mercredi 19 juillet 2023

Cession Egypte; resume of this cession

 This cession is finished after 3 serie of 6 battles.

for the victory points.

. Serie 1.

Lybien- PM: 3-4 ->L: 0+3=3 - PM: 5+1=6.

Lybiens - Hittites: 2-4 -> L: 0+2=2 - H: 5+2=7.

 Lybiens - Egypte: 2-4 -> L: 0+2=2 - E: 5+2=7.

Egypte- Hittites: 1-5 -> L: 0+1=1- H: 5+4=9.

PM - Egypte: 4-0 -> E:0+0=0 - PM: 5+4=9.

PM- Hittites: 1-5 -> PM: 0+1=1- H: 5+4=9.

Lybiens: 3+2+2=7

Egypte: 7+1+0= 8

PM: 6+9+1=16

Hittites: 7+9+9 =25.

. Serie 2.

Lybien- PM: 0-5 ->L: 0+0=0 - PM: 5+5=10.

Lybiens - Hittites: 0-4 -> L: 0+0=0 - H: 5+4=9.

 Lybiens - Egypte: 3-4 -> L: 0+3=3 - E: 5+1=6.

Egypte- Hittites: 2-4 -> L: 0+2=2- H: 5+2=7.

PM - Egypte: 5-1 -> E:0+1=1 - PM: 5+4=9.

PM- Hittites: 4-2 -> H: 0+2=2- PM: 5+2=7.

Lybiens: 0+0+3=3

Egypte: 6+2+1= 8.

PM: 10+9+7=26

Hittites: 7+2+9 =18.

. Serie 3.

Lybien- PM: 4-1 ->PM: 0+1=3 - L: 5+3=8.

Lybiens - Hittites: 1-5 -> L: 0+1=1 - H: 5+4=9.

 Lybiens - Egypte: 2-4 -> L: 0+2=2 - E: 5+2=7.

Egypte- Hittites: 4-5 -> L: 0+4=4 - H: 5+1=6.

PM - Egypte: 4-3 -> E:0+3=3 - PM: 5+1=6.

PM- Hittites: 2-4-> PM: 0+2=2- H: 5+2=7.

Lybiens: 8+1+2=11

Egypte: 7+4+3= 14.

PM: 3+6+2=11

Hittites: 9+6 +7=22.

The Hittites win in addition of victory points . she is the strongest armies of this cession. the combination between HcH and Pk in double line can stop every monted armies and make holes in infantrie armies.


In oposite the Lybiens are not strong enough to compet with the other Armies.

 The Egyptian armies should be interresant to play with the combination of Lch- Bd- Bw  but I did not found the good way to play this armies. I need more practice. 

The See Üeople Are a good armies Without Cv they can move rapidly with the fast infantrie.

lundi 17 juillet 2023

Cession Egypte; serie 3 collision course. Bataille 6: PM vs Hittites.

 1) Composition of armies.

a) Hittites: Géneral Hch, Jch. 2x Lch, 4x 3Pk, 2x  3Ax ,  7Hd, Ps.

b)PM: Géneral 4Bd,2x 4Bd, 6x 3 Bd, 3xPs.

2) Initiative. Hittites 2+5; PM 4+5 -> Hittite defender.

3) Terrain: Arable -> 2x Plug, foret, extra plug, gentil hill.

4) Deplo.

a) Terrain. Plug 1 in 4, plug  in 2, plug 3 in 3, foret in 4  and  hill in 1.

b) PM arive by side 1-4.
c) Hittite in 2-3.colonne 1: général, Hch, 2x3Pk; colonne 2: 3Ax, 2x3Pk, 7Hd, , Bg; col3: 2xLch, 3Ax, Ps. 
d) PM:colonne1: Géné, 2x 4Bd, 3Bd; colonne 2: 3x Ps, 3Bd, Bg; col3: 4x3Bd.

. Round1.
a) Hittite Pips=4. Colonne 1 advance 3BW and col 2 advance 2BW.

b) PM Pips= 3. 2x 4Bd go to align together, col 2 advance 2BW in border of foret.

. Round 2.
a) Hittite PM= 2. Colonne 1 advance 3BW and col 2 advance 2BW .

b) M Pips =3 3x Ps go in the forest in group, 3Bd of col 1 align with 4Bd, rest of col2 advance 2BW.

. Round 3
a) Hittite Pips= 4. col 2 without Bg advance 3BW, 3 Pip to put Hch and 2x3Pk in a line.

b)PM Pips=6.
2 Ps go in bordure of forest.
4 pips to entrabce of colonne 3 eith 3BW on hill.

.Round 4.
a) Hittites =1.  col 2 advance in Plug  in diresction forest.

b) PM pips= 6. one Ps go out of forest on right; 2x3Bd advance 3W and 2 other 3Bd advance in direction of 3Pk.

. Round 5.
a) Hittites Pips= 4.3Ax advance to forest to blok Ps, 2 3Pk go to align on the right to other Pk. and behind Hch. line 3PK-Hch advance to be at 3BW  of Bd.

b) PM Pips=2.  2 3Bd go align in plug to put Pk in TZ.

. Round 6.
a= Hittites Pips=5. 2 3Pk contact  2 3Bd, 3Pk go to support 3Pk and last Pk go behind 3Pk.
2x3Pk vs 3Bd: 3+3+4 vs 5+2 -> bd recoil
3Pk vs 3Bd: 3+6 vs 5-1+2 -> Bd recoil.

b) PM pips=1. 3Bd go to debord 3Pk.
 3Bd vs 3Pk: 5+5 vs 3-1+6 -> Bd recoil.
3Bd vs 2x3Pk : 5+2 vs +3+3-1+3   -> bd recoil.

. Round 7.
a) Hittite Pips= 2.
3Pk in support of 3Pk again 3Bd, Hch contact 3Bd.
combat (center 2x3Pk vs Bd: 3+3+5 vs 5-2+6 -> Bd recoil.
2x3Pk vs Bd: 3+3-1+1vs 5+1 -> égalité
Hch vs Bd: 3+1 vs 3-1+3 -> Hch recoil.

b= PM pips= 2. Ps contact 3Ax and Ps close the door of Ax: 2+2vs 3-1+3 -> Ps recoil
Bd (left) vs 2x3Pk: 5+6 vs 3+3-1+3 -> Pk recoil
Bd vs 2x3Pk: 5+5 vs 3+3-2+3 -> Pk recoil.

. Round 8.
a) Hittite Pips= 3.
Ax contact Ps, Hch contact 3Bd and géné contact Ps.
Géne vs Ps: 4+4 vs 2+4 -> Ps dead
Ax vs Ps: 3+1 vs 2+6 -> Ax dead
Hch vs 3Bd: 3+2 vs 3+5 -> Hch recoil
2x3Pk vs 3Bd: 3+3+6 vs  5-2+1 -> Bd dead.
2x3Pk vs 3Bd: 3+3+3 vs 5-1+4 -> Bd recoil
 H. 2. - PM 1.

b) PM pips=2. 3Bd contact 2x3Pk
2xBd vs 2x3Pk: 5+1 vs 3+3-1+1-> egalite.
2xBd vs 2x3Pk: 5-1+2 vs 3+3-1+2->-> Bd recoil.

. Round 9.
a) Hittites Pip=4.
géné recoil, Hch contact 3Bd
Hch vs Bd: 3+2 vs 3-1+1 -> Bd dead.
2x3Pk vs 3Bd: 3+3+5 vs  5-1+2 -> Bd recoil.
2x3Pk vs 3Bd: 3+3+2 vs 5-1+2 -> Bd recoil.
 H. 3. - PM 1.
b) PM pips=5. Bdcontact Hch + Bd as débord: 3+3 vs 3-1+4 -> Hch dead
2xBd vs 2x3Pk: 5+3 vs 3+3-1+1-> Pk recoil.
2xBd vs 2x3Pk: 5+3 vs 3+3-1+6->-> Bd recoil.

H. 3 - PM. 2.

. Round 10
a) Hittite Pips= 6 géné contact 3Bd colonne 3 come in game.
Hch vs Bd: 4+5 vs 3+2 -> Bd dead
2x3Pk vs 3Bd: 3+3+3 vs  5-2+6 -> egalité
2x3Pk vs 3Bd: 3+3+5 vs 5+5 -> egalite..
 H. 4. - PM 2.

Victory for Hittites.

Serie 3 colision course - B6: ES vs Mendes

 1) army composition. a) Es: Ax/Ps -> Ps, b) Mende: Sp/4Bw->Sp, Cv/ Lh/Ax->Ax. 2)Initiative. a) ES=2+2, M =2+4 -> ES defender. 3...