mercredi 5 février 2025

Serie 3 colision course - B6: ES vs Mendes

 1) army composition.

a) Es: Ax/Ps -> Ps, b) Mende: Sp/4Bw->Sp, Cv/ Lh/Ax->Ax.

2)Initiative. a) ES=2+2, M =2+4 -> ES defender.

3) Terrain.: Litoral -> 2 WW+ marash, forest.


a) terrain: WW in 2-3, marsh in 4 and forest in 4.

b)Mendes arrive from3-4 (on right)  for the forest.
c)ES deplo in left (1-2) in 3 colonne.
Col.1: 2 4Bw, 2 Sp, Col.2: Gene, 2 Ps, Lh, Bg. Col.3: 4Sp.

d)Mendes. In 3 colonne. Col1: Gene,3Ax, 2 3Bw, Col.2: 4Sp, Bg. Col.3: 3Cv, Ps.

. Round 1.

aCgES Pips= 5. Col.2 advance 2BW. Col1:deuxieme 4Bw sift 1BW lrft and advance 1BW. First 4Bwgo to align with the other 4Bw. Fist Sp shift 2BW left. Last Sp advance beheind Bw.

b) M Pips= 4. Col.2 advance 2BW. Col1: Gene shift 1 BW left rest of col advance to the forest.

. Round 2.
a) ES Pips=2. The 2 Sp go to align right and left of 4Bw.

b)M Pips=4. Ax shift 2BW and go in forest. The 2 3Bw enter in forest . Col.2: advance 2BW.

. Round 3.
a)ES Pips=5. Col2 finish to enter on table, the line Bw- Sp advance 2BW.

b)M Pips=5. 


mercredi 29 janvier 2025

Serie 3 colision course - B5: NA vs PA

 1)les armees. a)NA: Pas d option, b)PA: Lh/Cv->Lh, Ps/ Bw-> Ps.

2) Initiative. a)NA: 4+6,b) PA: 3+2 ->PA defenseur.

3) Terrain. Arable -> 2 Plugh + brousaille, colline douce et route.


a) Terrain. Plugh in 4 and2,Brousaille in 3 gentil hill in 2 but no place, road in 1->2.

b)NA take side 1-4
c)PA in 2-3 in 3 colonne. Col1:Lh,Cv, Gene, 3Ax. Col2: 4*8Bw,Bg. Col3: 2 Ps, 2 7Hd.
d)NA also in 3colonne. Col1: Gene, 2*HcH, Cv. Col2: 3Bd, 3Ax, 2*4Ax,Bg,. Col3: 2Ps, 2 HcH.

. Round1.
a) PA Pips=5. Plugh are good going. Col 2
advance 2BW, 3pips to aligm Lh-Cv-Gene. Ax move to brousaille.

b)NA Pips= 5. Col 2 Advance 2BW, col1:HcH align on left side of Gene and 2Cv align on Right dide.


a)PA Pips= 1. Col2advance 2BW.

b)NA Pips= 3. Gene-HcH-Cv advance 3BW. 3Bd+3Ax advance 3BW to Bw 2*4Ax+Bg move only 2BW.

. Round3.
a) PA Pips= 5. First8Bw shift 1Bw right sndadvance 1BW, second 8Bw go algn with the first., 3th 8Bw make the same as the first  and the 4th go to align with the 3th. Ax go in the brousaille.

b)NA Pips=5. Line HcH-Gene-Cv moove 1 and mske pivot onright and left. To face PA. 3Bd anf 3Axadvance 3Bw to the 8Bw, 2*4Axmove without Bg on the left side. Shooting. 8Bw vs Bd-> no effect.

. Round4.
a) PA Pips= 3. 3Ax align with Cv, 3rd  and 4th 8Bw advance between Bw and Cv.  8Bw vs 3Bd-> no effect.

b)NA Pips= 5. 3Bd contact 8Bw and 3Ax go onthe left side. 22*4Axadvance 2 BW, line HcH-Cv contact line Cv-Ax.
8Bw vs Ax: 2+6 vs 3+4 -> Ax recoil. Combat.
3Bd vs 8Bw: 5-1+2vs 3+2 -> Bw recoil
Cv vs 3Ax: 3+6vs 3+2 -> Ax recoil.
yCv vs Lh:3+6vs 2-1+5 -> Lh recoil.
Gene vs Cv: 5+2vs 3-1+4 ->Cv recoil.
HcH vs gene: 4+3vs 4-1+4 -> gene recoil.

a) PA Pips= 5. The 2 8Bw between Bw and Cv advance in between. The2 last 8Bw shift 2BW right . Shooting.
8Bw vs 3Ax:2+6vs 3+1 -> Ax dead. Combat
8Bw vs 3Bd: 3+4 vs 5-2+5 -> Bw recoil
Gene vs HcH: 4+3 vs 4-1+3 -> HcH recoil.
Cv vs gene: 3+2vs 5-2+2 -> rgality.
PA.1- NA.0.
b)NA Pips=2. The 2 4Ax go align.
Gene vs Cv: 5-2+4 vs 3+5-> Gene recoil.

. Round 6.
a)PA Pips=6. 4 +1 pips for Col 3. 8Bw on left Advance 2BW 
Shooting. 8Bw vs Hch ->no effect. Combat.
 3B dvs 8Bw: 3+4 vs 5-2+5 ->Bw recoil.

b)NA Pips=4. On right Cv contact Ax, line HcH-Cv contact line Cv-Lh. 2 4Ax move 2BW to 8Bw. Shooting.
2 8Bw vs4Ax: 2+2 vs 3-1+1 -> Ax recoil. Combat.
3Bd vs 8Bw :5+5 vs 3+1 ->8 Bw dead.
Cv vs 3Ax: 3+3 vs 3-1+3 ->Ax recoil.
Cv vs Lh: 3+2 vs 2+5 -> Cv recoil.
Gene vs Cv: 5-1+1vs 3+3 ->Gene recoil.

PA. 1- NA.2. 

Round 7.
a) PA Pips= 2.

Center. 8Bw recoil but stay ar shooting range from HcH.
Lrft flanc  8Bw advance to be able to shoot on 4Ax.
8 2 Bw vs 4Ax: 2+2 vs 3-1+3 -> no.
8Bw vsHcH: 4+5 vs 3+2 ->HcH recoil.

b) NA Pips=3. 3Bd contact Bg. Gene nd Cv contact Cv-Lh.
8 2 Bw vs 4Ax: 2+2 vs 3-1+4 -> no.
8Bw vsHcH: 4+5 vs 3+5 ->HcH recoil.

Gene vs Cv: 5+6 vs3+5 -> Cv recoil.
Cv vs 3Ax: 3+3 vs 3+6 -> Cv recoil.
Cv vs Lh: 3-1+6 vs 2+6 -> egality.
3Bdvs Bg:5+6 vs2+1 -> Bg dead.
 PA.1 -NA. 3.

. Round 8.
a)PA Pips=2. Col3 advance 2BW.
2 8Bw vs 4Ax:2+2 vs 3-1+4-> no rffect.
8Bw vs HcH: 4+5 vs 3+2 -> HcH recoil.
Combat. Cv vs gene:3+3 vs 5-2+6 ->Cv recoil.

b)NA Pips=3. Cv contact 2Ax, Cv contact Lh, 2 4Ax contactBw Bw. Shooting.
Bw vs Ax-> noeffect. Combat. 
Ax vs Bw: 3-1+1 vs3+1 ->Ax recoil.
Cv vs 3Ax: 3+2vs 3+5-> Cv recoil.
Cv vs Lh: 3+6vs 2-1+5 -> Lh recoil.
Gene vs Cv: 4-2+1vs 3+3 ->Gene recoil.

. Round 9.
a) PA Pips=4. 2 Psgo to align and put Cv in TZ, 3Ax align with Ps.. 8Bw advance to HcH in order to be able to shoot.
 8Bw vs HcH:4+2 vs 3+3 ->no effect.
2 8Bw vs 4Ax: 2+4vs 3-1+2 ->Ax recoil.

b)NAPips=2. 2 4Ax contact 2 8Bw. Shooting. 
 8Bw vs HcH:4+5 vs 3+2 ->HcH recoil. Combat.
4Ax vs 8Bw: 3+3vs 3+5 ->Ax recoil.
4Ax vs 8Bw: 3+2-1vs 3+3 ->Ax recoil.

. Round 10.
a) PA Pips=6. The 2Ps contact as group the Cv(must be coform to Ps), Ax align with Ps. Cv -Lh contact  gene HcH, 8Bw advance 1 Bw to shoot on HcH, Gene close the door of general.
Shooting. 8Bw vs 4Ax: 2+2vs 3+4 ->nothing,  8Bw vs 4Ax: 2+5vs 3+4 -> Ax recoil.
8Bw vs HcH:4+1vs3+5 ->nothing.
Combat. Cvvs gene(pdf): 3+4vs 5-2+2 ->gene(NA) dead.
Ps vs Cv2+4vs 3-2+1->Cv dead.

PA. 4- NA. 3 Victoire of PA.

dimanche 19 janvier 2025

Serie 3 colision course - B4: ES vs PA

 1) Armee composition.

 a) ES: Ax/ps -> Ax,

b) PA: Lh/Cv-> Lh,  Bw/ Ps-> Ps.

2) Initiative ES= 2+1, PA=3+4 -> ES defender.

3) Terrain. Litoral-> WW+ Marais, forest..

4) Deplo.

a)Terrain. WW in 2-3, Marais in1, forest in 3.
b)PA arrive in 3-4
c) ES in 1-2 on 3colonne. Col1 : Lh, General,Ps, Ax. Col2: 4 Sp, Bg, Col3: 2Sp, 2*4Bw.
d) PA. In 3 Col. Col1: Lh, Gene, Cv, Ps. Col2: 4*8Bw, Bg, Col3: Ps,Ax, 2* 7 Hd. On the left dide of Col1.

. Round1. no photo

a)ES Pips =2. Col1 advance 3BW, Col2 advance 2BW.

b)PA Pips=5. 3Pips to alhn Lh-Gen- Cv, YPs go in forest. Col2advance 2BW.


a) ES Pips=3. Col2 advance 2BW,  Gene go align onright to Lh, and Ps go on lrft to Ax.

b)PA Pips= 3.Lin Lh-Cv advance to ES, Ps go out forest for the right of Cv, Col2 advance 2BW.

a) ES Pips=6. 4 Pips for the entrance of Col3 on the right of Marais, Col 2 advance 2BW and put gene(PA) in TZ, Ax align on the left of Lh.

b) PA Pips= 3. Secon 8Bw go align with the first, Ps align with Lh, last 8Bw align with the third.

. Round 4.
a) ES Pips= 5.2 Sp en group contact the general ( must be coform). Lind Grne-Lh-Ax contact Cv-Lh-Ps, Ps go on the left flanc of Ax. Col 3 advance 2BW, 2 last Sp advance to 8Bw.
Sp vs gene: 4+1 vs 4+1 -> gene recoil stop by Cv.
Gene vs Cv: 4+1 vs 3+5 -> Gene recoil
Lh vs Lh: 2-1+5 vs2+6 ->ES recoil.
ax vs Ps : 3-1+1 vs2+3 ->Ax recoil.

b)PA Pips=2. 2 8Bw advace to Col3, 2 8Bw advance beheind Gene.

. Round5.
a) ES Pips= 1. Sp  of col 2 alihn with other Sp.

b)PA Pips= 3. 8Bw advace to Col3, 2 8Bw advance beheind Gene. Line Yps- Lh-Cv contact Ax.
YPs vs Ax: 2+6 vs3-1+4 ->Ax recoil.

. Round 6.
a)ES Pips=2. Ax contact Ps and Ps as debord.
Shooting. 8Bw vs Sp ->no effect, combat
ax vs Ps: 3-1+6vs 2-1+1 -> Ps dead.

b)PA Pips=5. 2* 2*8Bw advance to Sp 1Bw can shooting.
2 8Bw vs Sp: 2+2vs 4-1+3 -> noeffect.

. Round 7.
a) ES Pips=5. Line Lh-Gene-Cv contact  Kh-Cv and Ax close the door of Lh. Sp contact gene and Sp closethe door., Ps badvance 3BW along the forest. no shooting, combat.
Lh vs Lh(pdf): 2+1 vs 2-1+4 ->ES recoil
Gene vs Cv: 4-1+5 vs 3+2 ->Cv recoil
Sp vs gene (pdf): 4+6 vs 4-1+6 gene dead.

ES. 3 - PA.0.

b)PA Pips= 6. 2* 8Bw face Sp. Shooting
4* 8Bw vs Sp:2+5 vs 4-3+1 -> Sp dead.
ES. 3 - PA.1.

. Rounf 8.

a)SSPips= 6.  Col3 advancd 2BW, Lhcontact Lh and Ax close the door, Gene contact Cv,  2Sp make debord on Cv.
Shooting 3* 8Bw vs Sp: 2+1 vs 4-2+5 -> no effect. Combat
Lhvs Lh(pdf):2+4vs 2-2+4 ->PA dead.
Gene vs Cv: 4+5vs 3-1+2 ->Cv dead.
ES. 5 - PA.1. Victoire ES.

samedi 30 novembre 2024

Serie 3 colision course - B3: Mendes vs NA

 1)composition des armee.

a)NA: Pas doption., b) M: Lh/Cv/Ax -: Lh, 4Bw /Sp-: 4Bw.

2) Initiative . NA:4&4, M: 2%5 -: Mendes defenseur.

3) Terrain: Arable -: 2 Plugh, foret, brousaille, colline douce.


a) Terrain. Plugh1 en3, Plugh2 en1, foret en 4 et brousaille en 4.
b) NA arrive en1-4
c) Mendes arrive en2-3 en 3colonnes. Col1:4Bw, 3Bw,3Bw, General. Col2: Ps,3 Sp.Bg. Col3; Lh, 3 Cv.
d)NA en4 colonnes. Col1: 3Bd, GeneralHcH, HcH, 3Ax, Col2:  4Ax, 4Ax, 2 HcH, Bg. Col3: 2Cv, 2 Ps.

- Round1.
a) Mendes Pips=3 -> Plugh are goog going terrain.
Col2 advance of 2BW, the 2 3Bwgo to algne right and left of the 4Bw.

b)NA Pips= 3. Col 1 advance 2BW to the Bw, Cole2 adcance 2BW to the forest.

a) Mendes Pips=4. 2 3Bw+4Bw move 2BW, Col2 move 2BW, completly on game, General move on theright of Bw.

b)NA Pips=1. Only Col 2 move2VW to the left of the forest.

a) M Pips = 6 . Ps of Col 2 move 3 BW in direction of forest, rest of Col 2 advance of 2BW. 4 Pips for entrance Col 3 2BW on the left flanc.

b) NA Pip = 2. First 4Ax go in forest, rest of Col 2 advance 2BW.

.Round 4.
a) M Pips= 3. Ligne Bw advance 1BW, Ps go in forest, Sp-Bg advance 2BW.
Tir: 4Bw+ 23Bw vs 3Bd: 2+1 vs 5-2+5 -> no effect.

b) NA Pips=2. Ax in forest contact Ps, second Ax make debord.
Ax vs Ps: 3+5 vs vs 2-1+6 -> Ps ecoil.

- Round 5.
a) M Pips=3. line Bw advance 1BW, 1 Sp advance to the 4Ax, Col3 advance 4 BW.
Tir Bw vs Bd -> no effect.

b) NA Pips= 2. General move left . Ax contact Sp.
Tir Bw vs Bd: 2+5 vs 5-2+2 -> Bd recoil.
Ax vs Sp:3+5 vs 4+1 -> Sp recoil.

.Riund 6.
a) M Pips=5. Sp contact 4Ax and Ps as debord, second Sp advance 1BW and shift right 1BW, Lh advance 3BW, Cv go to align with Lh.
Tir. No
Combat. Sp vs Ax:4+3 vs 3-1+5->egality.

b) NA Pips=1.4Ax in forest contact Ps.
4Ax vs Ps:3+5 vs 2-1+1 -> Ps dead.
4Ax vs Sp:3+2vs 4+1->nothing.

M.0. - NA 1.

. Rounf 7.

a) M Pips =1. Secon Sp go to align with the first
Sp vs 4Ax: 4+1+6 vs 3-1+3 -> 4Ax dead
M.1. - NA 1.

b)NA Pips=1 4Axgo back ln foredt and put the Sp in TZ.

. Round 8.

a)  M Pips= 6. A Sp contact 3Bd and second Spcome for debord, 3 Pips to align the 3Bw in shooting position.
No shooting, combat.
Sp vs 3Bd: 4+1+3 vs 5-1+5 -> Sp recoil.

b) NA Pips=3. HcH contact Sp and 4Ax make debord, General recoil 3BW. Shooting.
4Bw+ 3Bw vs  3Ax: 2+4 vs 3-1+2 -> Ax recoil. Combat
HcH vs Sp: 3+3 vs 4-2+5 -> HcH recoil.
Bd vs Sp: 5+4 vs 4+4 ->  Sp recoil.

. Round 9.
a) M Pips=1 Sp recoiltoalign with Sp. Shooting.
4Bw vs 3Ax: 2+6 vs 3+3 -> Ax recoil and push HcH. Combat
Sp vs 3Bd: 4+1+6 vs 5-1+1 -> Bd dead.
M 2.- NA 1.

b) NA Pips=3. Hch contact Sp, 3Ax contact Sp, 4 Ax as debord.
No shooting. Combat.
Hch vs Sp: 3+3 vs 4-1+2 -> Sp dead
3Ax vs Sp: 3+4 vs 4-1+6 -> Ax recoil.
M 2.- NA 2.

a)M Pips =3.  3 Bw face the HcH. Shotting
Bw vs HcH: 4+2 vs 3-2+6-> nothing.

b)NA Pips=3. 3Ax contact Sp, HcH close the door, 4Ax advace to the Bw. Shooting. 3 Bw vs 4Ax: 2+3 vs 3-2+3 -> Ax recoil.
Combat 3Ax vs Sp(pdf): 3+5 vs  4-1+6 -> Ax + HcH recoil.

. Round 11
a) M Pips= 4. Sp contact 3Ax and Cv close the door, 3 Bw face 4Ax and last Sp put Ax in TZ, Lh+Cv advance to Gene(NA). Shooting. Bw vs Ax: 2+2 vs 3-2+2 ->Ax recoil stop by HcH. Combat . Sp vs 3Ax(pdf): 4+5 vs 3-1+4 -> Ax dead.
M 3.- NA 2.
b) NA Pips=5. 3 pips to align Gene+2 HcH face to Lh, HcH contsct Sp in flsnk. Shooting Bw vs 4Ax: 2+2
vs 3-2+2-> Ax recoil. Combat  HcH vs Sp; 3+6 vs4+6 -> HcH recoil.

.Round 12.

a) M Pips = 4. Cv put a HcH in TZ, Sp contact 4Ax, Gene+ Cv advace 4BW. Shooting. 3 Bw vs HcH: 4+4 vs 3-2+6 -> HcH recoil in forest. Combat. Sp vs 4Ax: 4+3 vs 3+1 -> Ax reoil but stop by HcH.

b) NA Pips= 1. Gene+ HcH contact as group  Lh, HcH contact Cv. Shooting 2 Bw vs Hch in forest: 4+5vs 3-2-1+4 -> HcH dead. Combat YGene vs Lh: 5+2 vs 2-1+2-> Lh dead.
M 4.- NA 3. Victory for Mendes.

vendredi 15 novembre 2024

Serie 3 colision course - B2: ESvs NA

 1) composition des atmees

a) ES: ax/Ps- ps. b)NA: No option

2) Initiative. ES: 3&5, NA: 4&5 - ES defenseur.

3) Terrain:Litoral-:WW & Marais, forest.

4) Deplo.

a) Terrain: WW en 3-4, Marais en4 , forest en 3.
b) NA en 1-4 (en bas)
c) ES en 2-3 en 3 colonnes. Col1: Lh,Ps, Ax,  General. Col2: 3Bd,3Ax, 2 4Ax, Bg. Col3: 4Sp.

d) NA:Col1: General,3Hch. Col2: 3Bd, 3Ax, 2 4Ax, Bg, Col3: 2Cv, 2 Ps. 

a) ES Pips: 4. Col2 avance de 2LB, col1 avance de 3LB, Ps second deplacement de 3LB vers le marais.

b) NA Pips:4. Col2 avances de 2 LB. Col1 : 3ieme HcH s aligne a droite du premier,   2ieme HcH a gauche. Dernier HcH se decale a gauche de 3LB.

. Round2.
a). ES Pips: 2. Ps avance vers le marais, la col2 avance de 2LB.

b). NAPips:2. Col2 avance de 2LB,  le derniee HcH s aligne avec les,autres.

. Round 3.

a) ES Pips: 3. Col2: Second Bw saligne avec lepremier, le premier Sp,se decale de 2LB vers sa droite. Le Ps se en bordure du Marais face aux 4Ax.

b) NA Pips:3. 3Bd -3Ax avancent vers les Bw, les 2 4Ax s aligne face au Ps.

.Round 4.
a)ES Pips: 6.
4 pips pour faire entrer la, col 3, le Sp decale a droite avance de moins de 2LB, les 2 4Bw s alignenf sur le Sp.

b) YNA pips :5.
4 pips pour faire entrer la, col 3 a droite du Marais, 2 4Ax contactent le Ps dans le Marais.
ax vs ps: 3&6 vsv2&2 -: ps elimine.
Es 0-NA 1.


a) ES Pips:2. Ligne Sp-Bw avance de 2LB, Ax/Gene s algne avec Lh.

b)NA Pips:2. Ax contacte Lh et 3Bd contacte 3Ax.
3Bd vs 3Ax 5&6vs 3&5 -: ax recule,
3Ax vs Lh: 3&1 vs 2-1&2 .: Lh recule.

 a) ES Pips :1. Col3 avance de 2LB..flr: Pas d Effet. 3Ax vs 3Bd: 3&6 vs5&2 .: Bd recule.

b) NA Pips: 4. 2Cv de col3 contournent le Marais avec 4LB, 2 Ps entrent dans le Marais, Bd contact Ax et Ax fait debord.
Bdvs Ax: 5&2 vs 3-1&1 -: Ax elimine.
Es 0-NA 2. 

a) ES Pips:3. sp devant Bg avance de 2LB vers son General, la lgne Bw-Sp pivote face au Ax, Col3 avance de2LB.
Tir. 2 4Bw vs 3Ax: 2&6 vs 3-1&2 -: Ax elimine
Es 1-NA 2.

b) NA Pips: 6. Les 2 Cv s aligne surle flanc du geneetle mette en ZM, 4 Ax sort du Marais vers3Bd et le 3Bd recule vers les Cv.

Round8. ES Pips :2. 4Bw-Sp avance vers HcH.
b)NA Pips:2. 2Cv  contactent le gene et le 3Bd fait debord..
Cv vs gene: 3&5 vs 4-2&1 -: Gene elimine.
Es 1-NA 4. Victoire  NA.

vendredi 25 octobre 2024

Serie 3 colision course - B1bis: PA vs Mendes

suite a la defaite rapide des PA face aux Mendes dans la bataille B1 du a un mauvais placement e un premier déplacement top loin j ai eu envie de leur redonner une chance en refaisant une nouvelle partie . avec les meme armée , meme initiative et choix e coté de déploiemnt .

4) Déplo.

a) terrain  et b)comme pour la B1
c) M en 3 collone. col1: Géné, 3 Cv, col2: 4Sp,Bg; col3: Lh, Ps, 2x 3Bw
d) PA en 3 col. col1: Géné, 3Cv; col 2: 4 8Bw, Bg; col3: 2Ps, 2Hd.

. Round1.

a) M Pips=3. col 1 avance de 4LB, col 2 avance de 2LB.
b) PA Pips=2. Cv s'aligne a droite du Géné, col 2 avance de 2LB sur la colline. 

. Round 2.

a) M Pips=2. Cv  en deuxieme positio s'aligne a gauche du Géné, col 2 avance de 2LB.

b)PA Pips=4.
Géné-Cv avance de moins de 3LB et le Cv suivant s'aligne avec eux;Ax s'avance vers la foret et la col 2 avance de 2LB.

. Round 3.
a) M Pips=4.  troisieme Cv s'aligne s droite des Cv, quatrieme Cv s'aligne a gauche des Cv ils forment une ligne de 4Cv; col 2 avance de 2LB.

b) PA Pips=5. Ax s'aligne avec les Cv; col2: deuxieme 8Bw s'aligne a droite du premier, troisieme 8Bw s'avance s gauche pour s'aligner; dernier 8Bw se décale a gauche de 2LB-

: Round4.
a) M Pips=6. 4 pips pour l'netrée de la col 3 face a la foret avance de 3LB; dernier Cv a deroite se recule puis se décale a gauche de 3LB; col 2 avance de 2 LB.

b) PA Pips=2 peu de pipsm pour PA. 2 8Bw avance de 1LB presque a hauteur des Cv, dernier 8Bw avance de 2LB et s'aligne sur le troisieme en bordure de la colline. pas de tir.

. Round5.
a) M Pips= 2. col 3 avance de 3LB vers la foret; le dernier Cv s'aligne avec la ligne Cv.

b) PA Pips=5. 2 8BW avancent de 1LB a portée des Sp, les 8Bw sur la colline avancent de 2 LB.
tir 2x 8Bw vs Sp: 2+4 vs 4-1+5 -> sans effet.

. Round 6.
a) M Pips=3.
premier Sp se décalevers sa gauche de 1LB et avance de moins de  1LB; deuxieme SP se décale vsers sa doite de 1LB puis avance de 1LB a hauteur du premier Sp; le trousieme Sp s'avance de 2LB entre les 2 Sp pour fprmer une ligne de 3Sp face aux 8Bw.
tir 2x8bw ( car non en ZM)vs Sp: 2+1 vs 4-1+5 -> sans effet.
b) PA Pips=3. 2x 8Bw s'aligne avec les 2 autre 8Bw, la ligne Cv s'aligne de l autre flanc aux 8Bw.
2x8Bw vs Sp; 2+1 vs 4-1+3- >sans effet
2x8Bw vs Sp: 2+4 vs  4-1+1 -< Sp recule.

. Round 7.
a) M Pips=5.  la ligne de 3Sp contact 3 8Bw; la ligne Cv contacte la ligne Ax-Cv; dernier Sp avance vers le 8Bw libre.
tir . 8Bw vs p -> sans effet.
Sp vs 8Bw: 4+1+2 vs 3+5 -> Sp recule,
Sp vs 8Bw: 4+1-1+2 vs 3+3 -> égalité,
Sp vs 8Bw: 4+1+-13 vs 3+4 -> égalité,
Cv vs 3Ax: 3+6vs 3+2 -> 3Ax recule
Cv vs Cv: 3+5 vs 3-1+3-> PA recule,
Cv vs géné: 3+6 vs 4-1+2 -> géné recule,
Géné vs Cv: 4-1+6 vs 3-1+4 -> PA recule;

b)PA Pips=5. 5pips(4+1) pour faire entrer la col 3 sur le jeu au niveau de la foret.
tir. 8Bw vs géné ->sans effet. combat. 2 8Bw vs 2 Sp -> 2Sp reculent.

. Round 8.

a) M pips=6. les 4 Sp contactent les 4 8Bw, les Cvcontactent le 3Ax. combat.
Cv vs 3Ax: 3+5 vs 3-1+5-> 3Ax recule
Sp vs 8Bw: 4+1+4 vs 3-1+2 ->´8Bw éliminé.
Sp vs 8Bw: 4+1+2 vs 3-1+6-> Sp recule,
Sp vs 8Bw: 4+1-1+6vs 3+6 -> 8Bw recule,
Spvs 8Bw:4+1-1+4vs 3+3 -> 8Bw recule.

M:2. - PA: 0.
b) PA pips=4.  ligne Cv contact  la ligne Cv
 tir 3 8Bw vs 3Sp -> 1Sp recule.
combat Ax vs Cv: 3+2 vs 3+5 -> Ax recule,
Cv vs Cv: 3-1+2 vs 3+5 -> Cv(PA) éliminé.
M:3. - PA: 0.

. Round 9.

a) M Pips=6 bas vers haut.
2Sp contact 8Bw;  Sp contact 8Bw, Sp prend le 8Bw de flanc, Géne contact Cv, Cv contact géné et Cv prend le géné de flsnc.
combat. b-> h
Sp vs 8Bw4+1-1+4 vs 3-1+3 -> 8Bw éliminé.
Sp vs 8Bw(pdf): 4+3 vs 3-2+2 -> 8Bw éliminé,
Géné vs Cv -> Cv recule,
 Cv vs géné(pdf) -> CV(M) recule.
M:5 - PA: 0. victoire Mendes

Serie 3 colision course - B6: ES vs Mendes

 1) army composition. a) Es: Ax/Ps -> Ps, b) Mende: Sp/4Bw->Sp, Cv/ Lh/Ax->Ax. 2)Initiative. a) ES=2+2, M =2+4 -> ES defender. 3...