dimanche 18 juillet 2021

Pyrrus war first serie; Camille Romain (II-10) - Syracuse (II-9)

 1) Armies Composition:

a) Romain Camille: Général Cv, Cv, levées 2xPs, Hasati 2x4Bd, Principes 2xSp, triani 2x Sp, 2x4Ax.

b) Syracuse: Général Sp/Cv Rd6=3 -> Sp, 6xSp, Sp/Wb Rd6=3 -> Sp, Ax/Cv Rd6=2 ->Cv, Art/3Ax Rd6=5 -> 3Ax, Lh, Ps.

2) Iniotiative: Rome 3+4; Syracuse: 2+6 -> Rome defender.

3) Terrain: Arable:  2 plug, small forest, gentil hill and a road.

-> Plug in 4 and 3, forest in 3 hill in 1 (Rd6=5) road in 2 to 1.

4) déploiement.

a) Syracuse take the side 1-4 Left on the picture

b) Rome: on the right side. from bottom to top: Ps, Cv, 

Sp+4Bd behind, 3x Sp, 4Bd, 2x4Ax, Ps

-> Controle of the gentil hill.

c) Syracuse. from bottom to top: Lh, Cv, Général + Sp behind, 3x Sp,  Sp, 3Ax and ps in forest last Sp blok behind the forest.

-> attack on the right flank and the gentil hill.

. Bound 1.

  a) Rome Pips=5:Cv+Ps advance on the hill 3BW  , voor the hill a Sp shift to left 1BW and advance 1BW, the 4BD  come to align with him. The the line Sp- Ps ( on other flank) advance 1BW to be aligned with the SP-4Bd  , the last Ps make a second mouvement of 3BW.

b) Syracuse Pips= 4: Cv+Lh contact Cv+Ps, Général +2x Sp advance 2BW, 2x 1Sp advance 1BW ( begin in woods).


Lh vs Ps: 2+6 vs 2+2 -> Ps dead

Cv vs Cv: 3+4 vs 3-1+4 -> Cv(r) recoil.

Rome 0 . Syracuse 1.

. Bound 2.

a) ERome Pips= 5: Sp behind Cv shift tohis left and advance 1BW, Cv contact Cv the line 4Bd- 4Ax advance 2BW, Ps advance in direction forest and put the 3Ax and Sp in TZ.

Combat: Cv vs Cv: 3-1+3 vs 3-1+2 -> Cv(s) recoil.

b) Syracuse Pips=4: 2pips  (out of RC) 3Ax contact ps and Ps closse the door..

Combat: 3Ax vs Ps: 3+2 vs 2-1+6 ->3Ax+Ps recoil.

. Bound 3.

a) Rome Pips= 5. in botom: Sp contact the Lh, Cv -> Cv, the line 4Bd- 4Ax advance to contact the Sp. the last 4Ax advance in dirction of Ps , the Général advance 2BW. Combat:
Sp vs Lh: 4+6 vs 2-1+3 -> Lh flee
Cv vs Cv: 3+1+3 vs 3-1+4 -> Cv (s) recoil.
4Bd vs Géné Sp: 5+1+4 vs 5+1+3 -> Géné recoil 4Dd advance
Sp vs Sp: 4+1+2 vs 4+1-1+3 -> deuce
Sp vs Sp: 4+1+1 vs 4+1-1+1 -> Sp(s) recoil

b) Syracuse pips= 4: the 2 Sp in forest advance to be aligned with the line, Lh return and 3Ax contact Ps
Général vs 4Bd: 5+6 vs 5-2+2 .> 4Bd is killed
Sp vs Sp: 4+1-1+1 vs 4+1+1 -> Sp (s) recoil
3Ax vs ps: 3+4 vs 2+6 -> 3Ax recoil.

Rome 0 . Syracuse 2.

. Bound 4.

a) Rome Pips= 4: line advance to contact tzhe Sp line, général align right to Cv and Sp to left on other flank the 4Ax contact Ps. Combat the 4Bd + Sp recoil from 2xSp Sp vs Sp (on the road ->Sp(s) recoil
Sp vs Sp (near hill) -> Sp(s) recoil.
4Ax vs Ps: 3+4 vs 2+5 -> deuce.

b) Syracusepips= 2 the 2 recoil Sp return in combat
Sp vs Sp(near hill): 4+1+4 vs 4+1-1+2 -> Sp (r) recoil
Sp vs Sp (on the road ): 4+1+4 vs 4-2+2 -> Sp dead
Ps vs 4Ax: 2+2 vs 3+5 -> Ps dead.

Rome 1 . Syracuse 3.

. Bound 5.

a) Rome Pips= 2: line Géné-Sp contact Géné-Lh and the Sp right to Géné contact the Sp.
Sp vs Lh: 4+5 vs 2+6 -> Lh recoil
Cv vs Cv: 3+1+5 vs 3-1+1 -> Cv(s) is killed
Géné vs géné: 4+1+3 vs 5-1+5 -> Géné (r) recoil
Sp vs Sp: 4-2+3 vs 4+1+5 -> Sp(r) dead.

Rome 2 . Syracuse 4.  Ende.

vendredi 9 juillet 2021

Pyrrhus war, first serie: Syracuse - Gaule

1) Armies composition.

a) Syracuse Army (II-9b): Général SP/Cv: RD6=1:Sp, 6x Sp, 4Wb/Sp: Rd&=5: Sp, 4Ay/CvRd6=2: Cv, Art/3Ax Rd6=2: Art, Lh, Ps.

b) Gaulois (II-11): Général Lch, 2xLch,Cv/Wb: Rd6=2: 2x3Wb, 6x4Wb, Ps.

2) Initiative: Syracuse: 2+6, Gaule 3+3 -> Gaule defend.

3) Terrain: Arable: village (ZB)  in 3 +  2x forest in 2 and 4 and a road between 4 and 1.

4) Deploiement. syracuse take the side 1-2 the left side

a) Gaule , on the right side. a small group in Nord with 2x3Wb in the village and a Lch behind, in the center: 2x2x 4Wb with the genéral near the road and in South behind a forest 2x 4Wb + Ps and a Lch behind and left.

Idee is to take the forest than wait an see and in north they have to block or delay the Syracuse.

b) Syracuse army: in north on other side of a forest CV and 2xSp, one Ps in forest. 2xSp, Général behind, Art, 3 Sp and Lh.

. Bound 1. no photos
a) Gaule Pips=3: Lch go around the village by north, a second Lch go around the forest by south and the Ps go in the forest.
b) Syracuse Pips=5: the 2 Sp in norht advance 2BW and the Cv go to align with both, Ps go to the edge of the forest and the line Sp-Art-SP-Lh advance1BW.

.Bound 2.
a) Gaule Pips=4: the both 4WB in the forest advance 2BW in the forest, the Général advance on the limit of the forest then the Lch in south (in CR) continue around the forest and put the Lh in TZ. the 2x3Wb advance 3BW.

b) Syracuse Pips= 2: Lh face the Lch and the complete line advace 2BW.

no combat.

. Bound 3.
a) gaule Pips=5:  Lch contact the Lh (2 pips because out of comand radius) and the Ps come to bring a débord, 2x2x4Wb in center advance 2BW, the 2x3WB contact the Ps in the forest. Combat:
Lch vs Lh: 3+1 vs 2-1+2 -> Lh recoil
3Wb vs Ps: 23+6 vs 2+1 -> Ps flee.

b) Syracuse Pips=4: the last Sp rotate and contact the Ps in north the 2xSp rotate and advancein drection of the 3Wb, Ps return. combat: Sp vs Ps: 4+5 vs 2+4 -> Ps recoil.

. Bound 4.

a) Gaule Pips=3: 2x3Wb shift left and contact Sp, 2x 4Wb go out of forest.

combat: 3Wb vs Sp: 3+1-1+5 vs 4+3 -> Sp is killed

 Gaule 1 - Syracuse 0.

b) Syracuse Pips= 5: Sp contact 3Wb, the Ps go to bring a debord on 3Wb,  2x Sp contact the 2x4Wbbvor the forest and in the south sp attack Ps and lh go to Lch. 

Art vs 4Wb in center: 4+1 vs 3+1 -> 4Wb recoil


Lh vs Lch: 2+2 vs 3-1+5 ->lh recoil

Sp vs Ps: 4+4-1 vs 2+5 -> deuce

Sp vs 4Wb: 4+1+6 vs 3+5 -> 4Wb recoil

Sp vs 4Wb: 4+1+6 vs 3-1+6 -> 4Wb recoil

Sp vs 3Wb: 4+2 vs 3+1-2+1 -> 3Wb dead

Gaule 1 - Syracuse 1.

. Bound 5.

a) Gaule Pips= 5: the 2x 4Wb again the 2xSp, 2x4Wb on the road advance in direction of Art, the 2 other 4Wb advance in direction of the 2xSp on the flank

Ps vs Sp: 2+2 vs 4-1+5 -> Ps flee
4Wb vs Sp: 3+5 vs 4+1+2 -> Sp is killed
4Wb vs Sp: 3+2 vs 4-1+2 -> deuce

Gaule 2- Syracuse 1.

bound 5.
 b) Syracuse Pips=1 ??????
the Ps in forest turn in direction of the 3Wb ( no contact)
Sp vs 4Wb: 4-1+3 vs 3+6 -> Sp is dead

Gaule 3 - Syracuse 1.

. Bound 6.

a) gaule pips= 2:  one 4Wb contact the Art and the second 4Wb make a débord.
4Wb vs Art: 3+2 vs 4-2+1 -> Art is killed

end of battle
Gaule 4 - Syracuse 1.

mercredi 7 juillet 2021

Pyrrhus war; first serie: Romain Camille - Early Carthage

 1) Armies composition: 

a) Camille Romain: 

    Général Cv, Cv, 2 levées (2xPs), Hasatisb2x 4Bd, Principes 2xSp, triani 2xSp, Allies Italiens 2x 4Ax#

b) Early Carthage:  Général RD6=5: Hch, Hch, Cv, Lh/4Ax: RD6=1: 4Ax, 2x2 Sp, Sp/4Ax RD6=2: 4Ax, 4Wb/3Ax RD6=2: 4Wb, 2xPs.

2) Initiative: Rome: 3+5; Carthage: 3+3 -> Carthage defend.

3) terrain: Arable: 2x Plugs (2-4), brousaille(1) a gentil hill (3) and a road (4->1).

4) Deploement: 

a) the Roman choose the side 3-4 ( on the right on the picture)

b) Carthage Army from top to bottom of the Photo: 4Ax, Cv, Hch, Général, 4Wb + Sp, 3xSp, 4Ax, 2x Ps.

c) RomanArmy: 4Ax+Ps, 2xSp, Général, 2xSp, 2x 4Bd, 4Ax, Ps.

. Bound 1.

a) Carthage Pips=3: the plug are good going.the Ax +Ps advance 2BW on the hill, Cv  and 2x Hch advance 3BW  and the infantry advance 2BW.

b) Rome Pips= 6: 4Ax +Ps advance 2BW on the hill and the Ps make a second mouvement , the Cv contact the Carthage Cv and the rest of the line advance 2BW.
Combat Cv vs Cv: 3-1+1+3 vs 3 +6 -> Cv(r) recoil.

. Bound 2. 

a) Carthage Pips= 5: 4Ax attack the Ps, the 4Wb shifht behind the général, the Sp advance to align with the 2xHch. on other flankone Ps attack the Ps and the second Psgo to bring a débord. Combat:
4Ax vs Ps: 3+4 vs 2+4 -> Ps recoil
Ps vs Ps : 2+2 vs 2-1+2 ->Ps (r) recoil.

b) Rome Pips= 4: Cv + 4Ax contact Cv, line Sp-Général-4Bd  advance and contact 2xHch-Sp on other flank: 4ax  attack the Ps in Flank  ( Ps must turn to conform). Combat:
Cv vs Cv: 3+1(top)+4 vs 3-1+6 -> Deuce
Sp vs Hch; 4+4 vs 3+1 -> Hch is killed
Sp vs Général: 4+2 vs 4-1+2 -> général Hch recoil
général vs Sp: 4+6 vs 4-2(débord)+1 -> Sp dead.
4Ax vs Ps: 3+6 vs 2+6 -> Ps recoil.

Rome 2 . Carthage 0.  bad chance in combat.

. Bound 3.
a) Carthage Pips=4: 4Ax contact tjhe Ps, Général contact one Sp 4Wb shift left and advance 1BW. combat: 
4Ax vs ps: 3+4 vs 2+2 -> Ps recoil
Cv vs Cv: 3-1+4 vs 3+1+1 Cv(c) recoil
Géné vs Sp: 4-2+1 vs 4+1 -> Géné recoil
Ps vs Ps: 2+6 vs 2+3 -> Ps(r) recoil.

b) Rome Pips=6: Cv+4Ax advance and contact gébnéral, line Sp-Géné- Sp-4Bd advance up to contact. 
Combat from top to botom: 
Cv vs CV: 3+1+4 vs 3-2+6 -> Cv(c) recoil
Sp vs 4Wb: 4+1 vs 3-1+3-> Deuce
Sp vs général: 4+1 vs 4-1+1 -> Géné recoil
Sp vs Sp: 4+1+5 vs 4+1-1+2 -> Sp(c) recoil
Sp vs Sp: 4+1+1 vs 4+1-1+5 -> Sp(r) recoil
4Bd vs Sp 5-1+4 vs 4+1+1 -> Sp recoil
4Bd vs 4Ax: 5+6 vs 3-1+5 -> 4Ax recoil
4Ax vs Ps: 3+2 vs 2+2 -> Ps recoil.

. Bound 4.
a) carthage Pips= 3: Cv advance to bring a debord to Sp vs Wb
 4Ax contact again Ps combat: Général contact Sp
4Ax vs Ps 3+3 vs 2+4 deuce
4Wb vs Sp: 3+2 vs 4+1-1+6 -> 4Wb dead
Général vs Sp: 4-2+6 vs 4+5 -> général recoil
4Ax vs 4Bd: 3+4 vs 5-1+2 -> 4Bd recoil
Sp vs 4Bd: 4-1+1 vs 5+4 Sp is dead.

Rome 4 - Cartage 0.

Rome victory.

Serie 3 colision course - B6: ES vs Mendes

 1) army composition. a) Es: Ax/Ps -> Ps, b) Mende: Sp/4Bw->Sp, Cv/ Lh/Ax->Ax. 2)Initiative. a) ES=2+2, M =2+4 -> ES defender. 3...