1) Composition des armées.
a) Athene (II-5b): Généal Sp, 7x Sp, Cv, Lh, 3Bw, Ps.
b) Alexender (II-15): Général Kn, Kn, Lh, 6x 4Pk, El, 3/4Ax -> 3Ax, Ps.
2) Initiative. Athene: 2+2; Alexandre: 4+3 -> Athene defenseur.
3) Terrain: litoral->2 WW+ marais, et colline diff
4) Déplo
a) Terrain: WW en 3-4; marais in 3 difficult hill in 4.
b) Alexander take side 1-4 to take the hill
c) Athene. colonne formation col1: Général, 3x Sp; col 2: 4x Sp,Bg and col3: Lh,Cv, Ps, 3Bw.
d) Alexandre: col1: Général, Kn, 2x Pk; col 2: 4x Pk,Bg; col 3: Lh, Ps, 3Ax, El.
. Round 1.
a = Athene pips=6.
4 pips pour faire entrer la colonne 3 en tant que landing force; Lh+CV advance 4BW, Ps+3Bw advance on hill 3 Bw.
b) Alexander Pips= 4. Géné+Kn advance to Lh, col 2 advance 2BW Pk from col 1 align wizh other Pk.
. Round2.
a) Athene pips=5. col 1and 2 advance 2BW; Ps on hill (2pips (>RC) on edge of hill.
b) Alexandre Pips=5. Géné contact Lh, Kn advance to protect flanc Géné, 2x24Pk advanve to left 2 other 4Pk advance to right
Géné vs Lh 5+3 vs 2+1 -> Lh dead -> Géné suit et contact Cv.
. Round 3.
a) Athene Pips= 4.3Bw (2pips) align with Cv for débord on Géné, col 1 and 2 advance 2 BW
Cv vs Géne:3+3 vs 5-1+1 ->Géné recule.
b) Alexandre Pips=2 2x2Pk advance 2BW and 2Pk advance 2BW.
Shooting 3Bw vs géne4+5 vs 4+6 -> no effect.
. Round 4.
a) Athene Pips=2 col1 second Sp align with général on left and third Sp align on right.Shooting 3Bw vs géne4+2 vs 4+1 -> Géné recoil.
) Alexandre Pips=5. 4x4Pk aligne with other Pk. 4 pips pour colonne 3 move 3BW direct from Cv.
.Round 5.
a) Athene Pips=1. lst Sp col 1 shiftto right.
.Shooting 3Bw vs géne4+5 vs 4+6 -> no effect.
b) Alexandre Pips=4. géné contact Cv and Lh(col3) close the door, Ps go behind Géné to hill; 3Ax+El go on the right of the hill.
géné vs Cv: 5+3 vs 3+2 -> Cv dead.
Athene 0. - lexandr2.
. Round 6.
a) Athene Pips=2 3Bw go on hill -> no shooting.b) Alexandre Pips=6. Ps contact Ps on hill, Géné recoil 3Bw, Pk line sdvabce 2Bw Kn aligne with Pk 3Ax advance to 3Bw.
3Bw vs 3Ax 2+2 vs 3+3 no effect
Ps vs Ps: 2+5 vs 2+1+2 -> Athene recoil.
. Round 7.
a) Athene Pips= 3. las sp aligne with the line col3: 2 Sp advance to Kn and 2 Sp in direcon gap between marsh and hill.
shooting 3Bw vs 3Ax 2+12 vs 3+3 no effect
b) Alexandre Pips=5. Ps contact Ps, 3Ax contact 3bw and line Pk-Kn contact Sp line
combat.right to left.
3Ax vs 3Bw: 3+3 vs 2+1+3-> égalité
Ps vs Ps: 2+2 vs 2+1+1 -> égalite
2xPk vs Sp: 23+3+5 vs 4+1-1+2 -> Sp recoil
2pk vs Sp 3+3+3 vs 4+1-1+6 -> Pk recoil
2Pk vs géné: 3+3-1+4 vs 5+1-1+1-> Géné recoil.
. Round 8.
a) Athene Pips=4 last Sp on right flanc rotat and close the door of the 24Pk, Sp from col2 advance and contsct Kn.
combat left to right
Sp vs 2xPk(pdf): 4+4 vs 3+3-2+3 - > 2Pk éliminés
Sp vs 2xPk: 4+5 vs 3+3-2+3 ->Pk recoil
Sp vs Kn: 4+4-1 vs 3+3 -> Kn recoil
Ps vs Ps: 2+2 +1 vs 2+5 -> Athene recoil
3Bw vs 3Ax:2+1+1 vs 3+2 -> 3bw recoil
Athene 2. - lexandr2.
b) Alexandre Pips=4 kn-> Sp 2xPk-> Géné; 2Pk -> sp and 3Ax -> 3bw; géné shift to left
2xPk vs éné: 3+3+6 vs 5-1+2 -> géné éliminé
2xPk vs Sp 3+3+5-1 vs 4-1+1 -> Sp éliminé
Kn vs Sp 3+3 vs 4-1+1 -> Spéliminé
3Ax vs 3bw -> ax recoil.
Athene 2. - lexandre 6. great victory of Alexandre.