lundi 17 juillet 2023

Cession Egypte; serie 3 collision course. Bataille 6: PM vs Hittites.

 1) Composition of armies.

a) Hittites: Géneral Hch, Jch. 2x Lch, 4x 3Pk, 2x  3Ax ,  7Hd, Ps.

b)PM: Géneral 4Bd,2x 4Bd, 6x 3 Bd, 3xPs.

2) Initiative. Hittites 2+5; PM 4+5 -> Hittite defender.

3) Terrain: Arable -> 2x Plug, foret, extra plug, gentil hill.

4) Deplo.

a) Terrain. Plug 1 in 4, plug  in 2, plug 3 in 3, foret in 4  and  hill in 1.

b) PM arive by side 1-4.
c) Hittite in 2-3.colonne 1: général, Hch, 2x3Pk; colonne 2: 3Ax, 2x3Pk, 7Hd, , Bg; col3: 2xLch, 3Ax, Ps. 
d) PM:colonne1: Géné, 2x 4Bd, 3Bd; colonne 2: 3x Ps, 3Bd, Bg; col3: 4x3Bd.

. Round1.
a) Hittite Pips=4. Colonne 1 advance 3BW and col 2 advance 2BW.

b) PM Pips= 3. 2x 4Bd go to align together, col 2 advance 2BW in border of foret.

. Round 2.
a) Hittite PM= 2. Colonne 1 advance 3BW and col 2 advance 2BW .

b) M Pips =3 3x Ps go in the forest in group, 3Bd of col 1 align with 4Bd, rest of col2 advance 2BW.

. Round 3
a) Hittite Pips= 4. col 2 without Bg advance 3BW, 3 Pip to put Hch and 2x3Pk in a line.

b)PM Pips=6.
2 Ps go in bordure of forest.
4 pips to entrabce of colonne 3 eith 3BW on hill.

.Round 4.
a) Hittites =1.  col 2 advance in Plug  in diresction forest.

b) PM pips= 6. one Ps go out of forest on right; 2x3Bd advance 3W and 2 other 3Bd advance in direction of 3Pk.

. Round 5.
a) Hittites Pips= 4.3Ax advance to forest to blok Ps, 2 3Pk go to align on the right to other Pk. and behind Hch. line 3PK-Hch advance to be at 3BW  of Bd.

b) PM Pips=2.  2 3Bd go align in plug to put Pk in TZ.

. Round 6.
a= Hittites Pips=5. 2 3Pk contact  2 3Bd, 3Pk go to support 3Pk and last Pk go behind 3Pk.
2x3Pk vs 3Bd: 3+3+4 vs 5+2 -> bd recoil
3Pk vs 3Bd: 3+6 vs 5-1+2 -> Bd recoil.

b) PM pips=1. 3Bd go to debord 3Pk.
 3Bd vs 3Pk: 5+5 vs 3-1+6 -> Bd recoil.
3Bd vs 2x3Pk : 5+2 vs +3+3-1+3   -> bd recoil.

. Round 7.
a) Hittite Pips= 2.
3Pk in support of 3Pk again 3Bd, Hch contact 3Bd.
combat (center 2x3Pk vs Bd: 3+3+5 vs 5-2+6 -> Bd recoil.
2x3Pk vs Bd: 3+3-1+1vs 5+1 -> égalité
Hch vs Bd: 3+1 vs 3-1+3 -> Hch recoil.

b= PM pips= 2. Ps contact 3Ax and Ps close the door of Ax: 2+2vs 3-1+3 -> Ps recoil
Bd (left) vs 2x3Pk: 5+6 vs 3+3-1+3 -> Pk recoil
Bd vs 2x3Pk: 5+5 vs 3+3-2+3 -> Pk recoil.

. Round 8.
a) Hittite Pips= 3.
Ax contact Ps, Hch contact 3Bd and géné contact Ps.
Géne vs Ps: 4+4 vs 2+4 -> Ps dead
Ax vs Ps: 3+1 vs 2+6 -> Ax dead
Hch vs 3Bd: 3+2 vs 3+5 -> Hch recoil
2x3Pk vs 3Bd: 3+3+6 vs  5-2+1 -> Bd dead.
2x3Pk vs 3Bd: 3+3+3 vs 5-1+4 -> Bd recoil
 H. 2. - PM 1.

b) PM pips=2. 3Bd contact 2x3Pk
2xBd vs 2x3Pk: 5+1 vs 3+3-1+1-> egalite.
2xBd vs 2x3Pk: 5-1+2 vs 3+3-1+2->-> Bd recoil.

. Round 9.
a) Hittites Pip=4.
géné recoil, Hch contact 3Bd
Hch vs Bd: 3+2 vs 3-1+1 -> Bd dead.
2x3Pk vs 3Bd: 3+3+5 vs  5-1+2 -> Bd recoil.
2x3Pk vs 3Bd: 3+3+2 vs 5-1+2 -> Bd recoil.
 H. 3. - PM 1.
b) PM pips=5. Bdcontact Hch + Bd as débord: 3+3 vs 3-1+4 -> Hch dead
2xBd vs 2x3Pk: 5+3 vs 3+3-1+1-> Pk recoil.
2xBd vs 2x3Pk: 5+3 vs 3+3-1+6->-> Bd recoil.

H. 3 - PM. 2.

. Round 10
a) Hittite Pips= 6 géné contact 3Bd colonne 3 come in game.
Hch vs Bd: 4+5 vs 3+2 -> Bd dead
2x3Pk vs 3Bd: 3+3+3 vs  5-2+6 -> egalité
2x3Pk vs 3Bd: 3+3+5 vs 5+5 -> egalite..
 H. 4. - PM 2.

Victory for Hittites.

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Serie 3 colision course - B6: ES vs Mendes

 1) army composition. a) Es: Ax/Ps -> Ps, b) Mende: Sp/4Bw->Sp, Cv/ Lh/Ax->Ax. 2)Initiative. a) ES=2+2, M =2+4 -> ES defender. 3...