mercredi 23 août 2023

Cession Macedonien

  This cesion look similar to he Pyrrhus cession . But since I change the syracuse Army to Athene Army and remove the gaulois on this cession it is something new. and second in the previous cession I vorgot to publish some battles. Pyrrhus and Alexander have a similar armies. Pyrrhus army was enemy of Rome snd Carthage and Alexander enemy of Athene

1) Pyrrhus Army (II-27b)   or Alexander Imperial (II-15b).
 ( de bas en haut)

Général Cv or Kn: RD6: 1-4 -> Kn; 5-6 Cv

Cav Greek: Cv

Tarentin : Lh

Eléphant: El

Phalange : 4 x  4Pk

Hoplites or phalage: Rd6: 1-2-> 2x Sp; 3-6-> 2x 4Pk

Osque: RD6: 1-3 -> 3Ax; 4-6 -> 4Ax

psilori: Ps


2) Romain Camille (II-10)

Général : Cv

Equite: Cv

Levés (Psiloris): 2x Ps

Hasati: 2x 4Bd

Principe: 2x Sp (rot)

Triari: 2x Sp (yellow)

Italiens: 2x 4Ax


4) Athenes  Army (II5b).

Ps; 3Bw

3 Sp; 4Sp; Cv , Lh

Général: Cv or Sp: RD6: 1-5 -> Sp; 6 -> Cv

5) Early Carthage (I-61b)

Général: Sp or Cv or Hch: RD6: 1->Cv; 2-3 ->Sp; 4-6 -> Hch
Chariot: Hch

cavalerie: Cv

Numide or Spanish: lh or 4Ax: RD6: 1-2 ->4Ax; 3-6 ->Lh

Poemi Spear: 2x Sp

Lybien Spears: 2x Sp

Hoplite or Spanish: SP or 4Ax: RD6: 1-2->4Ax; 3-6->Sp

gaulois or Sirules: Wb or Ax: RD6: 1-2 -> 4Wb; 3-6 -> 3Ax

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Serie 3 colision course - B3: Mendes vs NA

 1)composition des armee. a)NA: Pas doption., b) M: Lh/Cv/Ax -: Lh, 4Bw /Sp-: 4Bw. 2) Initiative . NA:4&4, M: 2%5 -: Mendes defenseur. 3...