this is the 8th battle of this campaign. we are in Italie.
During the night Hanibal has deployed 1Ps in a farm and other in a small wood on his left flank. Hanibal play first.dimanche 17 janvier 2021
Herdonia -212 BC.
samedi 16 janvier 2021
Nola -214 BC.
This is the third and last battle of Nola (7th for this campaign).
So deployement and no Army list we go direct to the round 1.
a) Rome Pips= 4:-> no plugh. deployement of the left colum and the Cv move to left. 1 4Bd go also 1BW to left to make place for the Sp achter.. Round 2.
a) Rome Pips: 1 Bad luck. -> move the Sp in the line.jeudi 14 janvier 2021
Cornus -215 a.v JC
The battle of Cornus in -215 before JC is the 6th scenario of this campaign. We are in Sardaine.
the scenario map and armys:
only 2 Labour and a road:samedi 9 janvier 2021
Nola -215
This is the second battle of Nola. Hanibal do not like to lose, so he come back to take the city.
Here ther is the same setting as the previous battle, same troupes , terrain and rules.
.Rund 1
a) Rome Pips= 2: put the left colum in line with the Ps in face of El.mercredi 6 janvier 2021
Nola - 216 av. J.C.
Nola is the 4th Battle of this campaign and she should be played tow more time, one in -215 av JC and a third time in -214 av. J.C. . So I can try different tactic to play this scenario.
Nola ia a roman city so the roman can put his bagage inside but if Carthage take the city it will be risky.mardi 5 janvier 2021
Third Battle report: Cannes -216 av. JC
Both Army met together on the plain near cannes.vendredi 1 janvier 2021
Battle on the lake Trasimène in -217 before JC
This is the second scenarion ot the campaign "Punica"
The Roman are moving in the morning with the fog along the Lake Trasim`ne direction west. When the fog go away the roman see on the north on the top hill all the Carthage army ready to fight. Surprise!!!
Army composition from west to est:My deployment:
Serie 3 colision course - B3: Mendes vs NA
1)composition des armee. a)NA: Pas doption., b) M: Lh/Cv/Ax -: Lh, 4Bw /Sp-: 4Bw. 2) Initiative . NA:4&4, M: 2%5 -: Mendes defenseur. 3...
4th battle for this serie 1) Armies'compositie: a) gaule: Général Lch, 2x Lch, 2x Cv (RD6=6), 6x 4Wb, Ps. b) Carthage: Général Hch (RD6...
Hello every body welcome in my Blog. Here we will speak almost only about De Bellis Antiquitatis version 3.0 also well know as DBA 3.0. ...
1) Armies composition. a) Syracuse Army (II-9b): Général SP/Cv: RD6=1:Sp, 6x Sp, 4Wb/Sp: Rd&=5: Sp, 4Ay/CvRd6=2: Cv, Art/3Ax Rd6=2: Art,...