infantrie in a line and move the Cv+Lh on the left flank in response to the Cv rome.

. Rund 2.
a) Rome pips=4: move a Sp (right) to support the Cv, move the ps and the center colum for and the left colum little bit more left.
b) carthage pips=6: Cv+ Lh in combat to Cv -> Cv(r) recoil, move ps and the line forward and the general go with Lh (right).

. Rund 3.
a) Rome pips=4: move the Sp right to the Cv in support, move the 4Ax on other side. move the left colum and put the general in support.
b) Carthage pips=2: move the CV+ Lh in combat -> dude, wheel 2xSp and move to protect the Cv in left flank.

. Rund 4.
a) Rome pips=2: attaque on the right flank with Sp vs Lh and Cv+ 4Ax vs Cv(c) -> both Lh(c) and Cv(c) recoil.
b) Carthage pips= 3: rewheel the 2Sp and go to contact the 4Ax -> 4Ax recoil, Lh + Cv to contact the Sp+Cv(r) -> Lh(c) recoil and Cv(r) dead.
on other flank the Lh go to put the general(r) in TZ.

Carthage 1- Rome 0.

. Rund 5.

a) Rome pips= 4: move the 4Bd (right) on the right of the 4Ax, dispacht the center colum to fill the gap. the ps go tocontavt the ps(c) -> one Ps(c) recoil and one dead. Carthage 1 - Rome 1
b) Carthage pips=5: the 2xWb go to fight with Ps(r) -> 1 Ps and 1 Wb recoil, hanibal go to combat with Varon and the Lh close the door-> Ende for Vairon (9 vs 8 but the door is closed).
Carthage 3 - Rome 1

. Rund 6. ( the last one)
a) Rome pips= 4: on the left flank one Sp go to contact the Sp(c) and a 4Bd close the door -> Sp (c) dead.
 Carthage 3- Rome 2

b) Carthage pips= 4 a 4WB go to contavt the last Ps and the 4Ax close the door -> Ps (r) dead.

Carthage 4 - Rome 2.

Not a great victory but a victory.

vendredi 1 janvier 2021

 Battle on the lake Trasimène in -217 before JC

This is the second scenarion ot the campaign "Punica"

The Roman are moving in the morning with the fog along the Lake Trasim`ne direction west. When the fog go away the roman see on the north on the top hill all the Carthage army ready to fight. Surprise!!!

Army composition from west to est:
Carthage: 2xLh, Cv, 2x4Wb, General, 3xSp, 2xPs +4Ax
Rome: Cv, General, 2x Sp, 6x 4Bd, and 2x Ps.
Special rules:
- Carthage play first
- first Pip: if it is 1 is 3, 2 is 4 an 3 to 6 stay 3 to 6.
- only th hill on the bottom right is difficult, the other are gentil hill.

My deployment:

Carthage plan: Attaque on the both flank and put the infantrie in combat as soon as possible.
Rome plan: try to deploy the army in line.

Rund 1: 
a) Carthage Pips= 6 ( very good). 
1+2 move the 2 Lh on the extreme right flank
3. the Cv move 4BW direction the Roman Cv
4. the big inf line move 2BW down the hill
5+6. first move with the 2Ps+4Ax 2BWE + a second of 3Bw only with the 2 Ps on the left flank.
b) Rome Pips= 3
rotate the CV and general to the Lh (C) and move a Sp on the flank.

Rund 2.
a) carthage Pips= 5
the inf line continue to move to the roman
the Ps go to put the Sp (R) in Treat Zone (TZ)
the 4Ax try to follow the Ps
and the Cv go to support the 2 Lh.
b) Rome Pips= 4
Cv and general go to combat with Lh and the Sp again Cv(c) -> Lh(c)+Cv(c) and Cv(r) recoil
the 2Ps gocombat with  the Ps(c) -> 2Ps(c) recoil.

Rund 3.
a) Carthage Pips= 6
2x4Wb move alone 2BW, Sp wheel and move
Cv and Lh again in combat and the general go to close the door of the Sp and finally the 4Ax move.
combat: recoiol for rome and the Sp (r) is dead
b) Rome Pips= 6:
put all the infantrie in line. no combat
Carthage 1 - Rome 0

Rund 4.
a) Carthage Pips=4.
rotate the general, attaque with Cv and Lh -> no result (dude)
 and rewheel the Sp to aligne the the line to Rome.
the 4Ax continue to move more left to support the 2 Ps.
b) Rome Pips= 3.
move 3x$bd to contavt with the Sp(c)-> 3Sp recoil
align the last 4Bd with the other
the Ps go to combat with the ps(c)-> 1 recoil both side.
Rund 5.
a) Carthage Pips= 6 again.
Cv, Lh and general go to contact the rome Cv and The General -> some recoil in both side
other combat : recoil in both side of infantrie and 1x4bd dead (10 vs 5).
b) Rome Pips= 4.
continue to press the Cv and Lh of carthage, replace the last 4Bd
combat-> again 1x 4Bd dead.
Carthage 3 - Rome 0.

Rund 6 and final.
a) Carthage Pips= 2.
move the Lh in flank to close the door to the Cv(r) -> the Cv(r9 died in combat
The General + Cv  go combat the general(r) and the Sp-> the Sp died in combat.

Carthage 5 - Rome 0.

Carthage Victory.


Serie 3 colision course - B3: Mendes vs NA

 1)composition des armee. a)NA: Pas doption., b) M: Lh/Cv/Ax -: Lh, 4Bw /Sp-: 4Bw. 2) Initiative . NA:4&4, M: 2%5 -: Mendes defenseur. 3...