1)composition des armee.
a)NA: Pas doption., b) M: Lh/Cv/Ax -: Lh, 4Bw /Sp-: 4Bw.
2) Initiative . NA:4&4, M: 2%5 -: Mendes defenseur.
3) Terrain: Arable -: 2 Plugh, foret, brousaille, colline douce.
a) Terrain. Plugh1 en3, Plugh2 en1, foret en 4 et brousaille en 4.b) NA arrive en1-4
c) Mendes arrive en2-3 en 3colonnes. Col1:4Bw, 3Bw,3Bw, General. Col2: Ps,3 Sp.Bg. Col3; Lh, 3 Cv.
d)NA en4 colonnes. Col1: 3Bd, GeneralHcH, HcH, 3Ax, Col2: 4Ax, 4Ax, 2 HcH, Bg. Col3: 2Cv, 2 Ps.
- Round1.
a) Mendes Pips=3 -> Plugh are goog going terrain.Col2 advance of 2BW, the 2 3Bwgo to algne right and left of the 4Bw.
b)NA Pips= 3. Col 1 advance 2BW to the Bw, Cole2 adcance 2BW to the forest.
a) Mendes Pips=4. 2 3Bw+4Bw move 2BW, Col2 move 2BW, completly on game, General move on theright of Bw.b)NA Pips=1. Only Col 2 move2VW to the left of the forest.
a) M Pips = 6 . Ps of Col 2 move 3 BW in direction of forest, rest of Col 2 advance of 2BW. 4 Pips for entrance Col 3 2BW on the left flanc.b) NA Pip = 2. First 4Ax go in forest, rest of Col 2 advance 2BW.
.Round 4.
a) M Pips= 3. Ligne Bw advance 1BW, Ps go in forest, Sp-Bg advance 2BW.Tir: 4Bw+ 23Bw vs 3Bd: 2+1 vs 5-2+5 -> no effect.
b) NA Pips=2. Ax in forest contact Ps, second Ax make debord.
Ax vs Ps: 3+5 vs vs 2-1+6 -> Ps ecoil.
- Round 5.
a) M Pips=3. line Bw advance 1BW, 1 Sp advance to the 4Ax, Col3 advance 4 BW.Tir Bw vs Bd -> no effect.
b) NA Pips= 2. General move left . Ax contact Sp.
Tir Bw vs Bd: 2+5 vs 5-2+2 -> Bd recoil.
Ax vs Sp:3+5 vs 4+1 -> Sp recoil.
.Riund 6.
a) M Pips=5. Sp contact 4Ax and Ps as debord, second Sp advance 1BW and shift right 1BW, Lh advance 3BW, Cv go to align with Lh.Tir. No
Combat. Sp vs Ax:4+3 vs 3-1+5->egality.
b) NA Pips=1.4Ax in forest contact Ps.
4Ax vs Ps:3+5 vs 2-1+1 -> Ps dead.
4Ax vs Sp:3+2vs 4+1->nothing.
M.0. - NA 1.
. Rounf 7.
a) M Pips =1. Secon Sp go to align with the first
Sp vs 4Ax: 4+1+6 vs 3-1+3 -> 4Ax dead
M.1. - NA 1.
b)NA Pips=1 4Axgo back ln foredt and put the Sp in TZ.
. Round 8.
a) M Pips= 6. A Sp contact 3Bd and second Spcome for debord, 3 Pips to align the 3Bw in shooting position.
No shooting, combat.
Sp vs 3Bd: 4+1+3 vs 5-1+5 -> Sp recoil.
b) NA Pips=3. HcH contact Sp and 4Ax make debord, General recoil 3BW. Shooting.
4Bw+ 3Bw vs 3Ax: 2+4 vs 3-1+2 -> Ax recoil. Combat
HcH vs Sp: 3+3 vs 4-2+5 -> HcH recoil.
Bd vs Sp: 5+4 vs 4+4 -> Sp recoil.
. Round 9.
a) M Pips=1 Sp recoiltoalign with Sp. Shooting.4Bw vs 3Ax: 2+6 vs 3+3 -> Ax recoil and push HcH. Combat
Sp vs 3Bd: 4+1+6 vs 5-1+1 -> Bd dead.
M 2.- NA 1.
b) NA Pips=3. Hch contact Sp, 3Ax contact Sp, 4 Ax as debord.
No shooting. Combat.
Hch vs Sp: 3+3 vs 4-1+2 -> Sp dead
Bw vs HcH: 4+2 vs 3-2+6-> nothing.
b)NA Pips=3. 3Ax contact Sp, HcH close the door, 4Ax advace to the Bw. Shooting. 3 Bw vs 4Ax: 2+3 vs 3-2+3 -> Ax recoil.
Combat 3Ax vs Sp(pdf): 3+5 vs 4-1+6 -> Ax + HcH recoil.
. Round 11
a) M Pips= 4. Sp contact 3Ax and Cv close the door, 3 Bw face 4Ax and last Sp put Ax in TZ, Lh+Cv advance to Gene(NA). Shooting. Bw vs Ax: 2+2 vs 3-2+2 ->Ax recoil stop by HcH. Combat . Sp vs 3Ax(pdf): 4+5 vs 3-1+4 -> Ax dead.M 3.- NA 2.
b) NA Pips=5. 3 pips to align Gene+2 HcH face to Lh, HcH contsct Sp in flsnk. Shooting Bw vs 4Ax: 2+2
vs 3-2+2-> Ax recoil. Combat HcH vs Sp; 3+6 vs4+6 -> HcH recoil.
.Round 12.
a) M Pips = 4. Cv put a HcH in TZ, Sp contact 4Ax, Gene+ Cv advace 4BW. Shooting. 3 Bw vs HcH: 4+4 vs 3-2+6 -> HcH recoil in forest. Combat. Sp vs 4Ax: 4+3 vs 3+1 -> Ax reoil but stop by HcH.
b) NA Pips= 1. Gene+ HcH contact as group Lh, HcH contact Cv. Shooting 2 Bw vs Hch in forest: 4+5vs 3-2-1+4 -> HcH dead. Combat YGene vs Lh: 5+2 vs 2-1+2-> Lh dead.
M 4.- NA 3. Victory for Mendes.
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