vendredi 30 juin 2023

Cession Egypte; serie 3 collision course. Bataille 5: PM vs Egypte.

 1) composition des armees.

1) Composition des Armées. a) Egypte: Général Lch, 3xLch. 3x4Bd, 2x 4Bw, Ps, 3Wb. 34Bd.

b)PM: Géneral 4Bd,2x 4Bd, 6x 3 Bd, 3x3Ax.

2) Initiative. Egypte: 2+3; PM: 4+3 -> Egypte defenseur.

3) Terrain Litoral ->WW + marais, dune, colline difficile.

4) Déplo.

a) terrain. WW en 1-4, marais en 3, dune en 3 et colline ebn 4.
b) PM entrent par 3-4 (droite)
c) Egypte: colonne 1: Géné, 2xLch, 4Bd; colonne 2: 4Bd, 2x 4Bw, 4Bd, Bg; colonne 3: Ps, Lch, 3Wb, 3Bd.
d) PM colonne 1: 3Ax, géne , 2x4Bd, colonne 2: 2x3Ax,2x3Bd,, Bg, colonne 3: 4x3Bd.

. Round 1.
a) Egypte Pips= 1 (pas de chance). Col2 avance de 2LB.

b) PM pips= 2. col 1avance  de 2LB vers le sud de la dune. col2 avance de 2LB versla dune.

. Round 2.
a) Egypte Pips= 6. col 2 finit de rentrer sur la table de 2LB, la colonne 3 entre au Nord avec 3LB.
b) PM Pips=4. 3Ax de la col 1 entre dans la dune, 3x 4Bd avancent vers le sud de la dune., Col 2 avance de 2LB.

.Round 3.
a) Egypte Pips=2. Col 3 advance 3LB direction Marsh, col 2 advance 2LB  without Bg,in between dune and dificult hill.
b)PM pips= 1 ? 3Ax of col 3 go in the dune.

. Round 4.
a)Egypte Pips=4.3pips in order to align 4Bd+24Bw face to dune. the last 4Bd stay ib reserve.

b) PM pips= 2.3x4Bd go around dune to contasct 4Bw, col 3 advance between dune and marsh.
shooting 2x 4Bw vs 3Ax in dune -> no effect.

. Round 5.
a) Egypte Pips= 5. Ps of col 3 advanc 3LB to dune, Lch align on left to Ps and 3Wb on right to Ps, last 4Bd go on the end right of the line.
Shooting 2x4Bw vs 3Ax: 3Ax recole.

b) PM pips= 2. 3Ax  from col2 go in marsh and 3Bd cross the marsh.

. Round 6.
a) Egypte Pips= 2. line Bw-Bd advance 1 BW, 3Bd alihn with Lch. Shooting 2x4Bw vs 3Ax: 2+6 vs 3-1+1 ->3Ax dead.
 E. 1 - PM. 0.
b) PM Pips=4.  attaque of col 2. Shooting 3x4Bw vs 4Bd: no effect
3Ax ->Ps: 3+2 vs 2+1 -> Ps rcoil
3Ax ->Lch: 3+6 vs 3-1+4 -> Lch recoil
3Bd -> 3Bd +3Bd on right as debord: 5+3 vs 5-1+5 ->Pm recoil.

. Round 7.
a) Egypte Pips =1,3Wb make debord on 3Ax.
shooting 2x Bw vs géné -> no effect.
 3Bd vs 3Bd: 5-2+1 vs 5+5 -> Egypte dead.
 E. 1 - PM. 1.
b PM pips= 1 also. nothing.

.Round 8.
a) Egypte Pips= 6. Lchnear général  move to hisleft and the other one move to his right; 3Eb contact 3Ax no effect and shooting 2xBw vs Bd no effect.

b) PM pips= 3. 3Ax contact Lch and 3Bd close the door of Lch. 3+6 vs 3-1+1 -> Lch dead
3Ax vs 3Wb: 3Ax recoil.
E. 1 - PM. 2.

. Round 9.
a) Egypte Pips= 3 in north. Lch go place to protect flank of Ps. South: 4Bd contact Gébé and Lvh bring debord. shooting: nul
Bd vs géné: 5+4 vs 6-1+6 ->Egypte recoil
3Wb vs 3Ax nul.

b) PM pips= 1 3Bd close the door of 3Wb ->3+5 vs 3-1+3 ->Wb dead
E. 1 - PM. 3.

. Round 10.
a) Egypte Pips= 3.
Lch align with Ps and second Lch close the door of géné. shooting no effect
4Bd vs géné(pdf): 5+4 vs 6-1+2 -> géné dead.
E. 3- PM. 3.

b) PMPips=5 but géné is dead
Ax contact Ps abd 3BD close the door of Ps : Ps dead.
E. 3 - PM. 4.   Victory for PM.

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Serie 3 colision course - B6: ES vs Mendes

 1) army composition. a) Es: Ax/Ps -> Ps, b) Mende: Sp/4Bw->Sp, Cv/ Lh/Ax->Ax. 2)Initiative. a) ES=2+2, M =2+4 -> ES defender. 3...