mercredi 29 janvier 2025

Serie 3 colision course - B5: NA vs PA

 1)les armees. a)NA: Pas d option, b)PA: Lh/Cv->Lh, Ps/ Bw-> Ps.

2) Initiative. a)NA: 4+6,b) PA: 3+2 ->PA defenseur.

3) Terrain. Arable -> 2 Plugh + brousaille, colline douce et route.


a) Terrain. Plugh in 4 and2,Brousaille in 3 gentil hill in 2 but no place, road in 1->2.

b)NA take side 1-4
c)PA in 2-3 in 3 colonne. Col1:Lh,Cv, Gene, 3Ax. Col2: 4*8Bw,Bg. Col3: 2 Ps, 2 7Hd.
d)NA also in 3colonne. Col1: Gene, 2*HcH, Cv. Col2: 3Bd, 3Ax, 2*4Ax,Bg,. Col3: 2Ps, 2 HcH.

. Round1.
a) PA Pips=5. Plugh are good going. Col 2
advance 2BW, 3pips to aligm Lh-Cv-Gene. Ax move to brousaille.

b)NA Pips= 5. Col 2 Advance 2BW, col1:HcH align on left side of Gene and 2Cv align on Right dide.


a)PA Pips= 1. Col2advance 2BW.

b)NA Pips= 3. Gene-HcH-Cv advance 3BW. 3Bd+3Ax advance 3BW to Bw 2*4Ax+Bg move only 2BW.

. Round3.
a) PA Pips= 5. First8Bw shift 1Bw right sndadvance 1BW, second 8Bw go algn with the first., 3th 8Bw make the same as the first  and the 4th go to align with the 3th. Ax go in the brousaille.

b)NA Pips=5. Line HcH-Gene-Cv moove 1 and mske pivot onright and left. To face PA. 3Bd anf 3Axadvance 3Bw to the 8Bw, 2*4Axmove without Bg on the left side. Shooting. 8Bw vs Bd-> no effect.

. Round4.
a) PA Pips= 3. 3Ax align with Cv, 3rd  and 4th 8Bw advance between Bw and Cv.  8Bw vs 3Bd-> no effect.

b)NA Pips= 5. 3Bd contact 8Bw and 3Ax go onthe left side. 22*4Axadvance 2 BW, line HcH-Cv contact line Cv-Ax.
8Bw vs Ax: 2+6 vs 3+4 -> Ax recoil. Combat.
3Bd vs 8Bw: 5-1+2vs 3+2 -> Bw recoil
Cv vs 3Ax: 3+6vs 3+2 -> Ax recoil.
yCv vs Lh:3+6vs 2-1+5 -> Lh recoil.
Gene vs Cv: 5+2vs 3-1+4 ->Cv recoil.
HcH vs gene: 4+3vs 4-1+4 -> gene recoil.

a) PA Pips= 5. The 2 8Bw between Bw and Cv advance in between. The2 last 8Bw shift 2BW right . Shooting.
8Bw vs 3Ax:2+6vs 3+1 -> Ax dead. Combat
8Bw vs 3Bd: 3+4 vs 5-2+5 -> Bw recoil
Gene vs HcH: 4+3 vs 4-1+3 -> HcH recoil.
Cv vs gene: 3+2vs 5-2+2 -> rgality.
PA.1- NA.0.
b)NA Pips=2. The 2 4Ax go align.
Gene vs Cv: 5-2+4 vs 3+5-> Gene recoil.

. Round 6.
a)PA Pips=6. 4 +1 pips for Col 3. 8Bw on left Advance 2BW 
Shooting. 8Bw vs Hch ->no effect. Combat.
 3B dvs 8Bw: 3+4 vs 5-2+5 ->Bw recoil.

b)NA Pips=4. On right Cv contact Ax, line HcH-Cv contact line Cv-Lh. 2 4Ax move 2BW to 8Bw. Shooting.
2 8Bw vs4Ax: 2+2 vs 3-1+1 -> Ax recoil. Combat.
3Bd vs 8Bw :5+5 vs 3+1 ->8 Bw dead.
Cv vs 3Ax: 3+3 vs 3-1+3 ->Ax recoil.
Cv vs Lh: 3+2 vs 2+5 -> Cv recoil.
Gene vs Cv: 5-1+1vs 3+3 ->Gene recoil.

PA. 1- NA.2. 

Round 7.
a) PA Pips= 2.

Center. 8Bw recoil but stay ar shooting range from HcH.
Lrft flanc  8Bw advance to be able to shoot on 4Ax.
8 2 Bw vs 4Ax: 2+2 vs 3-1+3 -> no.
8Bw vsHcH: 4+5 vs 3+2 ->HcH recoil.

b) NA Pips=3. 3Bd contact Bg. Gene nd Cv contact Cv-Lh.
8 2 Bw vs 4Ax: 2+2 vs 3-1+4 -> no.
8Bw vsHcH: 4+5 vs 3+5 ->HcH recoil.

Gene vs Cv: 5+6 vs3+5 -> Cv recoil.
Cv vs 3Ax: 3+3 vs 3+6 -> Cv recoil.
Cv vs Lh: 3-1+6 vs 2+6 -> egality.
3Bdvs Bg:5+6 vs2+1 -> Bg dead.
 PA.1 -NA. 3.

. Round 8.
a)PA Pips=2. Col3 advance 2BW.
2 8Bw vs 4Ax:2+2 vs 3-1+4-> no rffect.
8Bw vs HcH: 4+5 vs 3+2 -> HcH recoil.
Combat. Cv vs gene:3+3 vs 5-2+6 ->Cv recoil.

b)NA Pips=3. Cv contact 2Ax, Cv contact Lh, 2 4Ax contactBw Bw. Shooting.
Bw vs Ax-> noeffect. Combat. 
Ax vs Bw: 3-1+1 vs3+1 ->Ax recoil.
Cv vs 3Ax: 3+2vs 3+5-> Cv recoil.
Cv vs Lh: 3+6vs 2-1+5 -> Lh recoil.
Gene vs Cv: 4-2+1vs 3+3 ->Gene recoil.

. Round 9.
a) PA Pips=4. 2 Psgo to align and put Cv in TZ, 3Ax align with Ps.. 8Bw advance to HcH in order to be able to shoot.
 8Bw vs HcH:4+2 vs 3+3 ->no effect.
2 8Bw vs 4Ax: 2+4vs 3-1+2 ->Ax recoil.

b)NAPips=2. 2 4Ax contact 2 8Bw. Shooting. 
 8Bw vs HcH:4+5 vs 3+2 ->HcH recoil. Combat.
4Ax vs 8Bw: 3+3vs 3+5 ->Ax recoil.
4Ax vs 8Bw: 3+2-1vs 3+3 ->Ax recoil.

. Round 10.
a) PA Pips=6. The 2Ps contact as group the Cv(must be coform to Ps), Ax align with Ps. Cv -Lh contact  gene HcH, 8Bw advance 1 Bw to shoot on HcH, Gene close the door of general.
Shooting. 8Bw vs 4Ax: 2+2vs 3+4 ->nothing,  8Bw vs 4Ax: 2+5vs 3+4 -> Ax recoil.
8Bw vs HcH:4+1vs3+5 ->nothing.
Combat. Cvvs gene(pdf): 3+4vs 5-2+2 ->gene(NA) dead.
Ps vs Cv2+4vs 3-2+1->Cv dead.

PA. 4- NA. 3 Victoire of PA.

dimanche 19 janvier 2025

Serie 3 colision course - B4: ES vs PA

 1) Armee composition.

 a) ES: Ax/ps -> Ax,

b) PA: Lh/Cv-> Lh,  Bw/ Ps-> Ps.

2) Initiative ES= 2+1, PA=3+4 -> ES defender.

3) Terrain. Litoral-> WW+ Marais, forest..

4) Deplo.

a)Terrain. WW in 2-3, Marais in1, forest in 3.
b)PA arrive in 3-4
c) ES in 1-2 on 3colonne. Col1 : Lh, General,Ps, Ax. Col2: 4 Sp, Bg, Col3: 2Sp, 2*4Bw.
d) PA. In 3 Col. Col1: Lh, Gene, Cv, Ps. Col2: 4*8Bw, Bg, Col3: Ps,Ax, 2* 7 Hd. On the left dide of Col1.

. Round1. no photo

a)ES Pips =2. Col1 advance 3BW, Col2 advance 2BW.

b)PA Pips=5. 3Pips to alhn Lh-Gen- Cv, YPs go in forest. Col2advance 2BW.


a) ES Pips=3. Col2 advance 2BW,  Gene go align onright to Lh, and Ps go on lrft to Ax.

b)PA Pips= 3.Lin Lh-Cv advance to ES, Ps go out forest for the right of Cv, Col2 advance 2BW.

a) ES Pips=6. 4 Pips for the entrance of Col3 on the right of Marais, Col 2 advance 2BW and put gene(PA) in TZ, Ax align on the left of Lh.

b) PA Pips= 3. Secon 8Bw go align with the first, Ps align with Lh, last 8Bw align with the third.

. Round 4.
a) ES Pips= 5.2 Sp en group contact the general ( must be coform). Lind Grne-Lh-Ax contact Cv-Lh-Ps, Ps go on the left flanc of Ax. Col 3 advance 2BW, 2 last Sp advance to 8Bw.
Sp vs gene: 4+1 vs 4+1 -> gene recoil stop by Cv.
Gene vs Cv: 4+1 vs 3+5 -> Gene recoil
Lh vs Lh: 2-1+5 vs2+6 ->ES recoil.
ax vs Ps : 3-1+1 vs2+3 ->Ax recoil.

b)PA Pips=2. 2 8Bw advace to Col3, 2 8Bw advance beheind Gene.

. Round5.
a) ES Pips= 1. Sp  of col 2 alihn with other Sp.

b)PA Pips= 3. 8Bw advace to Col3, 2 8Bw advance beheind Gene. Line Yps- Lh-Cv contact Ax.
YPs vs Ax: 2+6 vs3-1+4 ->Ax recoil.

. Round 6.
a)ES Pips=2. Ax contact Ps and Ps as debord.
Shooting. 8Bw vs Sp ->no effect, combat
ax vs Ps: 3-1+6vs 2-1+1 -> Ps dead.

b)PA Pips=5. 2* 2*8Bw advance to Sp 1Bw can shooting.
2 8Bw vs Sp: 2+2vs 4-1+3 -> noeffect.

. Round 7.
a) ES Pips=5. Line Lh-Gene-Cv contact  Kh-Cv and Ax close the door of Lh. Sp contact gene and Sp closethe door., Ps badvance 3BW along the forest. no shooting, combat.
Lh vs Lh(pdf): 2+1 vs 2-1+4 ->ES recoil
Gene vs Cv: 4-1+5 vs 3+2 ->Cv recoil
Sp vs gene (pdf): 4+6 vs 4-1+6 gene dead.

ES. 3 - PA.0.

b)PA Pips= 6. 2* 8Bw face Sp. Shooting
4* 8Bw vs Sp:2+5 vs 4-3+1 -> Sp dead.
ES. 3 - PA.1.

. Rounf 8.

a)SSPips= 6.  Col3 advancd 2BW, Lhcontact Lh and Ax close the door, Gene contact Cv,  2Sp make debord on Cv.
Shooting 3* 8Bw vs Sp: 2+1 vs 4-2+5 -> no effect. Combat
Lhvs Lh(pdf):2+4vs 2-2+4 ->PA dead.
Gene vs Cv: 4+5vs 3-1+2 ->Cv dead.
ES. 5 - PA.1. Victoire ES.

Serie 3 colision course - B6: ES vs Mendes

 1) army composition. a) Es: Ax/Ps -> Ps, b) Mende: Sp/4Bw->Sp, Cv/ Lh/Ax->Ax. 2)Initiative. a) ES=2+2, M =2+4 -> ES defender. 3...